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SFDMALEX 08-13-2006 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by ellen feiss
If it makes your life sipler & you make tens of thousands of dollars per project the price difference quickly melts away.

One wedding photo coverage could easily net you enough cash to buy a 30-inch Apple Cinema HD Display. This is the goign rate in a developing country and what more over there.

:lol: are you saying Im broke or something?

Sorry but you dont make money by waisting money.
Overpaying is no different then getting robbed.

Especialy overpaying for a product that is not even the latest technology.

As always you get your shit way off topic... :roll:

And what are you trying to get too? Macs are for the "rich"?

dutchmasterflex 08-13-2006 03:34 PM

They are for the rich ;) Isn't that what you're implying with this topic?

SFDMALEX 08-13-2006 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex
They are for the rich ;) Isn't that what you're implying with this topic?

So big price = rich?

Im sorry but thats a fucked up way of thinking.

Lets say Im rich. Looking to purchase a screen. Does this mean I go and buy an Apple Cinema?

No. If Im rich Ill buy the best product.

The Apple Cinema display is not the best product. There are a lot of other higher spec displays out there.

So once again, what are you trying say?

What I implying with my topic is why is the big premium when its not the highest spec nor does it offer any significant features over the competition? I dont mind to pay to play, but why pay for no play?

evoWalo 08-13-2006 05:57 PM

They arent for you, most definatly. :lol:

These LCDs are part of their Pro-line. Pro being professionals who work on a Mac, make obsene amounts of money & dont mind to pay a bit more if it makes their lives easier and make their output a bit better. Creative pros arent generally known to be techies & their strengths lay in producing content.

What is your category for "best"? Tech specs? Awards? Conveniences?

Are BMWs the best cars in the world? RC & others may not agree with you.

I dont think the Cinema Dispalys are the "tech specs" best but I can appreciate where the premium goes too. For my personal application I'd still go for a Dell LCD. It has almost all the inputs I currently need without the price premium for conveniences I can live without & wont appreciate plugged into a PC.

Here's a link to a 2651" HDTV that costs $28 million. Does the hefty price tag warrant the screen size? Those who want to sit 550 feet away from it would appreciate it if they had the money.

Originally Posted by SFDMALEX

So big price = rich?

Im sorry but thats a fucked up way of thinking.

Lets say Im rich. Looking to purchase a screen. Does this mean I go and buy an Apple Cinema?

No. If Im rich Ill buy the best product.

The Apple Cinema display is not the best product. There are a lot of other higher spec displays out there.

So once again, what are you trying say?

What I implying with my topic is why is the big premium when its not the highest spec nor does it offer any significant features over the competition? I dont mind to pay to play, but why pay for no play?

SFDMALEX 08-13-2006 09:36 PM

/\/\/\Good points, you should use that approach more often. :wink:

And sure Id have one. Just in black :wink: But as you know I already went with something else.

TNT 08-13-2006 10:01 PM


i have seen the screens at the store and then just seem clearing IMO and brighter. :bah:

SFDMALEX 08-13-2006 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by TNT

Jabba 08-14-2006 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by ellen feiss
that costs $28 million.

Is that available with an extended warranty do you know ??

Sir_GT 08-14-2006 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by ellen feiss
that costs $28 million.

Is that available with an extended warranty do you know ??


Planning to broadcast JW to Mars? :)

Jabba 08-15-2006 07:46 AM


SFDMALEX 08-16-2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by phatbimmer
jabbasworld = applehate

its not hate

its tough love.

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