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5vz-fe 09-07-2007 12:14 AM


evoWalo 09-07-2007 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
I do believe the Apple iTouch being aimed at the youth demographic, will soon be pulled from the market, as it promotes child porn.

So expect RC to buy them all before a product recall happens. ;)

dutchmasterflex 09-07-2007 04:29 PM

Apple fucks over apple fanboys once again with new pods,

zune2 better take notes and learn.

bmagni 09-07-2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by evoWalo

Originally Posted by TNT

Originally Posted by Mattk
Can't Apple just make regular MP3 players these days? All this i-gadgetry is getting a bit too excessive.

well i say that the 160GB "media" player is excessive. i mean my laptop only has 80GB harddrive. who needs that much space? also i was talking to my friend about the new iPODs (he works at an Apple store) and he says that a lot of people come in the store saying "yeah i was working out with my video iPOD and it just stopped playing" well dumbass its got a harddrive in it. you might as while carry your laptop with you. point of the story is the Touch is a flash drive not a hard drive. so you can safely work out with it. etc. its "tougher".

Imagine how long it'll take to sync 160GB via USB2.0.

the shuffle's pretty simple. the nano and touch's memory capacity's perfect size for most people. the 80gb and 160gb are for people who cant live without their vids or listen to way too much music.

My MP3 player is my phone, with 4 gigs and I'm pretty happy with all the music I have, on the other hand I have a friend who just ended up filling his Ipod with 80 gigs of music, which IMO is stupid as he always plays it on shuffle, isn't that what the stereo is for? for random music, and your player for your favorite music

nthfinity 09-07-2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by evoWalo

Originally Posted by TNT

Originally Posted by Mattk
Can't Apple just make regular MP3 players these days? All this i-gadgetry is getting a bit too excessive.

well i say that the 160GB "media" player is excessive. i mean my laptop only has 80GB harddrive. who needs that much space? also i was talking to my friend about the new iPODs (he works at an Apple store) and he says that a lot of people come in the store saying "yeah i was working out with my video iPOD and it just stopped playing" well dumbass its got a harddrive in it. you might as while carry your laptop with you. point of the story is the Touch is a flash drive not a hard drive. so you can safely work out with it. etc. its "tougher".

Imagine how long it'll take to sync 160GB via USB2.0.

the shuffle's pretty simple. the nano and touch's memory capacity's perfect size for most people. the 80gb and 160gb are for people who cant live without their vids or listen to way too much music.

My MP3 player is my phone, with 4 gigs and I'm pretty happy with all the music I have, on the other hand I have a friend who just ended up filling his Ipod with 80 gigs of music, which IMO is stupid as he always plays it on shuffle, isn't that what the stereo is for? for random music, and your player for your favorite music

30 gb/ 80gb is for all of the above. Random, and itemized, costomized playlists.... everything.

BTW, I have yet to have my zune HDD cut out while running, or working out.

dutchmasterflex 09-07-2007 07:14 PM

Don't worry Nth, the mechanical drive's arm does skip, and will eventually scratch the disks enough so that you willl notice problems with your player.

Zune, iPod, whatever, it's still a hard drive, and it doesn't like being shaken while accessed. was selling white zune's for $150 the other week and I almost went for it. But I'm holding out for something a lot better with all the connectivity I want with out the need for special software to load music. M$ better make it right with the Zune 2!

And about the 80gb and 160gb iPods or any PMP - it's for smart people who PMP's as external hard drives for back up ;)

nthfinity 09-07-2007 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex
Don't worry Nth, the mechanical drive's arm does skip, and will eventually scratch the disks enough so that you willl notice problems with your player.

while this may be true, i've never had music skipping either due to data loss and such.

If it brakes, then the simple answer is replace it with the newer thing that is better.

acmarttin 09-07-2007 09:33 PM

Right as I boycotted iPods after having one last me only 9 months I started my current job that gives iPods out to employees so I'm going to have one no matter what. I just want to make sure my boss knows that the new one is coming out soon :P

(In case this question gets asked the official explanation for the "free iPod" is so they can slap us with "use your free portable hard drive" when we bitch about transferring files around all the time. But whatever their reason may be, it's always good to get free junk.)

nthfinity 09-07-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by acmarttin
(In case this question gets asked the official explanation for the "free iPod" is so they can slap us with "use your free portable hard drive" when we bitch about transferring files around all the time. But whatever their reason may be, it's always good to get free junk.)

there is no such thing as free junk, everything has a cost ;) Even if it isn't directly evident. :P

dutchmasterflex 09-08-2007 04:39 PM

Nth, the spew about hard drives is pure fact ;)

Free iPods were raffled at my last corporate holiday party. Those were pretty free. Sucks my dumbass manager spent all the money on just 2 iPods and not buying cheaper ones so more people would win them.

nthfinity 09-08-2007 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by dutchmasterflex
Nth, the spew about hard drives is pure fact ;)

Free iPods were raffled at my last corporate holiday party. Those were pretty free. Sucks my dumbass manager spent all the money on just 2 iPods and not buying cheaper ones so more people would win them.

They weren't free.

Someobody has a salary, and is expected to use a "holiday" money to buy gifts... its all budgeted in, and seems like a free token... but somewhere along the line, sombody, or everybody pays for it.

HeilSvenska 09-08-2007 05:13 PM

I'd still get the "classic" iPod, if I didn't hate that one too. And only if it came in solid blue. They cost so much, but you can't even have a choice in color. Black or white. What a BS. Besides that, at 160gb, it has 4x the capacity of my desktop. (I live in the dark ages)

Touch screen is snazzy alright, but besides the novelty value, I don't see the point. It's just a mp3 player. And if I wanted novelty, I'd get this instead.

acmarttin 09-08-2007 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity

They weren't free.

Someobody has a salary, and is expected to use a "holiday" money to buy gifts... its all budgeted in, and seems like a free token... but somewhere along the line, sombody, or everybody pays for it.

Buddy I wouldn't be surprised if I paid for it somehow, believe me. However when I use my ever-dwindling debit card it hurts much more.

dutchmasterflex 09-08-2007 10:46 PM

No shit someone always ends up paying for something. :roll:

musicetime101 10-10-2007 08:53 PM

I like Apple Iphone .

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