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jon_s 05-15-2004 12:37 PM

Haha, history of my car....**pics working again**
Was looking at some backup cds today look what I found:

My baby when new:
Some new wheels as I really don't like the 4 spoke things:
Somewhere sunny!! In the UK!!!!!!!!!
Some tit tried to break in! Just after fixing that side from a hit and run..

Yes, all you anti-rice people, it is an exhaust...however, it is the smallest pipe I could possibly get, it is a Sebring full system, and no I don't sound like I am doing 100mph when I am doing 20mph.

Snowy day!
My street:

Dad's car:
oooooooooh clean now....

Silghtly different, but, my desk:

2 of my 3 cats:

A Fiesta meet:

that will do, my car does not look like a 4x4 anymore, it is sitting quite nicely now. I am not doing anything else to her.

oscargarza88 05-15-2004 02:28 PM

it looks much much better with the new wheels!
tha back light look cool too, and it must b reall cool driving in that snowed road., and i dint know fiestas made a meet...

jon_s 05-15-2004 02:31 PM

It was organised by -which is having server problems at the moment. Quite a good turn out IMO

WRX 05-15-2004 03:37 PM

all of those fiestas make my head spin

Anonymous 05-15-2004 03:45 PM

your right about the four spokes, still it could of been worse and come with 3 spokes :lol: That idiot didn't do a very good job of breaking in clearly not a professional thief! That exhaust doen't look at all out of place it looks like something ford would fit to a performance version and not like a dustbin you would see in fast car etc :lol: Nice car all in all you haven't gone mad with the mods and what you have done has improved the car greatly in my eyes :D 8)

jon_s 05-15-2004 03:55 PM

Why thankyou, it is just sitting a bit lower now, at least I can't hide a small child under the arches lol. 8)

I was a bit worried when the exhaust turned up, I thought it was massive lol.

Anonymous 05-15-2004 04:02 PM

No that isn't massive you should see the 4inch+ exhaust on my mates nova (full race engine :lol:) When we used to work together i used to hear him about a mile before he got there!! Rediculous i wouldn't be able to put up with it all the time like on the motorway it would just deafen you!!

BTW didn't notice the ride height until you just said that :lol: i thought about lowering my mini a bit but the ride is bad enough already especially over speed bumps!!

PATo355 05-15-2004 04:56 PM

Love the new wheels Jon , plus the exhaust gives it a touch of design to the car , nothing rice about it . Your dad car looks amazing , and its a 9-5 aero stock , it looks astonishing , i love that car

jon_s 05-15-2004 06:01 PM

Cheers, the Aero's looks never changed, dad just had some work to the engine, he really did not want any 'modded' look to it what so ever. The poor car has done nearly 80,000 miles now. It is slowly being returned to 'stock' (original ecu e.t.c) as we plan on selling it soon. Dunno what next, maybe another one lol

PATo355 05-15-2004 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by jon_s
Cheers, the Aero's looks never changed, dad just had some work to the engine, he really did not want any 'modded' look to it what so ever. The poor car has done nearly 80,000 miles now. It is slowly being returned to 'stock' (original ecu e.t.c) as we plan on selling it soon. Dunno what next, maybe another one lol

It looks very clean , btw which car is you dad getting now ? a new Saab ?

jon_s 05-15-2004 06:14 PM

We really don't know! I think he does not want a powerful FWD car anymore. I love the car, but it has its limits :cry: If it was AWD or RWD it would be perfect!

Maybe a second hand M5 :? or Audi S6, RS4 :?

Don't know about brand new, for 30k, you can't really beat the Aero for every day lugging stuff about, luxuary, performance e.t.c I is going to be hard, but another Aero is certainly an option.

gis 05-15-2004 08:01 PM

nice pics jon,i wanted to see pics of your fiesta for quite sum time now.looks nice and clean,i liek that exhaust,i want one that size for my saxo :D

jon_s 05-16-2004 06:10 AM

Yeah, sorry about that, I always had the intention to post some pics, but I lacked a digi cam for some time. All those pics were captured frames from my old video camera which decided to break. My new video camea is fine for moving pics, but the quality of captured screens is not upto scratch IMO, those pics of my new bike are with the new camera: you can see the difference in quality!

I am looking into a dedicated stills camera at the moment, nothing fancy, something around the 200-300 mark.

gis 05-16-2004 06:55 AM

the one i got is ok for quality still pics,its a kodak DX6440.very easy to use,takes nice pics and it was £340 :)

have u got any in-car vids of you and your fiesta,im interested to hear that exhaust :D

SPEEDKILLAR 05-16-2004 06:59 AM

Naughty little devil :twisted: , good choice of color and yes, doesn't needs anything else done to her.Congrats

jon_s 05-16-2004 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by gis
the one i got is ok for quality still pics,its a kodak DX6440.very easy to use,takes nice pics and it was £340 :)

have u got any in-car vids of you and your fiesta,im interested to hear that exhaust :D

I will have a look at the camera, I can certainly get an in car video at some point. In terms of sound, it is a Sebring combined with a K+N. Just driving around town you won't notice the car. There is a little, and I do mean little burble at idle. However, start driving the car hard, and things change, the K+N starts to come alive, oddly enough, stitting at 70-80mph you don't really notice it either.

When I next get a mate around, I will get a vid, of various driving situations so you can hear how loud/quite it is.

Anonymous 05-16-2004 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by jon_s

Originally Posted by gis
the one i got is ok for quality still pics,its a kodak DX6440.very easy to use,takes nice pics and it was £340 :)

have u got any in-car vids of you and your fiesta,im interested to hear that exhaust :D

I will have a look at the camera, I can certainly get an in car video at some point. In terms of sound, it is a Sebring combined with a K+N. Just driving around town you won't notice the car. There is a little, and I do mean little burble at idle. However, start driving the car hard, and things change, the K+N starts to come alive, oddly enough, stitting at 70-80mph you don't really notice it either.

When I next get a mate around, I will get a vid, of various driving situations so you can hear how loud/quite it is.

Wierd i can never persuade any of my mates to hold the camera :? maybe its something to do with my driving style :P

coombsie66 05-16-2004 07:15 AM

Nice pics, i also have one of the smallest tailpipes available for my system, although i do like it quite loud, so mines a bit fruity :wink: but its a good tone aswell as loud, and this nice burbles and slight pops on the over run are nice IMO. I really wanna get sum vids of my car up, i only have ones taken from my phone, so tiny, and poor quality. But where can you host small vids?

EDIT: ive just looked and they are 94 k each and 9 second clips in real player (it downloads a codec or sumthing to play em) i remember hearing of a place that hosts files below 1 meg for free??

gis 05-16-2004 07:16 AM

that would be awesome jon.whats the fastest u had out of her?

i can imagine its a nice sound when u open up the throttle,a friend of mine has a punto with a K&N and ashley sport exhaust and straight pipe,thats loud when u open it up,lol.i got a pipercross filter fitted on friday and that is pretty dam got a vid of that i made on friday night

Anonymous 05-16-2004 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
. But where can you host small vids?

I take it your hoping for free- if so up to 20mb on tripod, totally free and fairly quick good enough for a short vid certainly

jon_s 05-16-2004 07:26 AM

Fastest ever was 120mph on the clock, so more like 110-115mph. Hardly going to break any records, but it will do me for a while!

coombsie66 05-16-2004 07:32 AM

Uh, ok, registered to tripod, and uploaded my files but they r HTML's how do i get them to come up as video files?

Anonymous 05-16-2004 07:36 AM

what format are the vids? :? I simply used the site builder, then you click on add web gem and add a file download
BTW i feel a thread hijack starting :oops: :P PM instead so we don't clog up jons thread!! :lol:

gis 05-16-2004 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by jon_s
Fastest ever was 120mph on the clock, so more like 110-115mph. Hardly going to break any records, but it will do me for a while!

wow thats pretty good for a 1.2 jon,i had 115 out of mine still had a bit to go.but im impressed by yours a lot.

coombsie66 05-16-2004 07:55 AM

Ok, attmepted to wack sum vids on a shockingly poor 1st attempt at a web page!

If u try to play them wiv real player it will D/L the nessecary software.

Ok, actually that aint gunna work, as it doest recognise the files as vids as they are 3GP.
Bugger, right back to revision, sorry for trashing the thread jon :oops:
Oh yeah, jon or al, if u want vids hit me on MSN they D/L through there ok.

jon_s 05-16-2004 09:38 AM

No problems with the hijack, I have just gaffer taped the camera to my dash and have been out for a spin lol. You can sort of hear it, and also, why does everything look so bloody slow. As I have a 1.25 I can claim something as both runs were up hills lol, but I hit 100mph, and I look like I am going backwards lol. Anyway, give me a while to sort this out, the vid is 17mins long, and I don't usually do any editing, a mates does it for me, so bare with me.

Remember gis, I have done a little bit to the engine, but at the end of the day it is a 1.25 and is never going to be quick :(

Going back to my dad's replacement, what are your ideas, 30k, give or take 5k. We don't mind second hand, as long as it is only a couple of years old. New would be nice, but the amount of money one loses driving out of the garage is scary! It pretty much has to be a performance estate......

coombsie66 05-16-2004 12:57 PM

Video sounds interesting!! My mates got a 1.25 fessie, and it'll hold its own till about the end of 2nd gear, then it kinda goes backwards quite rapidly :wink:
Everything certainly looks and sounds slower on camera, especially gearchanges i find.
If you wernt gunna go for an estate, wat about a high ish milage M5??

Oh yeah, that gaffatape sounds like a good idea, i tried jugling my phone, whilst changing gear and steering, didnt end up in to good an camera angle!! :oops:

jon_s 05-16-2004 02:24 PM

Yeah, mine is the same, good 1st and 2nd, I have a little more kick than stardard in 3rd but to be fair, not a lot. I need a faster car lol

gis 05-16-2004 05:30 PM

vid sounds good jon.hope to see it soon.your fiesta will be nippy as hell through 1st and 2nd for sure,especially fun in the country roads were yours,coombsie's,AL123 and myselfs cars are fun to drive.

got 118 today wOOt,on the way back from the beach racing an older escort xr3i.pretty cool.

for 30k,hmmm i was thikin liek an M5 or sumthin,can u get one for that price?

Anonymous 05-16-2004 06:02 PM

i've been avoiding posting my top speed :lol: but hey to go along with the crowd its 90mph (what the speedo goes upto) and a bit more so i can boast "i've had it off the clock". But seriously it is so fun to drive even in derby where i am at the moment there is great fun to be had on roundabouts! :D :twisted: but back home in dorset is much more fun especially since i put the bucket seats in as the passengers don't whine about being chucked about as much anymore! There are so many roads back in dorset to have fun on, my particular favourites are on the way to my local mini supplier- lots of nice sweeping fast corners and twisty bits that i hardly slow down for as there is rarely much traffic!! :D

coombsie66 05-16-2004 06:17 PM

Dorset has sum very nice roads, there's a stretch across the top of the hills past a radio broadcast centre, loads of ariels on the way from crewkerene to dorchester, apparently its one of the most dangerous stretches in the area, but its a great road!! A few heart in mouth moments tho, due to lots of hidden dips on the long straights! :| :shock:

Anonymous 05-16-2004 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
Dorset has sum very nice roads, there's a stretch across the top of the hills past a radio broadcast centre, loads of ariels on the way from crewkerene to dorchester, apparently its one of the most dangerous stretches in the area, but its a great road!! A few heart in mouth moments tho, due to lots of hidden dips on the long straights! :| :shock:

Yeah dorset is certainly a place where you should take notice of the hidden dip signs especially on the narrow roads to avoid some close calls! :shock: But there are some really bad roads like an undulating strench near badbury rings on the road from blandford to winbourne its solid white lines alot of the way but people still overtake practically blind ie they can see if anythings coming becasue of the undualtion of the road :shock: especially bikers which can be very scary

gis 05-16-2004 06:30 PM

never heard of this road,must be scary with hidden dips,lol

Anonymous 05-16-2004 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by gis
never heard of this road,must be scary with hidden dips,lol

there are quite a few realtively dangerous ones to be honest, but their not really dangerous on their own i'm afraid like most dangerous roads its the assholes on them :lol: but as long as you recognise the dangerous stretches there is a hell of alot of fun to be had which makes up for it :D

coombsie66 05-16-2004 06:50 PM

^^ I think i know the road, and yip ive pulled out thinking it was no dip, got half way along the car im passing to find it was a dip, and luckily no cars bin coming the other way. Fuckin shit it bigstyle, i dont usually pass much on that road anymore :? :|

jon_s 05-17-2004 02:05 PM

LOL! I am putting the vid onto the pc....700mb so far and still counting lol..obviously I will edit...change size e.t.c

I made was 23mb, but when I played it back, there was no sound! :? Now I have to start again!

edit: wohoo, there is sound lol I'll add ccomb and gis to msn

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