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weighty512 06-09-2006 11:12 AM

5 - Tifosi - Amazing car, neat location
3 - Mihals - Classic
2 - Smylait - Orange Zondas rock
1 - Momodels - Nice ass (i mean the 430!)

sentra_dude 06-10-2006 11:36 AM

Well, I've been away from JW for about 2 weeks, so I missed the start of this poll otherwise I would have voted much sooner. All I can say is WOW! :D These are some truly excellent pics guys! 8)

#1 - eurocopter, Audi RS4 - 5pts
#2 - yacouba, TVR Sagaris - 3pts
#3 - MartijnGizmo, BMW E46 M3 - 2pts
#4 - tifosi, BMW E60 M5 - 1pt

eurocopter - :shock: Wow dude! An amazing shot...looks to be straight from the cover of a magazine! 8)

yacouba - 8) A badass car, and a really nice angle.

Martijn - freakin kickass panning shot dude! :D

tifosi - I really like this one, the background is really cool, and does a great job of making the BMW stand out.

Honorable mentions -
P_Zero_Rosso, Ferrari 550 Barchetta - Love the car, and love the setting!

dani_d_mas, Lamborghini Miura - Miura! :D :D :D The water droplets are really cool.

Speedracer38, Ferrari Enzo and F50 - really nice shot.

Stikz 06-10-2006 08:02 PM

MartijnGizmo, BMW E46 M3 (5 pts) gorgeous
Maou, Pagani Zonda F (3 pts)
TT, Lamborghini Diablo SV (2 pts) TT rocks as always
nthfinity, Ferrari Testarossa (1 pt)

some beautiful pics as usual. :D

leo_26782 06-11-2006 02:02 PM

5 pts - Salegosse
3 pts - MartijnGizmo
2 pts - Eurocopter
1 pt - Smylait

I must be in a Zonda mood :D

As I didn't get a chance to comment on the new format, I must admit that I like it :D (even if it means more work for the admin :roll: )

666fast 06-11-2006 04:59 PM

MartijnGizmo 5pts
pzgren 3pts
Smylait 2pts
eurocopter 1pt

All great pics!

MartijnGizmos shot is very good IMO, the color of the car really stands out.

The background and color of PZgrens shot is very nice. I like the dark colors.

Smylaits shot is pretty good, I like the angle.

Eurocopters shot is good too, the car really stands out.

P_Zero_Rosso 06-12-2006 04:26 PM

It was a very tough decision this month:

1) eurocopter, Audi RS4 B7

2) MIHALS, Lamborghini Countach

3) dani_d_mas, Lamborghini Miura

4) Smylait, Pagani Zonda F

r2r 06-16-2006 02:20 AM

My judging of the favorite pic is purely based on the quality, angle, and the setting of the shot. (and not the particular car in the image)

MartijnGizmo, BMW E46 M3 _____5pt

momodels, Ferrari 430 _________3pt

TT, Lamborghini Diablo SV ______2pt

carsightings, Mini Cooper S _____1pt

and I think having it done this new way has more advantages then disadvantages,

however I think we should keep it only to three or two winners!

jon_s 06-24-2006 08:01 AM

Now, obviously mine is the best!! hehehe

Only kidding.

My vote is as follows:

5pts: MartijnGizmo - BMW E46 M3
3pts: carsightings - Mini Cooper S
2pts: eurocopter - Audi RS4 B7
1pts: tifosi - BMW E60 M5

philios55 06-25-2006 05:05 PM

#1 - eurocopter - 5 pts.
#2 - MartijnGizmo - 3 pts.
#3 - momodels - 2 pts.
#4 - Darkel - 1 pts.

pzgren 06-28-2006 11:51 AM

1st - smylait
2nd - Maou
3rd - Speedracer38
4th - eurocopter

stmoritzer 06-29-2006 01:56 PM

didn't vote so far :oops:

these 5 are my favourites, #1 was clear, the runner ups were tricky to select, all 4 are very nice. At the end, salegosse didn't got a point, because the car next to the elevator looks somehow wrong placed ...

#1 MartijnGizmo
#2 pzgren
#3 Smylait
#4 Darkel
#5 Salegosse

I've to mention momodels's Ferrari 430 picture, that car alone on the street would have been awesome, the color. the angle of the car :P , the tilted wheels 8)

TT 06-29-2006 02:06 PM

Nice to see ppl voting from first day to last! The topic didn't die, we got many votes and many points were distributed between the entries!

Definitely much better than the simple poll IMO! A keeper!

Last 24 hours or so to place your vote if you didn't do it yet, but the first two are pretty much set and I don't see how it could change now ;)

TT 06-29-2006 03:03 PM

I did them: every new post I did the maths ;)

dutchmasterflex 06-29-2006 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by TT
Nice to see ppl voting from first day to last! The topic didn't die, we got many votes and many points were distributed between the entries!

Definitely much better than the simple poll IMO! A keeper!

Last 24 hours or so to place your vote if you didn't do it yet, but the first two are pretty much set and I don't see how it could change now ;)

Hehehe, as long as we still got a great group of JW lackies to do the work ;) I think this way of scoring is great!

Can't wait to see the final results.. (cause i'm way to lazy to count ;) )

Igorionia 06-30-2006 02:35 AM

MartijnGizmo - 5
eurocopter - 3
tifosi - 2
momodels -1

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