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10000rpmlover 03-12-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by nthfinity (Post 864454)
not semi-naked in 300.... ;)

how is that not Leonard Nemoy?

Lena Headdey...

She is a woman that you must first take the time to wine and dance, treat her to a few pampering outings, be her friend, her confidant... yes, let her get comfortable... then, when she least expects it... SURPRISE BUTTCECZ!!!!

think of it what you want, Lena is the one girl I would desecrate and humilliate with some rough, unsensitive, hurtful, UN-lubricated anal intercourse, the bitch is so uptight it may just be the greatest fuck of all time


HeilSvenska 03-12-2009 03:39 PM

You FOOL! Now I can't check MW at school.

philip 03-12-2009 07:32 PM

Ahh John Conner's mom.

10000rpmlover 03-12-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 864632)
You FOOL! Now I can't check MW at school.

my bad, I fixed it to a link, that good enough?

10000rpmlover 03-12-2009 08:01 PM

sorry, hit post more than once

HeilSvenska 03-12-2009 10:02 PM

Ahahaha. Nothing to worry about. Except I really can't check that in the school library. :laugh:
Speaking of which, has this just turned into sexy scifi ladies topic?

10000rpmlover 03-12-2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 864648)
Ahahaha. Nothing to worry about. Except I really can't check that in the school library. :laugh:
Speaking of which, has this just turned into sexy scifi ladies topic?

I had been toying with the idea of having a thread here about that, it has always been a misconception that scifi only caters to techy geeks... in fact most science fiction movies and tv shows provide plenty of fapomatic...err... I mean I see summer glau I touch my... ehem... who can ever forget sub commander T'pol and seven of nine? and please don't ever tell me I am the only one who has thought of being trapped in a cylon base star filled with nothing but Lucy lawless and Grace park models?

HeilSvenska 03-12-2009 11:45 PM

We had one a looooooong time ago. I think? Why not? We should totally make a thread.

philip 05-08-2009 01:39 AM

Saw it tonight. Great. The Lost guy did a really good job. Lots of little Star Trek things to look for. Funny with the feel of most of the previous movies but better. I may see it again this weekend.

nthfinity 05-08-2009 02:41 PM

Really impressive, except for one thing... "red matter" was ultimately rediculous. For a highly fake technical series, that really needed some more explanation; as well as the singularity fake science.

other than that... I'm going to see it again :) I haven't done that in a LONG time.

philip 05-09-2009 12:27 AM

Did everyone who has seen it, get the away team joke.:mrgreen:

10000rpmlover 05-09-2009 01:30 AM

during the scene with the USS kelvin... I jizzed in my pants, only a little, I am going to get this on blu-ray when it comes out, this friggin movie looked spectacular from beginning to end, great use of score too, I believe this may get a nod at the oscars, trek films haven't had that in quite a while

btw... spock acted a like complete angry teenager... never thought I'd see that

PS: Zoe Saldana (Uhura) is now part of my fantasies, so you best back off of her, she is in my dreams ok?

HeilSvenska 05-10-2009 04:57 PM

Hmmmmm. I still have my qualms.

(Spoiler)Destruction of both Romulus and Vulcan, even if in separate universes... for one.

And I thought the story was kinda meeeeeh ish. It had an excellent cast, but it just didn't do it for me as much as First Contact did.

Another thing. As much as I love Michael Giacchino's work, man he needs to be more creative. Sooooooo many repetitions of the same theme.

Oh, and the vfx looked amazing.

mayer 05-11-2009 12:16 AM

Red matter really is ridiculous. They're going to withdraw this liquid with a needle and it'll cause a black hole??? Other than that, a very good movie. Good action, good acting, exciting, and funny. :thumbup:

It could have used some more battle scenes though. I especially wanted to see that Romulan ship take on the Klingon armada they were referencing.

79TA 05-12-2009 03:16 AM

I fully expected to not like this movie. This was in no small part due to the fact that kirk superfluously destroys a '65 Corvette and doesn't even get away as a result . . . it was apparently authentic and therefore a couple hundred years or so old by that timealkfjwefjwoeij

Anyway, I knew almost nothing about Star Trek, but thoroughly enjoyed the movie, despite the alternate realities as a result of time travel (I liked the back to the future paradox explanation better.) I am now intrigued by the series and am trying to figure out whether or not this movie fits in as canon without disturbing the story lines from the previous tv shows . . .

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