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ZfrkS62 10-10-2006 12:06 AM

Michael isn't a sportsman?? Uh, hey jackass, did you not see him shaking the hands and personally thanking each one of his crew members? His engine exploded and barring Fucktard exiting Brazil before the checkered flag, gave the championship to that flamboyant cunt.

Now you all seem to be forgetting how rare it is to see a dry Brazillian GP. Schumi is the rain master and FA is going to be extremely over confident. I will be willing to bet that he slides off the track at either the first turn or in the Senna Esses. I'm hoping the Senna Esses because there's a better chance of him damaging his suspension down there than at turn 1, even though i seem to remember Schumi sliding off there and parking in 03 or 04 just prior to one of the Jags slamming into the wall at the start/finish line and eventually red flagging the race (which handed Ralph Firman his one and only victory IIRC).

There is still a chance that something bad will happen to the Renault. But all we need is for Dweedle Dumb to finish in 9th or worse.

I'm hoping to see a little magic :D

(anyone want to make a bet that Ross Brawn will have more than one band-aid on his fingers?)

xecutioner 10-10-2006 01:01 AM

u just need alonso to qualify in the middle around 8th - 12th and then get tagged by someone

if only sato qualified around alonso

that be kool

acmarttin 10-10-2006 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by pagani
I hope ferrari lose both the drivers and constructor title.
:o :o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who thinks he should be banned for that comment ?

Tarred and feathered....with RED feathers! :P

Mattk 10-10-2006 02:50 AM


Now you all seem to be forgetting how rare it is to see a dry Brazillian GP. Schumi is the rain master and FA is going to be extremely over confident.
That's true. Fernando going down!

Mattk 10-10-2006 06:03 AM

^Yeah, and Alonso was still third because of the red flag he himself helped cause.

Jabba 10-10-2006 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
I'm hoping to see a little magic :D

Maybe we could all concentrate at the exact same time to try and send out negative energy to either break the renault or cause A_lonso to fuck up.

I know its a load of old bollocks, but uri gellar allegedly did this during an important soccer match and made the opposing team miss a crucial penalty.

Seriously, I cant see renault fucking up though, they would have to be the biggest idiots ever to do so.

They are on a new fresh engine, and they just have to cruise around and pick up a point, but thanks for giving us a glimmer of hope ZfrkS62 8)

My hopes for failure will be them screwing it up in the pitstop, A_lonso stalling would be great either there or even better on the start line.

blackenzo 10-10-2006 07:01 AM

thats pathetic thats not the proper way of winning schumacher even said it himself hoping that he will break down or crash is a bad way of winning the championship just accept that alonso deserves to win the championship

Mattk 10-10-2006 07:13 AM

^It's not proper for him, but we don't care. We don't like Alonso, we don't want him to win. Plain and simple. Schumacher is deserving, Alonso is not.

Jabba 10-10-2006 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by blackenzo
thats pathetic thats not the proper way of winning schumacher even said it himself hoping that he will break down or crash is a bad way of winning the championship

Although he may have said that, only an idiot would think he meant it.

Do you really think that A_lonso gives a shit whether he wins as a result of schumacher breaking down or not ?

Its a case of winning isn't the most important thing, its the only thing I am afraid :!:

bultaco_metralla 10-10-2006 07:38 AM

bah youre all lamers!!! LOL!!! :D :D Schumi has been the best F1 driver ever... But now its A_lonso's time!! Go A_lonso GO!!!!

SFDMALEX 10-10-2006 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by blackenzo
thats pathetic thats not the proper way of winning schumacher even said it himself hoping that he will break down or crash is a bad way of winning the championship

Although he may have said that, only an idiot would think he meant it.

Do you really think that A_lonso gives a shit whether he wins as a result of schumacher breaking down or not ?

Its a case of winning isn't the most important thing, its the only thing I am afraid :!:

You are too kind mate, was it me this bloke would be ninja banned by now :P

ahhh me an admin :roll: would that be something :P

saadie 10-10-2006 09:16 AM

you would most likely be a gangster admin rather then a ninja :P

soooo when do we start this mind boggling thing to send negative energy to either break the renault or cause the foo to fuck up.
I say just as the five lights go off :mrgreen: soo we can concentrate on alonso flipping at the first corner 8) :lol:

Jabba 10-10-2006 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by saadie
you would most likely be a gangster admin rather then a ninja :P

soooo when do we start this mind boggling thing to send negative energy to either break the renault or cause the foo to fuck up.
I say just as the five lights go off :mrgreen: soo we can concentrate on that spanish foo flipping at the first corner 8) :lol:

The race is going to be very humiliating to watch I suspect, and very painful for all Ferrari fans, I guess I will watch it though, in the feint hope of a miracle happening.

I dont want to post the Japan "highlights" up either, as there was no "highlights" only sad and depressing "scenes" more like.

sameerrao 10-10-2006 09:36 AM

Forget the championship - I believe it is lost - I want to see Schumi close out his brilliant career with a win.

Jabba 10-10-2006 09:43 AM

Yeh, that would be a good second option, as he can still celebrate the win and take some of A_lonsos thunder away.

Saying that, I guess there was less chance of what happened last weekend happening than what I hope will happen next weekend, although I concede that it is most unlikely :(

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