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BADMIHAI 12-13-2006 10:58 PM

That's gotta be because Mel Gibson is such a big hit over there. :wink:

Max Power 12-14-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by Max Power
all i want is my sway bar at a reasonable cost....dammit, is that too much to ask?

it appears to be so :(

Can yo get around it by sending your canadian rubles to somone here, have them buy it and send it to you as a gift? Or do gifts still get taxed?

i'd still have to pay for sales tax 8% and most likely brokerage fees...

unless i drove across the border and then came back with it (i think u can bring over $500 worth of stuff with out getting taxed, as was the case with my surround sound)...but i don't know anyone in Buffalo... :|

callen 12-15-2006 01:17 AM

MaX Power- I feel you dude, stuff is generally more expensive here in Canada then it is in the US. I dont have an answer as to why that is, but I guess we will have to learn to accept it. Tho there is the choice to just go to the states, buy your goods and bring em back.... pay the sales tax you are still ahead. Dodge the fuckers at the border and say "nothing to declare sir" and ur as good as gold. either way you should come out ahead. pain in the ass? yes. want a swar bar for 2/3 the Canadian price? gotta be done.

MIHAI- man i dunno if i can stand up for you cause u seem to have dug urself pretty deep this time. I understand some of the things you say tho. I think free health care that covers many things for all canadians is a good thing. I am sure this has something to do with our tax rate being so high but who knows. As far as tax rates are concerned, at minimum wage, its less than 10% so your 40% goes out the window.. thats reserved for the six figure club. Quality of life in Canada vs. the US.... tough to say the population difference can be deceiving. Of course there is more poverty in the US because there is 10 times the amount of people. btw, I think you live just outside of London, On... correct? I spent three years in that city and its a pretty nice place to live, so its tough to get a good feel for what a bad area is. I mean the east side has its pockets but generally its a pretty affluent city. Also if you ever head to Toronto, skip the young and bloor shoppin trip and head to jane and finch, go check out how quickly someone is willing to FUCK YOU up for 5 dollars. nuff said bro.

BADMIHAI 12-15-2006 01:56 AM

Yeah, I guess you're right, Callen. Every time I worked the taxes were 5% or so because I'm a student. I know my mom pays 40% tax.

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