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Skaala 02-05-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by ViperASR

Originally Posted by Skaala
It was announced today that the PS3 will have a price increase, and get e a base price of $900+ USD in Norway from March. :bad-words: :bad-words::bad-words::bad-words::bad-words:

A grand for a videogame console :!: I think not

What is that in local currency? And the Norwegians are wealthy - they pay $100,000+ for $30,000 from other coutries... right ? :P

this is about 6.000,- norwegian kroner. And, yes norwegian people have high salleries, but we pay it all back again in taxes. The taxes are also some of the worlds highest. I will not buy the PS3 now afterall.....maybe I'll wait a year. Don't need it before GT5 is out anyway ;) I could tell you bedtime stories about taxes that would scare the crap out of any foreigners:D

MidEngine4Life 02-05-2007 08:20 PM

I reserved my 360 many months before it was released and I didnt get it until months after it was released but ive never once regreted it. I dunno what you guys are on about but there is a truck load of great games for the 360 and theres like ummm, maybe 1 for the PS3. I bought a gaming console for games, not a pretty piece of machinery for my high tech collection. Im not much of a fan boy i just take whats there. On the 360 I got PGR3, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Saints Row, Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas, Fight Night Round 3, Lost Planet, G.R.A.W. , Splinter Cell, etc. Tell me one good game on the PS3 other than Resistance: Fall of Man that I cant get on the 360. Not only that but games to this date are proving to look better on the 360. Just ask Gamepsot or IGN

Dont get me wrong, I want a PS3. That Formula one game coming out later this month looks incredible! But right now the thing just costs way to much and there arent enough good games to justify paying that much. PS3's are stacking up in stores aorund here when Wii's are impossible to find.

I got a system that does what the PS3 can and more. 1 year earlier and a lot cheaper. Whos the fool?

RC45 02-05-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life
I got a system that does what the PS3 can and more. 1 year earlier and a lot cheaper. Whos the fool?

Exactly how does the 360 do "more"?

And the lauch price of the 360 was right up there with the PS3's $500 - considering it took a long time before you could buy a 360 that was not part of an expensive "bundle" - but even then any 360 buyer was faced with a $500 to $600 bill once you added in the controller and $60 games etc.

So price is really a wash.

And I don't care what IGN or anyone elses claims, but side by side on an HD screen, the PS3 looks better than the 360 - not much else you can do.

When making such comparisons it is important to be factual ;) not just play the "hype" game as well..

ALl I am sayign is that the PS3 in the month we have had itm, has been used as web browser, Blu-Ray player and gaming console - playing PS2 and PS3 games.

The 360 is very seldom used and then only as a console.. and thankfully we never dithced the old XBox, because the really fun titles the family enjoys are not supported on the 360 ;)

We have yet to have a PS1 or PS2 title fail to launch on the PS3.

Add to that the extensive hard drive, USB drive, memory card and keyboard support of the PS3 (even the "base" model) and you have an overall more reqarding experience...

Did we mention steering wheel support yet? :) ALmost a year later and 360 still has no decent wheel. ;)

ViperASR 02-05-2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
And the lauch price of the 360 was right up there with the PS3's $500 - considering it took a long time before you could buy a 360 that was not part of an expensive "bundle" - but even then any 360 buyer was faced with a $500 to $600 bill once you added in the controller and $60 games etc.

So price is really a wash.

I didnt see any bundles untill this christmas with the 360. And even then, it was only $20 more. Walmart where I bought mine had 30 boxes, no bundles, $300 for the core and $400 for the premium. The bundles were only available online from what I saw, and if you bought a bundle you got a good deal on the accessories.

As for the controller and games, its the same for any console. You buy the console and games, its no different then the PS3. $60 for games, $40 controller. So by the time you run up the bill it is damn near $800 bill.

RC45 02-05-2007 11:42 PM

Well to be honest then -

PS3 Basic $499
Remote $-30
HDMI $-20
2nd Cont $-30
Tax $-47
Total $626
(the joys of open box returns - see $30 remote and controller ;))

XBox360 $399
PGR3 $-60
2nd Cont $-40
Tax $-41
Total $540

There has been about a year between the 360 and the PS3 purchase.

In terms of usage for me, its a wash.. for you it may be different. ;)

ViperASR 02-06-2007 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
PS3 Basic $499
Remote $-30
HDMI $-20
2nd Cont $-30
Tax $-47
Total $626
(the joys of open box returns - see $30 remote and controller Wink)

Most people wont have open box returns so tack on a few more $$$. And sense you are using the top model of the 360, why not use the top model of the PS3, and you added a game for the 360, so why not add another $60 for the PS3 game. So that would get the bill to about $800. I know it was a different price for you, but for most people it will be closer to the 800 number for the exact same spec systems. (1 top console, 1 extra controller, remote (included in 1st run 360s), game, and minus the HDMI cable as its not supported by the 360 :( )

For me the 360 was a better buy, but that is just my opinion. I bought it for the games that are available/will be available. Personally I dont care about the internet access and such as my computer is sitting right next to my 360 and TV. I enjoy the game lineup more then graphic capabilities and such, and I also enjoy price, and was upset that mine cost $400 when the Wii is a freakin deal at $250(?). Fuzion Frenzy 2, Halo 3 (if it is ever released), Forza 2, Battlefield 2, Perfect Dark Zero all caught my fancy for the 360.

I know the graphic capabilities on the PS3 are better, but to me that little bit of difference isnt enough of a reason to spend the extra $200+ dollars on the console. As I said earlier, to each his own :wink:

BTW, open box deals rule! :twisted:

RC45 02-06-2007 01:52 AM

^^^ I didnt buy a top range PS3 because I dont need it.

There is no need for the built in memory slots - all USB card caddies work 100%. There is no need to pay extra for a 60GB harddrive - any laptop SATA drive will work - hence me upgrading to a 120GB drive for $100.

And there is no need for a wireless adapter, wired is always better.

If you want an XBox360 to play the few limited supported XBox titles, you MUST have a hard drive - and since Micro$haft doesnt support ad-hoc user upgrades what exactly s the point of their "entry level 360" again?

I have not added a game for the PS3 because there are none that interest me at this time... I have downloded free demos and played our PS2 faves...

As I say, the PS3 serves as 3 devices which is great - the 360 only serves as 1.

Thats our mileage, yours may vary :)

Pimp Racer 02-06-2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life
I got a system that does what the PS3 can and more. 1 year earlier and a lot cheaper. Whos the fool?

Can you even name anything the Xbot 360 can do that the PS3 can not do? Now you ask me the question what can the PS3 do that the Xbox cant?

Lets see easy back up of data, full fledge PC almost with Linux, easy HDD upgrade, support for external HDD, USB, what not, Blueteeth, HDMI, and much more....:)

RC45 02-06-2007 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pimp Racer

Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life
I got a system that does what the PS3 can and more. 1 year earlier and a lot cheaper. Whos the fool?

Can you even name anything the Xbot 360 can do that the PS3 can not do? Now you ask me the question what can the PS3 do that the Xbox cant?

Lets see easy back up of data, full fledge PC almost with Linux, easy HDD upgrade, support for external HDD, USB, what not, Blueteeth, HDMI, and much more....:)

Let's not turn this into a Sony FanBoy vs Micro$hafty nerd war ;)

I would have be on both sides and don't have the energy :P

We can concede different strokes for different folks...

Pimp Racer 02-06-2007 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by Pimp Racer

Originally Posted by MidEngine4Life
I got a system that does what the PS3 can and more. 1 year earlier and a lot cheaper. Whos the fool?

Can you even name anything the Xbot 360 can do that the PS3 can not do? Now you ask me the question what can the PS3 do that the Xbox cant?

Lets see easy back up of data, full fledge PC almost with Linux, easy HDD upgrade, support for external HDD, USB, what not, Blueteeth, HDMI, and much more....:)

Let's not turn this into a Sony FanBoy vs Micro$hafty nerd war ;)

I would have be on both sides and don't have the energy :P

We can concede different strokes for different folks...

:lol: M$ does have a few upper hands such as "exclusive" games. But yeah anyways lets not try another one of the damn M$ Vs $ony.

Also if they have a PS3 price cut then more reasons to get one. I mean think of the deal. But also I wonder when the price cut comes out will they also have the 65nm dies as well?

ae86_16v 04-10-2007 08:42 PM

Looks like a few retailers are dropping the 20GB version of the PS3.


Originally Posted by Engadget
For the 20GB PS3, it looks like the end is near. Sony's official store, Sony Style, as well as the websites of Best Buy, Gamestop and EB are no longer carrying the 20GB model, instead only offering its buffer, more expensive brother. While it remains on Amazon for the time being, there's no telling how much longer it will stick around. Add this to the fact that the 20 GB version was never available in Europe, and it smells strongly of an SKU execution.

We kind of knew it was coming. I mean, honestly, who actually bought one of them? Now we're just wondering how long it'll be before Microsoft drops the hammer on the Core 360, since three versions of a console seems like a bit much. Then again, there are 2353798 versions of Windows Vista. – Matt Buchanan

ae86_16v 04-17-2007 05:53 PM

Now with Bigger HD:


Originally Posted by Reuters
TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Tuesday it is considering launching PlayStation 3 (PS3) game consoles with larger hard disk drive capacity, in a bid to cater to the needs of hardcore gamers and other heavy users.

. . .

TopGearNL 04-17-2007 06:23 PM

Xbox 360 is becoming cheaper and cheaper over here. Saw a deal somewhere of Console + 20GB hard drive and 2 controllers for 200 Euros, mind that this was without VAT but still not bad..

Getting without the VAT shouldn't be too hard, but then again getting them to believe the Xbox is for office use is. :lol:

ViperASR 04-17-2007 06:27 PM

I dont understand why they would enlarge the HDD if you can do it so easily yourself? Perhaps it is because MS has the Elite 360 with 120(?) gigs of memory.

ae86_16v 04-18-2007 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by ViperASR
I dont understand why they would enlarge the HDD if you can do it so easily yourself? Perhaps it is because MS has the Elite 360 with 120(?) gigs of memory.

Yeah I guess it just looks bad from a marketing stand point.


Originally Posted by TopGearNL
Xbox 360 is becoming cheaper and cheaper over here. Saw a deal somewhere of Console + 20GB hard drive and 2 controllers for 200 Euros, mind that this was without VAT but still not bad..

Getting without the VAT shouldn't be too hard, but then again getting them to believe the Xbox is for office use is. :lol:

Likewise here, I am thinking about picking up a used one for around $200 USD. I am borrowing my friend's Xbox 360 right now, and it looks amazing in 720p. :D

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