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bmagni 06-14-2005 06:40 PM

i just have one jabba, it actually comes out in one of the pics

sameerrao 06-14-2005 09:40 PM

I sympathize with Magni ... I thought my toy car collecting days were long past and then it bit me hard last year.

To each their own ... even TT and his dolls - he can't live that one down ever! :wink:

Overmind 06-15-2005 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni
i just have one jabba

that somehow reduces the worth of your collection, doesn't it? :)


Originally Posted by bmagni
it actually comes out in one of the pics

yeah, I've seen him.. that's when I thought of the question :roll:.

Impressive collection anyways. Most impressive :).

RC45 06-15-2005 07:36 PM

Nice :)

bmagni 06-16-2005 12:28 AM

thnx guys

hey so far no one has noticed this is a george lucas figure, it was sold in limited quantities during celebration II, really hard to find...

ZfrkS62 06-16-2005 12:34 AM

:shock: i didn't even look at his face. i just noticed the orange flightsuit and figured it was Luke :shock:

evoWalo 06-16-2005 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
Far from being a nerd, he meets at least 1 of 2 important criterion for addicted collectors...

1. single...

2. have disposable income...

now being single AND have disposable income is the best.. ;)

BTW - nice looking collection... looks like a bunch of figures are un-carded - you get them at a better "used" price??

To qualify as a nerd he only lacks these last two criterion.

3. Virgin.

4. Lives in parent's basement.


Check out what I saw in Thailand...

evoWalo 06-16-2005 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by SilviaEvo
holy shit! you really like star wars! now all you need is the Force FX lightsabers :twisted:

Those Master Replica Force FX lightsabers are cool. I know 3 guys that have the Anakin, Vader & Luke sabers. I just wish I could cut through stuff with em. At one time I was really tempted to get one for myself but the problem is...

They do brake easily as one of the guys found out so be careful those things cost a lot. I was also able to handle the Master replica saber handles (forgot what they're really called) and they're pretty heavy.

TransAm 06-16-2005 09:37 AM

Thinking out loud: I wonder if Jabba has a Jabba figurine on his desk?

sameerrao 06-16-2005 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by TransAm2001
Thinking out loud: I wonder if Jabba has a Jabba figurine on his desk?

Nope - he just keeps a mirror on his desk :)

CSedl87 06-17-2005 07:05 PM

Thats actually a good investment, alot of vintage Star Wars toys are worth about $500so just imagine them in a few years, along with your collection in another 15-20 years, especially with the amount you have.

antonioledesma 06-17-2005 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by CSedl87
Thats actually a good investment, alot of vintage Star Wars toys are worth about $500so just imagine them in a few years, along with your collection in another 15-20 years, especially with the amount you have.

but those 500 usd figures are a couple, not a lot. And they must be in Mint condition, unopened, in the best shape possible. As I remember, a boba fett figure is the most expensive, but from the original series. Unless you're fooled by thieves who sell a "prototype" of bobba fett, which is thrash, a real fake

in the condition that bmagni has his toys he doesn't show to be a real nerd. I'm guessing he likes to play with his new toys

My last purchase was the darth sidious from clone wars :D

bmagni 08-13-2005 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by antonioledesma

Originally Posted by CSedl87
Thats actually a good investment, alot of vintage Star Wars toys are worth about $500so just imagine them in a few years, along with your collection in another 15-20 years, especially with the amount you have.

but those 500 usd figures are a couple, not a lot. And they must be in Mint condition, unopened, in the best shape possible. As I remember, a boba fett figure is the most expensive, but from the original series. Unless you're fooled by thieves who sell a "prototype" of bobba fett, which is thrash, a real fake

yup the $500 figs are old ones basically and have to be as antonio says in almost a perfect condition.
The Boba Fett youre talking about is worht $15,000, it wasnt produced cause it launched a missile from its back and they later realized it could be dangerous, that why the offer it sometimes as unpainted prototypes, but that doesnt mean its not original, if u find an original of this Boba its gonna come almost for sure with a certificate of authenticity. more info here:


Originally Posted by antonioledesma
in the condition that bmagni has his toys he doesn't show to be a real nerd. I'm guessing he likes to play with his new toys

My last purchase was the darth sidious from clone wars :D

i play with them all the time, hehe :D.
now seriously, i open them cause i started collecting when i still played with toys, and whats the reason of having them closed ? theyre meant to be opened :D

now bout the new figures
I recieved this 4 new figures today plus one i bought a couple of weeks ago...

#48 is R2-D2 with electronic sound - it says the classic beep beep bop beep, haha, and the unfamous "scream"

#49 Commander Baccara - clone commander, that is the antecessor of snowtroopers

#50 Anakin Skywalker with battle damage - u know what happens to him after fighting obi-wan

The 500th figure - Darth Vader in the meditation chamber, i havent opened it, but u can take the helmet off even when it closed, and i dont know why i didnty take the pics but ill do it later.
I have figs #200, 300, 400 and 500 :D
#200 is Mara Jade a Jedi from Expanded Universe
#300 is a Boba Fett that comes in an special box, u can see the pics of it, i have 2 of em, one open, one closed.
#400 is another Boba Fett, they didnt make a deal about it, its just a regular figure

And last this unleashed Amidala which comes in a bigger scale, aprox 7 inches, this one i was lucky to find in some forgotten supermarket, its really hard to get cause it was removed from sale cause of the boobs as you can see ;)

antonioledesma 08-13-2005 05:19 PM

damn... I was looking for the 500th figure but could not find it in supermarkets. I'm guessing that the flock of geeks and speculators bought each one 3 of those darth vader figures... :|

btw... are you interested in buying the clone wars SD figures? those midgets

bmagni 08-13-2005 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by antonioledesma
damn... I was looking for the 500th figure but could not find it in supermarkets. I'm guessing that the flock of geeks and speculators bought each one 3 of those darth vader figures... :|

btw... are you interested in buying the clone wars SD figures? those midgets

SD figures ??? which ones ??

This 500th figure I bought it at buuuut a i found many many many of them like 3 or 4 weeks ago at Juguetibici (el que esta por la Anahuac, enfrente de Interlomas) igual y ahi lo puedes encontrar, casi nadie va ahi.

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