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sameerrao 05-17-2006 12:46 AM

On the Nikon, you have another option apart from the shutter priority mode - Program mode, you can rotate the command dial to all the various shutter speed and aperture combinations that give the same exposure.

Example, if F8 and 1/250 make it correctly exposed, then rotating the dial one way will take you to F5.6 and 1/500 or rotate it in the other direction for F11 and 1/125.

Basically it seems to do away with the need for the aperture priority or shutter priority mode. Or am I missing something :)

sameerrao 05-17-2006 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by mrai
Thank you for your help, appreciate but i just took a peak at the camera there is no 'S' on the dial, i think its a different one, 'AV'?! Anyways thanks again, hope TT can fill me in.

TV mode = Shutter priority

Dumb naming convention :)

MartijnGizmo 05-17-2006 05:39 AM

Havn't visited any car-events recently, but here are some of mine:

92mm, 1/80s:

108mm, 1/100s:

70mm, 1/200s:

168mm, 1/200s:

168mm, 1/160s:

200mm, 1/125s:

18mm, 1/13s:

sentra_dude 05-17-2006 12:12 PM

Here are a few of mine:

sameerrao 05-17-2006 12:46 PM

Fucking awesome Sentra ... the plane landing shots are simply amazing :) 8) 0X

sentra_dude 05-19-2006 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Fucking awesome Sentra ... the plane landing shots are simply amazing :) 8) 0X

Thanks man! 8)

mrai 05-19-2006 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao

Originally Posted by mrai
Thank you for your help, appreciate but i just took a peak at the camera there is no 'S' on the dial, i think its a different one, 'AV'?! Anyways thanks again, hope TT can fill me in.

TV mode = Shutter priority

Dumb naming convention :)

ehahaha thanks buddy. Let me get back to Dubai and i ll try it then, hope it works with me.

mrai 05-19-2006 06:31 PM

sentra_dude : Those are some awesome motion shots, love the plane ones and the bikes, but love the police car in action haha excellent pictures, thanks for sharing them. Hope i can achieve your standards.

SDK2003 05-21-2006 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
On the Nikon, you have another option apart from the shutter priority mode - Program mode, you can rotate the command dial to all the various shutter speed and aperture combinations that give the same exposure.

Example, if F8 and 1/250 make it correctly exposed, then rotating the dial one way will take you to F5.6 and 1/500 or rotate it in the other direction for F11 and 1/125.

Basically it seems to do away with the need for the aperture priority or shutter priority mode. Or am I missing something :)

Programe Mode is the same as Auto Mode expect you can change a few settings like ISO, White Balance.

Av - Aperture Value
You choose the aperture and the camera auto selects the shutter speed to properly expose the photo.

Tv - Timing Value (S mode on Nikons)
You choose the shutter speed and the camera auto selects the aperture to properly expose the photo.

nthfinity 05-21-2006 10:01 PM

Well, i thought its time i provide some more recent, and improved panning shots i've done :) (from earlier today)
First, we have a Monte Carlo here taken @F9.0/ 1/100th of a second ISO 200
This one is nearly the same, but being a white car, i changed it to F10 1/100th of a second with ISO 200.

If i can do this good w/out IS... i seriously wonder how awsome IS will improve my "abilities" :LoL: ;)

sameerrao 05-21-2006 10:45 PM

200mm; F5.6; 1/320 sec shot at 1:54pm

70mm; F10; 1/400 sec shot at 12:38pm

200mm; F3.5; 1/800 sec shot at 2:00 pm --> I had to shoot faster to capture the sparks

85mm; F2.8; 1/250 sec shot at 8:23 pm - this was in a darker section of the circuit - good for picking up the glowing brakes

200mm; F2.8; 1/250 sec shot at 8:27 pm

200mm; F2.8; 1/250 sec shot at 8:24 pm

nthfinity 05-21-2006 11:20 PM

if only the last few had a bit more exposure... and well, the first few had more exposure (higher aperature too).

granted, its very hard to follow the sheer speeds of race cars! the first two shots are incredibly sharp!

thanks for sharing :)

sentra_dude 05-21-2006 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by mrai
sentra_dude : Those are some awesome motion shots, love the plane ones and the bikes, but love the police car in action haha excellent pictures, thanks for sharing them. Hope i can achieve your standards.

Wow, thanks dude! I'll admit, I'm pretty proud of the airplane shot. :D :P

I used 1/30sec for that shot, and did pretty much zero editing in PS, except for re-sizing. Definitely tough to get a clear shot with a plane going 80mph, and free-hand, but looks cool when it works...

Sameerrao, the glowing brakes are awesome, a really great catch! The Audi scraping is cool too :shock: is that supposed to happen?!

Are those pics from another topic...? I'd like to see the rest of those, and btw, it looks like you had a good position to shoot from, where were you situated?

TT 05-22-2006 03:43 AM

Good shots guys, but remember, much easier to have a sharp pic when resized to 600 or 800 :P bring on the high-res so we can proprely judge ;)

sameerrao 05-22-2006 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by sentra_dude
Sameerrao, the glowing brakes are awesome, a really great catch! The Audi scraping is cool too :shock: is that supposed to happen?!

Are those pics from another topic...? I'd like to see the rest of those, and btw, it looks like you had a good position to shoot from, where were you situated?

See here: --> there is a link provided in post #1

I moved around the track to take pictures from different locations. As long as you had a grandstand ticket they let you cruise thru the stands. Besides it wasnt that crowded anyway.

The Audi was scraping on the many bumps on the circuit. I asked Allan McNish, who was driving the car, about it - he jokingly remarked that it was just a way to make the car loose weight. :lol: The Audi was like a battle tank - damn that car is good. Along with the Porsche 956/962 it is perhaps the greatest prototype ever from a wins standpoint.

For all the good glowing pics that I got (about 6) I threw away about 50 pictures - it was tough shooting because the cars were really fast into the corner and weren't braking for more than 2 seconds or so. Also, some drivers (read better) like Seb. Bourdais did not make the brakes glow as much but were still faster on a lap time. They must be metering their braking very precisely. 8)


Originally Posted by TT
There are about 300 pictures in the link provided in Post #1

Good shots guys, but remember, much easier to have a sharp pic when resized to 600 or 800 bring on the high-res so we can proprely judge

Admit it TT you are just a wee bit jealous :P

If you notice on a couple of shots you can see the fence pretty clearly in the image - I tried to increase the aperture to F9 to make the fence disappear but wasn't successful. The fence was about 30 feet from me and the car about 10 feet beyond - basically the fence and car are pretty close to each other and both are relatively the same distance away from me. Anyone knows how I can make the fence less obvious or is it a poor location to shoot from.

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