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gis 04-16-2004 12:34 PM

chances are he is in the downloading club,but to find out who would be tough if not impossible right?

DeMoN 04-16-2004 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jabba
Or he is in the downloading club

doubt it, he todl me through MSN that he can't join JW back with another nick because his IP has been banned. So I dont think he is in the dload group. He must have obtained the file from someone else. He has been asking me for it (martin brundel's Supercars) and for other files.

and if he is not banned, just dumb, then you can certainly ban his IP using the method I told you on your hotmail... email him back and have him answer you. Give the IP to fishy-freek and I am sure he can ban his ass from here.

Jabba 04-16-2004 12:44 PM

Thanks DeMoN

DeMoN 04-16-2004 12:52 PM

Glad to be of help Jabba.

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 * * * Request timed out.
2 3 ms 2 ms 3 ms
3 8 ms 7 ms 9 ms [216.22.64.
4 24 ms 18 ms 18 ms []

5 20 ms 18 ms 18 ms []
6 20 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
7 17 ms 18 ms 18 ms []
8 31 ms 30 ms 31 ms []
9 29 ms 30 ms 29 ms []
10 31 ms 32 ms 32 ms GigabitEthernet1-1.GW4.IAD8.ALTER.NET [157.130.1
11 32 ms 31 ms 31 ms []
12 29 ms 32 ms 30 ms []
13 41 ms 39 ms 40 ms []
14 40 ms 41 ms 39 ms []
15 43 ms 37 ms 37 ms []
16 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms 181.ATM6-0.GW8.NYC9.ALTER.NET []
17 47 ms 49 ms 47 ms []

18 48 ms 45 ms 46 ms
19 * * * Request timed out.

His computer is off or disconnected at the moment. Hope he has static IP or else, it will be harder to ban his ass.

RC45 04-16-2004 01:32 PM

Maybe I am just slow and stupid - but besides Justin Syder - WTF is viperbond007 and active (last posted April 2 2004) upto with that site?

That would seem to be the other major leak guys.

Someone explain how what "they" are doing is in any way shape or form conducive to either site?

Inquisitive minds would like to know?

stradale 04-16-2004 01:35 PM

Didn't expect myself on the WWW so soon again, but while my sister is preparing dinner I just popped in. Gald that I did, since DeMoN's hunt sounds good to me!!!

Get the son of a bitch!

You have a good weekend as well, Jabba! Of course this also goes for all other members!

TT 04-16-2004 01:40 PM

About justin beeing in the club.. IMO is bullshit as 99% of what he says...

As for his IP well.. justin used a single one... but when he registered again as aggiravated man he used a completely different one (probably not his home pC)...
knowing IPs doesn't always help since there are so many internet cafés around...

I just hope this won't start a pointless war... we have our site, they have their... why couldn't we simply live on? :)

stradale 04-16-2004 01:42 PM

Well, there's still the issue of the 5th Gear and Top Gear vids that come from this site and are offered for money. Like Jabba said, who knows where that leads to...

he7lius 04-16-2004 01:43 PM

Shouldn't the first 6 digit's of th IP address specify who is his ISP??.
If yes, what are the odds of having many ppl using the same ISP in the downloading group.

From what i know there about 300-400 users in the downloading group, so shouldn't that trace it down a little??

Jabba 04-16-2004 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
Maybe I am just slow and stupid - but besides Justin Syder - WTF is viperbond007 and active (last posted April 2 2004) upto with that site?

What they are about is taking donations for videos that they take from here and other sites.

They have got a few episodes of 5th gear up that they have captured a few weeks after they were aired and sadly the first one being poor quality.

The older Top Gears I am sure are all from here.

After they have covered the cost of their bandwidth and capture card etc...they hand all the other money back of course :wink:

Jabba 04-16-2004 02:06 PM

"and so on" : Help support his "dream of owning a viper" fund.

PATo355 04-16-2004 02:28 PM

That Justin guy is fucking crazy , the other day started asking me about some Meet the Neighbours video i told him im not going to trade with him ... after a few discussions he said that i must "enjoy my stay in JW" , cuz he will get me off the site again as he did in past times , i dont know where the fuck he gets the video , but trust me its not me

PD : i think i sent the log to TT in the moment we had the conversation .

Jabba 04-16-2004 02:31 PM

Yes his mission is to fuck everything up for everyone....I have seen viper even tell him to shut up and he is supposed to be one of his moderators.

PATo355 04-16-2004 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Jabba
Yes his mission is to fuck everything up for everyone....I have seen viper even tell him to shut up and he is supposed to be one of his moderators.

Hahaha , justin a moderator ? LOL , he must learn to moderate himself first !!! :P

BADMIHAI 04-16-2004 02:39 PM

Are you all scared? I am justin sider, didn't you know? "Will the real Justin_Syder please stand up?". LMFAO You care too much about him, J!

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