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jaybv6 01-22-2004 03:16 PM

I also have XP Pro on 2 of my pc's and 1 laptop. It's easier to netowrk and has given me no grief at all. The other PC (for hooking up to my car and diagniostic work etc) runs on win 98.

SamuraiGti 01-22-2004 03:59 PM

I'm using Xp Professional, before i had ME and really sucks like all Microsoft products. I even used 95, 98, 98 2nd edition and nt 4.0. The best is Xp Pro.

Wide 01-22-2004 04:06 PM

Used 95-98-98SE-ME-2000-XPpro-XPhe
Best ones are of course 2000 and XP cause they are NT based..
Compatible nearly all devices..
Worst one`s ME..
It has the biggest average of havin blue screens per day.. LOL..
Damn I don`t want to remind these ME days.. Full of problems..

oldsnail 01-22-2004 04:33 PM

i beleive ME doesnt read memory exceeding 256mb.
i like win2000 and XP..
i find win2000 more stable with less updates..
xp has a cooler gui.

Sachmo12345 01-22-2004 04:39 PM

XP Pro here i love it
Macs can burn in hell except for my ipod

zevolv 01-22-2004 04:55 PM

Don't hate the Mac have you ever actually used one. I've noticed that alot of people that say that have never used the Mac and if you want to work with omputers for Music, Video, Design etc... you need to use a Mac. they are much more stable than Windows boxes.

Evo 01-22-2004 05:19 PM

Windows 2000 was the best window ever before XP came along..
2000 might be more stable.. but with the latest update from XP .. everything seems to be running smoothly for me here..

Millenium was the worest Window ever..
same goes for 95 with that annoying blue error .lol.. I use to get OWNED by it ever sec.. hehehehe :mrgreen:

fishfreek 01-22-2004 06:22 PM


you need to use a Mac. they are much more stable than Windows boxes.
I used a mac back when the Macintosh II and IIe's where popular.

What I find funny is this. Mac users rave their stability yet EVERY time a new Mac os is release whats one thing that is boasted about... Its increases stability. If something is already rock solid stable how can it get more stable?

And if anyone should be looked at for a monopoly its APPLE. They get the cold sholder because they dont hold the market share. IF MS tried to lump a dvd writter and all that other I Crap that apple toss's in with OS X they would not hear the end of it from the monoply witch hunters.

husyk 01-22-2004 07:42 PM

XP Pro, best current Windows OS for gaming.

zevolv 01-22-2004 07:45 PM

Actually it was the Apple II and the Apple IIE I have a IIE in my basement actually. Apple does provide a portion of their software for PC users they should have kept the iPod to themselves though.

veilsidebr 01-23-2004 03:41 AM

2000 is the best and more stabile. XP has many mistakes to be fixed.
It´s more pratical and trustable to stay with 2000 Pro.

deth 01-23-2004 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by DeMoN
XP Pro is the best, it is the fastest before the Service Pack too! LOL this is somehting that they plan on changin when longhorn becomes available. They say, security is the priority and that they will make sure patches wont make the computer slower. If you reinstall XP and do not use any updates, you will notice the difference in speed.

yup, just reformatted....shutdown speed as incredibly fast, but now w/ pastches its slowed right down again :roll:

crazidude 01-23-2004 03:57 AM

lol I never installed any of the patches and after reading this I don't plan to. But I ould say that 98 is the best Windows for me right now becuase I happen to be programming in debug for fun :).

Now if I wasn't using debug I'd say XP, because its blue and looks cool, or 2000. I just heard bad things about ME.

And for the stablility of macs... I never really believed it as the first time i used one it crashed...

RPSHinduz 01-23-2004 03:32 PM

I used to use 98 n now i use 2000. I don't like XP, its tooo colorful... I like the normal windows look...

zevolv 01-23-2004 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by RPSHinduz
I used to use 98 n now i use 2000. I don't like XP, its tooo colorful... I like the normal windows look...

You can make XP have the older Windows look there is a setting for it.

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