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TT 04-02-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by racingfreak
thank you :D

Personal pics only of course ;)

numerouno 04-03-2007 03:11 AM

5 pt - bloeb
3 pt - ZondaC12
2 pt - MUS911
1 pt - Sentradude

Tool 04-03-2007 04:54 AM

5 pts - ZondaC12, Ferrari F40
3 pts - Smylait, Ford GT
2 pts - bloeb, Opel Speedster VXR
1 pt - MartijnGizmo, Audi B5 RS4

ZondaC12 04-03-2007 05:32 AM

5pts: MartijnGizmo, Audi B5 RS4 ..... I love what you do!
3pts: P_Zero_Rosso, Porsche 997 Turbo ...... What an atmosphere!
2pts: MUS911, Porsche 997 Turbo ...... All this white is just impressive
1pt: bloeb, Opel Speedster VXR ...... Very well done, too bad the car is under-exposed, you could have been first ;)

sameerrao 04-03-2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by dingo
I didn't get a pic in this months contest? :(
Get over it numbnuts ;)

Some of us amateurs are lucky if the Imperial TT picks one or two pictures of ours all year round. So you got missed in one freaking poll - man I am going to cry me a river ...... Not! :) :lol:

blue8 04-03-2007 02:33 PM

Great entries from everyone!
5 pts - bloeb, Opel Speedster VXR
3 pts - MUS911, Porsche 997 Turbo
2 pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG cabrio
1 pt - P_Zero_Rosso, Porsche 997 Turbo

silentm 04-03-2007 05:20 PM

1.P_Zero_Rosso, Porsche 997 Turbo - love this photo, one of the best cars around and then such an artistic moment :)

2. MUS911, Porsche 997 Turbo - just a lovely shot, the surrounding elements are really great and match the car

3. TT, Ferrari Daytona Gr 4 - ready for action :evil:

4. salegosse, Bandini 750 - none of the other Enzos, Paganis, GTs were able to excite me as much as this old really small car. something really special :)

kakes14 04-03-2007 09:32 PM

5 points - TT Ferrari Daytona. Beautiful looking and beautiful sounding car on the track where it belongs.
3 points - Smylait Ford GT with heritage paint job. Extremely rare and even more rare in Europe. And what a beautiful shot of the rexy rear
2 points - ZondaC12 Ferrari F40. Ferrari F40 is all i have to say. The name speaks for itself
1 point - Moritza Mercedes Benz CLK DTM AMG Cabriolet.

Schwalbe 04-04-2007 12:29 AM

5 Pts: MartijnGizmo, Audi B5 RS4
3 Pts: P_Zero_Rosso, Porsche 997 Turbo
2 Pts: stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG cabrio (Don't like the car but the pix is great ! )
1 Pts: MUS911, Porsche 997 Turbo

MIHALS 04-04-2007 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Ronin005
2 points - MIHALS, BMW E30 325i - really nice pic

Actually, it's a BMW e30 320i :wink:


LEXION 04-04-2007 09:38 AM

5 points - ZondaC12, Ferrari F40

3 points - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG cabrio
2 points - sentra_dude, Ferrari 430
1 point - Alan, Ferrari Enzo

MIHALS 04-04-2007 02:28 PM

I know, but couldn't help it to throw it on you :P :lol:

HarryCASI 04-05-2007 05:46 AM

5 - bloeb, Opel Speedster VXR
3- MartijnGizmo, Audi B5 RS4
3- Smylait, Ford GT
1- dani_d_mas, Renault 5 Turbo

MidEngine4Life 04-05-2007 05:57 AM

Honorable mention to P_Zero_Rosso. That should probably would have been my first pick if that second car wasnt in the back ruining the lines of the forward car.

1zippo1 04-05-2007 06:13 AM

5pt: bloeb, Opel Speedster VXR

3pt: MUS911, Porsche 997 Turbo

2pt: MartijnGizmo, Audi B5 RS4

1pt: stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz CLK DTM AMG cabrio

superb pics btw!!! :shock:

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