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a007apl 05-14-2004 09:58 AM

For the first time, Italian State Police (Polizia di Stato) will use a Lamborghini Gallardo Police Car.

The supercar, in State Police colours, with a siren and flashing lights on the roof, has been donated by the House of Sant’Agata Bolognese to the State Police on the occasion of its 152nd anniversary, held in the customary setting of the Piazza del Popolo in Rome on the 14th, 15th and 16th May 2004.

The Gallardo Police Car will be used by the traffic police (Polizia Stradale) during emergencies and alarm situations on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway, also under the powers of the special safety operative which is already being employed along this tract of highway.
The Gallardo will also be used in first aid activities – thanks to its special defibrillator equipment, which performs electrocardiograms and automatic diagnoses of arterial pressure and the presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, as well as the transportation of plasma and human organs for transplants.
Apart from being fitted with medical equipment, the vehicle will also have advanced technological apparatus’ for receiving and transmitting information and images relating to particularly critical situations, such as road traffic accidents, fires and other disaster situations.
All this will be made possible thanks to the use of other sophisticated equipment on board the “Lamborghini Polizia”, for example, the satellite navigational system with GSM microtelephone, the Provida system which records violations and sends images in real time, direct connection to the Police database as well as the Elsag “Autodetector” system for number plate recognition and VHF-Polizia equipment.
The use of The Gallardo, which has a 10 cylinder, 5 litre, 500 hp engine and equipped with a full aluminium body, will also be possible in bad weather and road conditions due to its high performance with permanent four-wheel drive and special “Sottozero” snow tyres developed by Pirelli for Lamborghini vehicles.

Anonymous 05-14-2004 04:27 PM

true at 101%...
Hello Everyone,
(first of all excuse me all for by worst english...i'm a self-thought man in eng!) ;)

Just two words of me...
I'm 40yo male from Naples, south of Italy (that 2,500y.o. city founded by ancient greeks, built very close to a volcano called Vesuvius ("Vesuvio"), since from birth built on a high dangerous sysmic zone and now big city with 2,100,000 inhabitants...)
Working as freight forwarder, netgaming lover (everything i can play online with other ppl is my game...not loving violence games...), and loving of any aspects of real life...

Said that...
Pls see this link to a major italian newspaper, called "Repubblica" (daily read by several millions of italians...)

Like you all can see, the page is named "festapolizia" english, let my try, "Police celebration day"... :)

And ALL you can see inside that page, or that site, is true 100%...cause it's simply "cronaca"...."chronicle"...

I was attracted by the last words of that article...


...In tutta questa cornice non sono mancati momenti ludici, come si conviene a una vera festa: presentazione della nuova Lamborghini Gallardo della Polizia, e esibizione dei motociclisti...
i try a translation for all the friends of this forum...


During this party also some nice any other real party: presentation of new Lamborghini Gallardo of Police, and exhibition of motorbikers...
So I tried to search on net to see this "Gallardo"...andi found this forum! :D

Another official site in italy, speaking of this car is here...
same photo gallery of the guy who opened this thread...

Seeing and considered that you ALL are CRAZY for these cars.....well let me try to translate the whole article for you....maybe you'll "enjoy" all the features of this VERY special car...real proudness of italian style and concept... ;)

[to be continued]

Anonymous 05-14-2004 04:28 PM

beaten by a007!..... :D
perfect translation of the article.... :D

Anonymous 05-14-2004 04:33 PM


The Gallardo Police Car will be used by the traffic police (Polizia Stradale) during emergencies and alarm situations on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria highway, also under the powers of the special safety operative which is already being employed along this tract of highway
midax is from THAT city!!! lol :D
He has the VERY BEST chances to see that car for REAL!
no one other of us can do the same... :mrgreen:

a007apl 05-14-2004 04:39 PM

ROME - "the esteem and the solidarity of the Italian citizens find linfa in the knowledge that the safeguard of the emergency of all is entrusted professionals whom they know to express in their job a not common spirit of abnegation and attachment to the duty". Therefore the president of the Republic, Carl Azeglio Ciampi, has greeted (with the arm to the neck for the recent incident) the representatives of the police forces, re-united to Rome, to public square of the People for the festivity anniversary.

The head of the State in its message has turned a "feeling of gratefulness of the entire national community for the engagement that the men and the women of the police of State daily place to the service of all".

In the occasion, the minister of the Inside Giuseppe Pisanu also has emphasized the necessity of a greater coordination of the police enforcements. The reference is to law 121 on the new ordering of the administration of public safety, than ripartisce the competences between Police and Police officers and of whose reform has been spoken to along in the last years. Coordination that according to the minister has need of "meditated adaptation to the necessities of the times". According to the minister the reform of years Seventy, still contains dispositions "puts into effect them", but "for some needy aspects of a meditated adaptation to the necessities of the times".

They are not lacked then puntualizzazioni on the issue the policeman quarter: "the police of proximity and the police of community - in fact Pisanu has said - by now have stopped of being single abstract philosophies and have become, to the contrary, operating truths and of continuous evolution in order to adapt to the crescents requirements of emergency of the citizens. The control of the territory - it has added - is indispensable condition in order to assert ovunque the reassuring presence of the State. Just for this the police searches assiduously every possible collaboration between institutions centers them and peripheral, between private public and, operating naturally to the inside of she knits unitary frame that the Constitution assigns to the emergency and to the public order ".
To the end the participation of the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi: "the engagement of you, the women and the men of the police of State, constitutes - it has said the premier - a sure garrison for the citizens that they see in your generous action the more concrete support to the ordered development of our social life, in the respect of all the placed rules to safeguard of our ordering democratic and our civil cohabitation".

In all this frame is not lacks ludici moments to you, as true festivity is convene to one: presentation of the new Lamborghini Gallardo of the Police, exhibition of the motorcyclists and demonstration of as the new electronic passport with digital prints works them that the next year would have to enter in vigor: to the stand of the Scientific Police they have been taken to the digital prints them to Berlusconi, than he is subordinate for first to the procedure for the release of the electronic document.

(14 May 2004)

Zonda11 05-14-2004 06:13 PM

LOL...i saw this on Yahoo a few minutes ago....if i was the cop....i would be the one driving wildly.

midax 05-14-2004 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Anonymous
midax is from THAT city!!! lol :D
He has the VERY BEST chances to see that car for REAL!
no one other of us can do the same... :mrgreen:

I know.. I know...
I hope it can happens :wink: :wink: :wink:

Kz 05-15-2004 10:08 AM

i think pizza delivery drivers need one of those gallardo's

a007apl 05-16-2004 01:22 PM

Erez 05-16-2004 03:37 PM

damn! great work!!

LOL! this is my favorite! LOL!

a007apl 05-17-2004 05:22 PM

Where cops drive Lamborghinis

The Roman police just got their hands on a 500 horsepower beauty.
May 17, 2004: 10:11 AM EDT

News > Funny Money

Where cops drive Lamborghinis

The Roman police just got their hands on a 500 horsepower beauty.
May 17, 2004: 10:11 AM EDT

ROME (Reuters) - If you are thinking about speeding on Italian highways this year, think twice. You might find yourself being chased by a Lamborghini.

Italian police took possession Friday of a sleek, 500 horsepower, two-seater Lamborghini Gallardo, which can hit a top speed of 185 miles per hour.

The sports car, painted in the police's distinctive blue and white colors, comes complete with a flashing blue light on the roof and will initially patrol the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway -- a road notorious in Italy for wild driving.

The Lamborghini will also be used to transport human organs for emergency operations.

a007apl 05-17-2004 05:25 PM

mazmazmaz1 05-17-2004 05:41 PM

Cool car I love Lambos I hope they do a 1:18 model so I can buy myself one like that.

Erez 05-17-2004 06:26 PM

great work a007apl! a successful hunt! 8)

a007apl 05-18-2004 10:19 AM


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