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yg60m 07-08-2006 02:12 PM

1. MartijnGizmo Ferrari F40 : 5 pts nice angle and alone in track, wonderful
2. nthfinity Ford GT : 3 pts I simply like it
3. davide Maserati MC12 Corsa : 2 pts what a beautiful car and well shot
4. pterps, Honda Racing F1 Team RA106 : 1 pt nice angle

TT 07-09-2006 03:10 AM

Thanks everybody for voting so far.

Just two things.. DeMoN, next time please give the usernames, not cars involved in the pics, I can't remember them all on top of my head ;)
dodo.. nice try :P
taygunho: you said "Darkel - Noble M12".. I guess you wanted to give the points to Maou but if you can, please confirm

Igorionia 07-09-2006 01:47 PM

5points - MartijnGizmo
3points - davide
2points - Darkel
1point - RC45

taygunho 07-10-2006 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by TT
taygunho: you said "Darkel - Noble M12".. I guess you wanted to give the points to Maou but if you can, please confirm

Yes I mean Maou. :oops: I changed it :oops:

TT 07-10-2006 10:06 AM

Guessed so ;) thanks for confirming

dingo 07-10-2006 10:27 AM

Damn, only 2pts for me so far.....was expecting more than that for that photo. :(

Now vote for me!

Pehtren 07-10-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by bmuller
^^If you post a picture of yourself wearing just the JW, I'll vote for you for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place :mrgreen:

Hehe, bmuller is not into girls anymore :lol:

abbor 07-11-2006 08:19 PM

MIHALS, Ferrari 355: 5 pts

yacouba, Lancia Stratos: 3 pts

ThunderNet, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 : 2 pts

VTpterps, Honda Racing F1 Team RA106: 1 pt

weighty512 07-12-2006 10:52 AM

5 pts - Martijgizmo - F40 let loose on the track, nice

3 pts - Dani_d_mas - One of the sexiest Ferraris

2 pts - Darkel - 3 GT40s racing, what could be better?

1 pt - Davide - Darth Vader goes shopping

dan00k 07-12-2006 11:35 PM

5 points - The Transporter, Lamborghini Gallardo Spider

3 points - nthfinity, Ford GT

2 points - RC45, Lotus Exige Mk II

1 point - dogfriedwart, Ferrari 430

Fleischmann 07-13-2006 02:37 AM

5 - Davide
3 - ThunderNet
2 - nthfinity
1 - karcs

Dubai 07-17-2006 03:11 PM

(5) - Darkel, Ford GT40 ..>>> Looks like an old painting.. beautiful man!

(3) - dogfriedwart, Ferrari 430 >> I actully like the building in the b.g.

(2) - ThunderNet, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 VT >>> X-owner ;)

(1) - The Transporter, Lamborghini Gallardo Spider>> I have my own agenda :lol:

great pic, It was difficult to chose! but I really enjoyed it

Apac102 07-19-2006 09:08 PM

1. Titanboy_24, Ferrari FXX
2. dogfriedwart, Ferrari 430
3. dani_d_mas, Ferrari 250GT Lusso
4. Maou, Noble M12 GTO 3R

stmoritzer 07-20-2006 09:36 AM

MA yavourite pic this month is from davide, specially liked the light conditions, the MAserati sign like the entrance of a police station .... and the beautiful blue car infront

5p davide, Maserati MC12 Corsa
3p pterps, Honda Racing F1
2p r2r, LAmbo gallardo
1p c0wb0y007, BMW E46 M3 GTR

runner ups are
dingo, Aston Martin AMV8 Vantage - the advertisment in the background is disturbing :?
RC45, the speed is missing in that picture
ae86_16v, love the car, perfect neighbourhood

stradale 07-20-2006 10:56 AM

Damn, that was hard!!! So many high quality pics... I could have at least picked 8.

1st - 5 pts: MartijnGizmo - F40. This picture gives me goosebumps. I was there that day, but when I look at the picture it seems it was taken at a different time. It oozes atmosphere and looks like it's made with just black, white, red and blue.

2nd - 3 pts: eurocopter - Mustang. In a book on Mustangs this picture wouldn't look out of place. The nice background makes it hard date, which gives the pic an authentic feel.

3rd - 2 pts: yacouba - Stratos. The colours of the car almost blend in with the background and all the lines - including the car's - seem pointed towards the same imaginary point outside the frame.

4th - 1 pt: MIHALS - F355. Although it's quite a busy background the car still draws the attention. Great angle for the F355 as well!

Smylait took fantastic pictures at Viva Italia, but I didn't find this one very special. Too bad... :(

sentra_dude, you know there's not only an F355 in your picture, but the Le Mans winning 330 TRI as well, right? :wink:

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