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oscargarza88 03-26-2006 12:17 PM

thanks everyone!

- I know im dam lucky!! thats why i plan on keepin it cool for the first weeks/months.. even though its going to be hell not to go fast... but its got 5 year warrany! and i am going to use every single year of it on the road! :mrgreen:

-And well it kinda is my second car... yes sikx5 i used to own a 300zx ( ), only for like a year before moving and all that crap.. but this is my first car in the US, and my "long-term" car... and my first manual... i actually got the hang of it faster than i thought.. cause i learned to drive in stick but i havent driven one in years... only stalled once so far and acouple times engaged 5th instead of third... but for the first time i think it went good!

-saddie= i didnt really think of that! i feel special 8) hahaha, and im not really a great photographer... but ill try my best.... :wink:

-dingo= dont hate lol :P , i know most people here deserve this car more than me... but well i owe it all to my dad! hes just an amazing guy! i cant belive he bought me this!!

i got a few questions...
-I have to break in the engine right? ive heard that most cars now a days are already "broken in"... but i rather make sure.. so be easy like for the first 500-1000 miles?
-And about some proper driving classes im higly interested... does someone recomend a place where i coult take some clases to get the most of my STI?

anyayws any quiestions or somethin just ask!
and i sure will b carefull i dont want to b in the news anytime soon thank you!

*oh and about the insurance... my brother used to have a mustang gt so i think it will b cheaper for this car cause its a 4 door.... and the insurance people probably dont even know this is a sports car haha, but we have a plan that everyone is under the insurance.. once i get my licence of coarse, but yea its really high! cause we have no history in the US... oh and i have prom the 29th... so i dunno if ill have my licence by then...hopefully... btw my girlfriends family was highly impressed by the car..brownie points lol
Oh and this car is really underestimated... alot of peoplea re like a subaru? is that a car? oh cool..."ill take you" pfft yea ok fine...
which is cool there the ones missing out! :)

sentra_dude 03-26-2006 12:39 PM

Nice car man...and I know its been said before, and we're not trying to be your mother, but be safe with that thing...;)

Also, I've heard that STi's don't have a break-in period, that they do all the engine run-in at the factory, is this true :?:

nthfinity 03-26-2006 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by sentra_dude
Also, I've heard that STi's don't have a break-in period, that they do all the engine run-in at the factory, is this true :?:

no, that is untrue

i'd recomend 1000 miles before really opening her up; after that, change the oil to a synthetic brand.

ive run low milage subarus, and "more" milage subies; and the difference is mostly in the low end... kinda feels like its athsmatic before boost comes on... comparitively speaking.

No.1 03-26-2006 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by oscargarza88
i got a few questions...
-I have to break in the engine right? ive heard that most cars now a days are already "broken in"... but i rather make sure.. so be easy like for the first 500-1000 miles?
-And about some proper driving classes im higly interested... does someone recomend a place where i coult take some clases to get the most of my STI?

anyayws any quiestions or somethin just ask!
and i sure will b carefull i dont want to b in the news anytime soon thank you!

*oh and about the insurance... my brother used to have a mustang gt so i think it will b cheaper for this car cause its a 4 door.... and the insurance people probably dont even know this is a sports car haha, but we have a plan that everyone is under the insurance.. once i get my licence of coarse, but yea its really high! cause we have no history in the US... oh and i have prom the 29th... so i dunno if ill have my licence by then...hopefully... btw my girlfriends family was highly impressed by the car..brownie points lol
Oh and this car is really underestimated... alot of peoplea re like a subaru? is that a car? oh cool..."ill take you" pfft yea ok fine...
which is cool there the ones missing out! :)

Insurance is way cooler in the US than in the UK :|

With running in, my friend's WRX had to be kept sub-4k rpm (iirc) for the first 1000 miles.

Then, it gets its first service with an oil change 'cos by then all the little bits of metal etc that have worn off are in the oil, and so it needs a change.

Check the owners manual, or ask the dealers too

oscargarza88 03-26-2006 01:15 PM

-nthfinity- thanks, im glad i have to break it in.. even a bigger reason to drive slow :wink: although its gonna take me awhile to do those 1000 miles haha

and about the oild change... the guy at the dealership said to change it at the 3k mark.. and tire rotation at 7k... isnt the oil it has already synthetic...? i thougt it was.. but i read part of the owner manual yesturday ill continue today...

but thenumber1 yea that makes sence... ill read the manual...
and it jsut has like 190 miles.. so its a loong way to 1000 :(

No.1 03-26-2006 01:17 PM

lol - i know if i'd taken delivery of an STi, i wouldn't be sitting down reading the manual :P

The oil thing may vary between markets (euro and US).

1000 miles - i'd do that in a weekend with a car like that :twisted:

Fleischmann 03-26-2006 05:00 PM

^^^same here, somehow I like it in the typical rally blue colour. The car still looks great in black, especailly with the classic gold rims. nice way to upgrade from the 300ZX, congrats. Have fun driving.

ARMAN 03-26-2006 05:35 PM

I hate you :mrgreen: jk

Congrats Oscar!!! :P Be very careful(about loosing your temper on the street) even if you know you shold be :wink:
Driving school for such powerfull cars is a must IMHO, not just to know where are the limits but to try out how uncotrolable it could be, atleast it is the first thing I would do is to take a course like that :wink:

coombsie66 03-26-2006 06:45 PM

Nice car! I know its been said before but seriously be carefull with that thing!! Its not about driving ability its about experience on the road, ive seen soo many tossers in cars that arnt as quick as that scooby come sooo close to hurting themselfs let alone someone else.

Still enjoy it, i know i wouldnt have turned one down if i had the chance to have it as my first car!!

As for running in, i believe it was discussed somewhere else around here but its not only the engine you are running in, sure they will have been dyno run at the factory, but the entire drivetrain, diffs, seals etc etc wont have been, and gears NEED bedding in, all the complex differentials in the STI would be very expensive to replace i would guess!! Everything engine related needs heat cycles through it to 'bed it in' so follow the instructions in the manual, and then once its had its first service and oil change then it can be properly 'run in' :mrgreen:
By which time at least you'll have had your licence a while so it wont seem so bad when you loose it! :P :wink:

antonioledesma 03-26-2006 06:56 PM

Excelente auto Oscar!!

for the breaking period it is around the 1-2k mark.
right now I'm also with a new car (ford fiesta) and I try not to surpass the 4k rpm barrier, nor big accelerations or sustained high speeds (I drive a lot in freeways)

try to change the oil at 2500 miles or 3000 kms.

sameerrao 03-26-2006 07:00 PM

Congrats Oscar ... Best of luck for your licence ... enjoy yourself and be careful with it ... some people have the mistaken belief that AWD will get you out any situation .. not always true ....

SPEEDCORE 03-26-2006 10:23 PM

Congrats on convincing your dad in getting a new STi. Black is the colour id buy a my06 STI :)

I have owned 2 WRX's and they both needed a run-in and alot of tuners around here recommend running it in, THO, keeping it under 4000rpm for 1500km is very hard!!! and I did give it sometimes haha :)

oscargarza88 03-27-2006 12:46 AM

thanks 4 the repyls! im feelin the love!! wait.. actually the car is... dam! :P

-dani_d_mas- I know abiut the blue thing.. but at the dealership there were 3 blue ones.. so well at least this is not as common yet still looks awsome!
-Fleischmann- thanks! i know i didnt like the wheels at first but i like them now... as i said i thought they were goin to b normal silver but no... its cool though.
-ARMAN- Ur soo right about the course! i need to take one! but does someone recomend me one? because i "dont know how it feels" to be out of control so if i actually do get out of control it wont be nice... i want to ge the most i can out of my car! someone help with this?
-coombsie66- i will trust me ;) , and yea i read that thread before but i just want to make sure... it goin to be hard not stepping on it... i got 800 miles to go dam!. actually today i stepped on it like twice... and the first time i did in second gear my head just jercked backwards without contro!! dam i cant belive it!! im not doing that anymore its scary!!!! (in a way :wink: not really... ) but ill save that for the track... im glad i have to wait 1000 miles to have more "Experience" even though i know its nothin.. at least to make smooth gear changes...
-antonioledesma- thanks!! yea ill change the oil at 3000 about...
-sameerrao- thanks! i hope that my knoledge about cars will help me in a good way to take care of my car... not in a temptation way...
-SPEEDCORE- thanks! the efforts payed off! and good! and what will happen theoretically if u didnt obey these 1k mile break in...? jsut wonderin.. not that im gonna do it!!
anyways i have lots of pics to take!!! ill do when ih ave time! as for now.. well my dad is probably gonna put the 1000 miles for me since he will drive it a couple times to work... its cool.!
and well thanks for the replys! and extra info would b greatly appreciated!!!
thanks again

nthfinity 03-27-2006 01:09 AM

about the first 1k miles... i would seriously recomend changing the oil as well...

about a rally driving course; unless you plan on spending money on some more dirt-related tires... some schools offer thier own cars to learn in...

anyway... does subie still offer a 1 year membership to SCCA with WRX, and STi's?

For more information regarding the Bill Gwynne Rallyschool International, contact Sue Robinson at 1-800-770-2055, or email Peter Gwynne at [email protected].
if the number still exists (2004) then they will know of the closest answer for you.

good luck... damn, that is definately one of my favorites :)

oscargarza88 03-27-2006 08:37 AM

-nthfinity- I actually wasnt thinkin much about rally school... i was thinkin more of a road/track course... i dont know if it may sound stupid because it is a rally car after all but i dont think i could put the nesesary pounding on such an expensive car just "for fun" if u know what i mean... and my dad wont b too happy either when i first break a fender, or scratch the paint.. or something like that.... and i could put my track/road knoledge to the test more often...
and about the membershio they didnt offer any kind of membership to me...
but thanks it would be soo much fun though!
-bmuller- haha ur dad is an insurance agent.. so its a win win situation as where the oney goes haha, and yea i woudnt wanna lose my licence specially cause i will b getting it soon... im from tomball... so its basically goin to be the most bad as car in the parking lot (which will b parked away of all the other cars btw) :wink:

and thanks for everyone warning me about being carefull! because when every single person that replys tells me to be carefull! i dont think it for nothing... i took it seriouslly... all u guys are older than me, so u must know what ur talkin about...
and again.. pictures... today sounds promising cause i have tenis class until 7.. so not much sunlight left at like 8... but ill do asap really!!


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