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666fast 08-12-2003 06:49 PM

i like where Porsche is headed with thier cars. i think they all look great and will no doubt have the performance Porsche is known for.
the 997, in my opinion, looks great. I love the wide stance.
The Boxster is very nice I think.
I've always liked the Cayenne. Hell, I have a huge poster of one in my room. I'm sure Porsche will make money off of it, I think they sold out the first year of trucks that will be avaliable here.

St. Anger, if you find anything about Porsche taking the Carrera GT racing, please post it! It's a great car and I've wanted to see Porsche take it racing in a factory backed effort since they first showed it.

1zippo1 08-12-2003 06:58 PM

I've read in a car magazine that Porsche isn't "officially" planning to take it racing but Mazarati should go racing with their car (the one with the enzo engine in it) and maybe Lamborghini will have a racing version of the Gallardo. In that case, Porsche will probably follow with their GT. So lets all pray this happens :wink:

666fast 08-12-2003 08:30 PM

And lets hope they bring them to my side of the pond!

st-anger 08-13-2003 10:56 AM

- new GT2 October 2003 -

well it`s not a new one but the flat-six engine will have 483hp (+21hp) and 472lb-ft ( 640Nm) (+20Nm)
0-62mph: 4.0sec, 0-124mph: 12.5sec, top speed: 198mph
av.fuel cons.: 12.9ltr
price: 184.674€

there`ll be modifications at front and rear axle, suspension and brakes which are more sensitive now with the new four channel antilock brake systems. the rear wing is imroved aerodynamical, is 2.8kg lighter and as an option it can be delivered non painted with carbon style.
in the Clubsport version the rear wing, sideview mirrors, and parts of the front wing are also in carbon. for braking PCCB is used and the wheels have GT3 style ( front: 235/40 R18, rear:315/30 R18 )

1zippo1 08-13-2003 11:42 AM

That will surely be one fast track machine... as the current GT2 allready is.

It seems no drastical changes, just some improvements. Don't think those couple kg weight saved (maybe 5 in total) will matter so much... A more powerfull engine is off course allways an improvement.

st-anger 08-13-2003 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by 666fast
St. Anger, if you find anything about Porsche taking the Carrera GT racing, please post it! It's a great car and I've wanted to see Porsche take it racing in a factory backed effort since they first showed it.

you guys`ll be one of the first to know...
what a pitty that you are from "the other side of the pond" because otherwise your chances of seeing one would be much higher.
i`ve seen the CGT racing several times during my work at Weissach, where Roland Kussmaul ( Weissach`s chief test driver ) and Michael Hölscher ( overall project manager CGT ) raced the test track with it and of course in the aerodynamic dep., sound dep. ..... i think you all know the vid with the yellow CGT racing around the Weissach test track in`s kinda like that.
but the best thing was when i`d been invited to attend the filming of a official presentation video around the test rack in Leipzig. test driver had been "the god" Walther Röhrl, the only person who really knows how to push the CGT to its limits. that laps have been the most impressive ones i`ve ever seen.
of course everybody can see it when there is a car show somewhere around but to see it driving is a very special moment.
i hope i can attend a presentation day that summer/fall. instuctors will introduce the customers to their new cars and they are able to take a round on the "hot seat" because there`ll be only two production CGT`s for that. and i think it`s better not to let the owners drive it for the first time on a race track....this might get expensive. the ppl who signed a contract to buy a CGT`ll have the chance to drive with a 996TT and/or a GT2.
the dates seems to be confirmed now, because the first presentation should have been on 2nd of july but all the dates were cancelled. now the first presentation starts on Aug.20th and the following two weeks.

but back to the main topic....
as i posted before motorsport activities are all postponed because of the 955 and 997 modells. just imagine how much work that would be preparing a CGT for LeMans .....or whatever. and the guys from the motorsport dep. at Weissach have enough work with the GT3`s from the Porsche Supercup. so i see no chance of a motorsport project with the CGT before 2007 to 2010. it depends on the 997TT.... some sources say it`ll appear right after the 997 C modells others say it won`t hit the road before 2006 or 2007.....

st-anger 08-14-2003 05:42 AM

- Merc SLR vs. CGT -

some interesting news…
due to the development of the 955 modells engineers from the CGT project were called to help shortly before finishing the CGT racing car for LeMans.
the power output of that engine`d been 580hp. however, to see how competitive the CGT was against the SLR the two development teams did a test drive, and the CGT lost the race. hence the CGT has been upgraded to 612 hp as a result of this defeat, and Mercedes has responded by raising its horsepower to 626 hp. This is one of the major reasons why the SLR has been considerably delayed.

scubywrxr 08-16-2003 05:27 AM

The CGT is more of a drivers car than the SLR..

the porsche is manual shift, mid engined and looks like it just drove off from the Lemans circuit.. SLR is too GT for my liking - they could have done so much with it. Its a pity that Mercedes did not push the boat out further.

Apparently the enzo is going to be lapped by the CGT around Nurburgring? Is there any truth to this? will there be porsche sport division performance upgrades for it as well?

st-anger 08-16-2003 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by scubywrxr
Apparently the enzo is going to be lapped by the CGT around Nurburgring? Is there any truth to this? will there be porsche sport division performance upgrades for it as well?

i don`t think that there`ll be a supertest Enzo vs. CGT but i`m 99% sure the CGT would win that battle dur to its vast development testing on the Nordschleife. because of that Ferrari will never allow one of their Enzos to challenge the Ring, so anyone with an Enzo in the garage on this forum...
the only good chance of getting a head to head testing between Enzo, CGT and SLR is when german car magazine "Sport Auto" tests them on the Nordschleife.

some estimated but also likely figures:

Nordschleife: 07.20 min
Hockenheim: 01.07 min
0-124-0: 14sec (0-124: 9.6s 124-0: 4.4s)
aerodynamics: 124mph: front axle +60kg, rear axle +140kg
max. g-force: 1.45G

st-anger 08-16-2003 09:12 AM

-997TT testing video on the Nordschleife -

i`m not sure if you guys have already seen this one ( it`s some days old )
a friend of mine sent me the link:

TT 08-20-2003 07:49 AM

Just stumbled across some wallpapers with the new GT2 ;)


They're done with the pics we already saw the official ones...

st-anger 08-21-2003 05:07 AM

- the truth is near -

can`t wait for the next issue of "AMS"
just look at this unspectacular announcement:

it´s german but it says that what we all are waiting for:

Ferrari Enzo vs. Porsche Carrera GT vs. Lamborghini Gallardo on the Nordschleife.

already marked sept. 3rd in my calendar.....

draak666 08-21-2003 06:13 AM

It would be nice to know when they will test it, so we can be there and witness it LIVE. :P

st-anger 08-21-2003 08:09 AM

i`m 100% sure the already did the comparison during a "industry pool" day....
but anyway i`d die to attend that battle when the CGT kick`s the Enzo`s ass...hopefully... :wink:
i don´t know why the added the Gallardo to that two, although i think it might be even faster than the Murc. around the Nordschleife...

your thoughts on that....

666fast 08-21-2003 04:32 PM

My thoughts are hell yea! I just hope someone is there to record it! lol
We all know that the Enzo and the Carrera GT are fast cars, but I'm honestly not sure what will be faster around the Nordschliefe.
I love the Enzo, but I'm rooting for the Carrera.
Thanks for the awesome news St. Anger! I like your sig pic too.

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