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Lotus340R 07-25-2005 05:15 PM

This is the worst video I saw in very long time. I want to do the same thing to that idiot. This is one of very few situations when I will have no problem to kill somebody. They should show this video on all movie festivals and all other meetings of important people or rich bastards. Some people must really be very stupid to pay money for something, which is product of this brutality.

Daggernite 07-25-2005 05:19 PM

:( :( :( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Just simply wrong

Fleischmann 07-25-2005 05:33 PM

If I had the chance I'd knock their teeth out using sledgehammers and then peel their skin of using a pickaxe and use it to wipe my's an equally revolting and pointless thing to do :x

Z3uS 07-25-2005 05:46 PM

I´ve seen that already and i must add these guys must be really fucked up to do something like this.
Always when i see this video i want to kill these bastards.

tigersoul 07-25-2005 08:01 PM

fucking chinese, I ho pe they can get an agony and slowly death

Ferrarikid 07-25-2005 09:14 PM

im not even gonna wach the vid i hate them my friend showed me one of american soldiers shooting a dog for fun it like ruined my life (not really)

xecutioner 07-26-2005 09:44 AM

i reckon some ppl must of got dropped on there heads when they were young bc this is so sad

dingo 07-26-2005 09:53 AM

I'm not even going to watch this video since it makes me sick - I can't stand these people.

I don't want to sound racist, but why is it the Asians often seem in the centre of this horrible treatment to animals? :x

F40tish 07-30-2005 07:53 AM

People in fairly poor areas will deliver fur, they need the money and the market provides plenty of cash. The obvious problem is the market, where still today a huge demand for exclusive fur exists (which is just plain ridiculous in my opinion). Everyone involved with fur in their business or just a fan of the fur itself should be obligated to watch this clip. It's just like the killing of big cats and rhino's, the demand and supply market should torn aport.

Robbo 07-30-2005 09:06 AM

Someone should do that to them and see how they like it.

DeMoN 07-30-2005 02:14 PM

I could understand if they waited for them to die, but get them all together and kill one after the other while the rest of them watch?

Sir_GT 07-30-2005 08:26 PM

I'm not defending these people or anything, but they actually do not think what they are doing is wrong. That is just how far apart the cultural views are towards animals.

Keep in mind that the chinese consider a bear's paw as a royal delicacy, as with an elephant's trunk, or even, and i'm dead serious, monkey's brain... eaten while the monkey is still alive.

If you've seen the scene in Hannibal where they eat the cop's brain while he's still living, then that's exactly how they eat monkey's brain in China.

The Chow-chow (a breed of dog) is also bred as a source of food in China.

Attempting to pass a law on animal rights in China will make as much sense to them as a legal requirement compelling western couples to kill their second female child to prevent over population.

I'm actually pretty disgusted by the whole thing, but what can you expect from a country which has pretty much closed itself for the better half of the 20th and 21st centuries?

a007apl 07-30-2005 10:15 PM

T H A T !!!!

5vz-fe 07-30-2005 10:44 PM

As much as I hate to see poor animals being gotta admit that that might be the only way these ppl gain money to buy food (just food and that's cars definitely).

As for eating's just like Sir_GT said, it's a "culture", which so happen Koreans also share. If the majority of ppl are vegetarian, should we ban ppl from eating meat? I am a dog lover myself, but one gotta see thru this. What if some ppl are sheep lover or pig lover. I think what should be rectified is the way the animals are killed. It is enough that they die, so it is very important that they don't suffer pain doing so.

SFDMALEX 07-30-2005 11:01 PM

/\/\/\A dog is friendly to humans, dogs get attached to humans, cows and pigs and fish dont. Thats a big difference. How could anybody kill a puppy who comes to you to play with etc.???Dogs defend their master, and obey their master. Other animals dont. So to me eating dogs is out of question no matter what the culture is, mind you a lot of my friends are asian and they agree with me.

Its on thing to kill an animal for food its another to kill a little animal for clothing...back in the day I would accept that, but now were there are bunch of supliments and its just sick to do so.

What pisses me off the most is people who buy the clothing, not people who kill the animals(well they do, but if no one bought it they wouldnt) You get P. Fuckers and J Ho's buying this fur...Fucking millionares buying it....They can have anything, but no they want a fur coat for which 100 animals had to be killed.

Plus these people clearly dont need to kill these animals for food. They are hunters and they can kill a dear tell me, how much food can you get from these poor little things?

There is no excuse for this shit.

P.S Im no vegetarian, I eat meat, but I do have a dog a cat and a fish and make montly donations to the humane doesnt have to be a tree hugging hippy to see the wrong in all of this shit.

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