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st-anger 10-25-2004 12:15 PM

..well, hi again - just came back from airport, tomorrow it´s a public holiday here in AUT so i took the chance to come back home for a day or two... :P

so what is to say, it´s my fourth week now away from regular work, things have cooled down a bit especially in the last week, nevertheless i hardly get under 50 to 60 hours a week only at work without preparations for the next day but luckily i´m leading a very very good team and all the ppl support me 101%, this makes it a lot more easier...
so what are we doing right now, well as i said before i can´t name any details but we´re NOT working on a current or upcomming Porsche model, it´s more an industry pool project for the future of automotive engineering and the PEG group is one of the leading institutions for work like this - it´s extremely interesting because we´re sort of working or better said researching the components of the near future´s cars... :)
--- well i think i already said too much :roll:

...unfortunately PC seems to kinda sleep now - well, i know some guys :wink: are doing their best to prevent that, and again i have to say THANKS a lot to them for their work and time...

and again - i won´t promise too much but 2005 will be the best JW year EVER here at PC - sooooo much Porsche stuff and of course some other surprises no one´ll ever guess, only one thing - it´ll be definitely HUGE :P

hope to c-ya all around some time back here at PC, even when i don´t have time for PC plz keep on posting and i´m sure lakatu and TT are always glad to help ya out in here... :)

kind regards,


dropot2 10-25-2004 12:40 PM

I've been away from JW for one month also and I haven't seen this sad new...I'm not a usual visitor of St-anger Porsche Central but it has been a pleasure to have shared some of my spare time reading your great reports and posts.
See you soon. :wink: Good luck with your new adventure!

jon_s 10-25-2004 01:12 PM

Glad to hear all is going well! :D

nthfinity 10-26-2004 12:04 PM

good to hear from you St-anger, glad things have become a somewhat calmer work enviornment for you recently. i think there is a lot of excitement in the leading edge of the automotive world. keep up the good work

coombsie66 10-30-2004 08:18 AM

Sounds veeeeeery interesting St anger, cant wait to hear more results of your hard work, (even though it'll probably be a few years till you can tell us!! :wink: )

Keep up the hard work old chum! :)

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