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Jabba 09-21-2004 11:08 AM

For those that missed all the drama in the other threads...I have decided to replace my vapochill cooling system with an extreme water based cooling solution.

The main reason for this is that vapochills tend to condensate if left idle for long periods of time as I found out the expensive way when some condensation destroyed two videos cards at a cost of over £750.

Anyway things are going quite well now but theres still much to do. I have so far managed a stable P4 3.4 @ 3.75 ghz my target is 3.8 ghz and I have just bought a further double rad to hopefully enable me to reach the target.

Thanks to thamar and dan for all their wonderful help.

abbor 09-21-2004 11:13 AM

Great job done there jabba... Good luck further in the process of the making..
How long have you been without the quadruple monitor system up and running?

Jabba 09-21-2004 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by abbor
Great job done there jabba... Good luck further in the process of the making..
How long have you been without the quadruple monitor system up and running?

Thanks. Well over one month so making good use of my laptop but sadly no videos until my main system is back up and running 100% again.

yg60m 09-21-2004 11:49 AM

Impressive stuffs :shock: What a lot of cables and electronics ...
I hope it will work fine :wink:

Jabba 09-21-2004 11:51 AM

Yep working great so just got to tune her up for maximum performance.

yg60m 09-21-2004 11:54 AM

I guess it's not the easiest part ....

TT 09-21-2004 12:21 PM

What to say.. painfull experience but I guess you learnt many things from it! And thankfully you are skilled at such things!

Jabba 09-21-2004 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by TT
What to say.. painfull experience but I guess you learnt many things from it! And thankfully you are skilled at such things!

Very true words but I am very lucky to have such great support from such very clever people on JW.

The final stages are indeed very enjoyable when you can see that you are starting to make some good progress at long last.

mindgam3 09-21-2004 12:52 PM

So are you still getting 4 gig out of your P4 and cooling it to the same sort of temps as the vaporchill?

Jabba 09-21-2004 01:04 PM

As said 3.75 ghz so far but should make at least 3.8 but more importantly I can run it 24/7 which I couldn't do before.

stradale 09-22-2004 06:11 AM

Wow, that looks mighty complicated... :shock:

I hope all problems will be solved now, Jabba. Great to hear you got good support from Dan and thamar. Isn't this place just the best?! :D

cho_888 09-22-2004 07:12 AM

great to see its FINALLY coming all togetther. it will be great when its up and running

sheruken 09-22-2004 09:13 AM

That think looks Wicked!!!
I am sure it will perform as wild as it looks...
(Great going, Dude.. Thats some major sh*t you got there..)

nthfinity 09-22-2004 01:02 PM

looking good jabba... just need a hood ornament, and the front facia (scale size, of course) for your radiator ;)
ive always been afraid of using water cooling systems, good to seen yours coming along with an aditional 350mhz (so far) too

Jabba 09-22-2004 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity
ive always been afraid of using water cooling systems, good to seen yours coming along with an aditional 350mhz (so far) too

Me as well...but the connectors seem to be very reliable as there hasn't been even a hint of a leak so far.

abbor 09-22-2004 01:29 PM

Was there any hint of leak on the other before you discovered it was broken?

Jabba 09-22-2004 01:34 PM

Condensation dripping from the insulation but it was very minor and therefore hard to detect.

topgeartom 09-22-2004 03:06 PM

well, it looks the bollocks, and lets face it - whats 200mhz loss between friends. :P

callen 09-22-2004 07:32 PM

Jabba u are the king! that system is more than my brian can process. u got stuff in their ive never even hrd of, but ive gained an infinite amount of knowledge since i joined JW, and look forward to learning more, and one day maybe ill have enuf knowledge to build a system so technically superior as urs :mrgreen: (and the $$$ to do it of course!)

Toronto 09-22-2004 07:59 PM

so can you take bong hits with your water cooling set up?

cause that would be crazy!

Jabba 09-23-2004 04:03 AM

As in make drinks with it ?

PATo355 09-23-2004 04:09 AM

Sad that it ended like this , you payed a lot of money for the system and you are building it yourself , imagine how much money would have you saved by making this at the first time ... well ... for the next pc you can build your own setup :D

Weird that you are getting just 4.0 from the 3.2 ghz P4 , im sure ive read in about ppl getting 3.7 off 2.8 P4 processors , thats why building an overclocked PC is worth the money , buying a 2.4GHZ processor made these days its basically the same as the most powerfull ( 3.6 i believe ) , so you can squeeze it till 3.7 3.8 easily .

BTW very nice job , it must be apain in the ass to build all that stuff

PATo355 09-23-2004 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by callen
Jabba u are the king! that system is more than my brian can process. u got stuff in their ive never even hrd of, but ive gained an infinite amount of knowledge since i joined JW, and look forward to learning more, and one day maybe ill have enuf knowledge to build a system so technically superior as urs :mrgreen: (and the $$$ to do it of course!)

You dont need a lot of money to play with that kind of stuff , get an amd they are cheap , you can end with a system very fast , maybe close to Jabbas , but Jabbas one has 2gb of ram if i am correct and what was insanely expensive was the 4 screen setup , but for learning get some cheap processor , its very fun .

Jabba 09-23-2004 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by PATo355
Sad that it ended like this , you payed a lot of money for the system and you are building it yourself , imagine how much money would have you saved by making this at the first time ... well ... for the next pc you can build your own setup :D

Yes that has crossed my mind a few times....but I have learned so much from the whole experience that I would not have known if I had tried to build it myself at the beginning.

When things are going right with it then you feel a real sense of achievement...when things start going badly that it can become a bit frustrating.

PATo355 09-23-2004 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by PATo355
Sad that it ended like this , you payed a lot of money for the system and you are building it yourself , imagine how much money would have you saved by making this at the first time ... well ... for the next pc you can build your own setup :D

Yes that has crossed my mind a few times....but I have learned so much from the whole experience that I would not have known if I had tried to build it myself at the beginning.

When things are going right with it then you feel a real sense of achievement...when things go badly that it can become a bit frustrating.

That is a good point , you learned something because of the problem , im sure next time you would like to build the pc . And yes when you are trying to do something and does not work again and again it works to be a little frustrating , but then when you get it is very amazing .

BTW , what happened with the savrov guys about the videocards ? I lost that discussion since ive been with a lot of tests lately , thats why my lack of posting

Jabba 09-23-2004 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by PATo355
You dont need a lot of money to play with that kind of stuff , get an amd they are cheap , you can end with a system very fast , maybe close to Jabbas , but Jabbas one has 2gb of ram if i am correct and what was insanely expensive was the 4 screen setup , but for learning get some cheap processor , its very fun .

The end result may not be that expensive but the learning curve can be.

I have so far gone through a psu, air cooled reservoir, maybe a new P4 (The current one has been slightly damaged by corrosion) over £200 in various shipping charges and more to come (just ordered another double rad) you would be surprised how quickly it can all add up. I do agree with you that it can be excellent fun though.

PATo355 09-23-2004 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by PATo355
You dont need a lot of money to play with that kind of stuff , get an amd they are cheap , you can end with a system very fast , maybe close to Jabbas , but Jabbas one has 2gb of ram if i am correct and what was insanely expensive was the 4 screen setup , but for learning get some cheap processor , its very fun .

The end result may not be that expensive but the learning curve can be.

I have so far gone through a psu, air cooled reservoir, maybe a new P4 (The current one has been slightly damaged by corrosion) over £200 in various shipping charges and more to come (just ordered another double rad) you would be surprised how quickly it can all add up. I do agree with you that it is indeed excellent fun.

Its fun i just build myself an Athlon , not that expensive but around a thousand dollars without monitor , savesd money by buying an Amd 2500+ processor and its running like a 3400+ processor , without any problems of stability , and that means in money that i saved 100 dollars in the processor , as the 2500 retails for 100 and the 3200 for almost 210 dollars .

looking in the pics , the socket of the cpu looks full of thermal paste , ive read everywhere that you just need a little , this guys bathed the processor in that shit , which is not good ( i can be wrong , im a n00b in this stuffs )

Jabba 09-23-2004 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by PATo355
BTW , what happened with the savrov guys about the videocards ? I lost that discussion since ive been with a lot of tests lately , thats why my lack of posting

Basically they washed their hands of it because I fitted my own video card and didn't get them to do it. They knew this was utter crap as the pipe that was leaking was no where near the video card that I fitted.

Jabba 09-23-2004 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by PATo355
looking in the pics , the socket of the cpu looks full of thermal paste , ive read everywhere that you just need a little , this guys bathed the processor in that shit , which is not good ( i can be wrong , im a n00b in this stuffs )

It is needed with the vapochill system as it reduces temps down to below -20 the extra thermal paste it to deal with any condensation issues that arise and if anything that didn't use enough.

PATo355 09-23-2004 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by PATo355
looking in the pics , the socket of the cpu looks full of thermal paste , ive read everywhere that you just need a little , this guys bathed the processor in that shit , which is not good ( i can be wrong , im a n00b in this stuffs )

It is needed with the vapochill system as it reduces temps down to below -20 the extra thermal paste it to deal with any condensation issues that arise and if anything that didn't use enough.

Ok it must be a special one and of course not conductive , my bad :wink:

Hope you can fix it b4 the new TG season , hehe , good luck

And good nite

Jabba 09-27-2004 05:28 AM

Nearly finished.

topgeartom 09-27-2004 01:00 PM

well jabba, you can take some comfort in the knowledge that even if it fucker doesnt work, it will still look the bollocks! :P

Jabba 09-27-2004 01:42 PM

It works great better than ever thanks. It runs at 3.8 GHZ which is 200 mhz slower than with the vapochill but runs happily 24/7 and is much quieter as well now.

possessed_beaver 09-28-2004 11:35 AM

nice, i've been motoring the progress, i missed you're web cam, and staring at the reversed parked lambo and ferrari :P

i can understand how painful and expensive some leaning can be (ie: my own sys) but it was worth it in the end for the satifaction when it worked and i made it work :)!

Fluxlo 10-25-2004 12:50 AM

Wow, great looking computer Jabba, It's sad to hear that your vapochill system was not reliable 24/7. Just out of curiosity, are you having any voltage drop problems with your p4 chip when it's running at full load? I've heard stories about the MAX3 board dropping a bit of voltage when it runs at full load resulting in a poorer overclock. There's a physical modification that you can do to your board if you want to fix it (I'll send you more info about it if you're interested), but I'm sure you find that 3.8Ghz is fast enough :D

Jabba 10-25-2004 05:05 AM

hmmm interesting...not had any problems in that dept so far....

aks 10-25-2004 05:46 AM

i know the pain Jabba, my computer caught on fire because of the power supply and ruined the motherboard :twisted:

but take it as i do, it's all a learning experience. my lesson, never keep a power supply for 6 years!

if u still want 4.0GHz equivalent tho, then AMD now has the Athlon 64 4000+ (,00.html) but i guess after all ur hard work u probably just wanna get wat u have workin.

anyway, one thing is for sure, u'll always have something to look back upon and smile at 30 years from now! :D

Jabba 10-25-2004 05:50 AM

Yep quite happy with it at long last.

topgeartom 10-25-2004 07:33 AM

thank fuk, finally! :P

topgeartom 10-26-2004 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by thamar
The only Nf³ board for the S939 is from MSI and well I hate MSI ;) The others all use the Via-chipset and well I also hate them :P

Thamar the psycho bear - so full of love :D :wink:

sikx5 10-26-2004 07:14 AM

Look good jabba, glad to see its up and running, hopefully all goes well this time around.

aks 11-12-2004 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba
Yep quite happy with it at long last.

i can imagine the feeling!! got my computer workin yesterday and was so happy i gave it a hug! i guess that's wat 5 weeks without ur computer can do to u :D

graywolf624 07-15-2005 02:08 PM

Thats what happens when you open a thread from a year ago.

Jabba 11-21-2006 06:16 AM

Yes, you have a point, besides its been well and truly replaced now with a 4GHZ conroe and Savrow are no longer in business anyway, serves them right, for fucking me over though.

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