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TT 01-31-2007 03:58 PM

Before showing the pics, I'd like to remember you we changed the way to decide the winner since some months. Just testing if it will work out, but I am sure it will, and it's a better solution, even if some of the laziest ones will stop voting because it will take some more time.

Here is what to do:

You have to select your fav FOUR pics and assign points. The point system is as follows:

fav pic: 5 pts
second pic: 3 pts
third: 2 pts
fourth: 1 pt

Please, your fav pic on top, 4th one at the bottom of the short list.

Also, if you want, please, explain your choices :)

And may the best win :)


ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

pterps, Ferrari 360 Spider

TT, Pagani Zonda F

stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722

dani_d_mas, Renault 5 Turbo

yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

eurocopter, Alfa Romeo Brera

komotar, Seat Leon FR

MUS911, Bugatti EB110 GT

Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster

skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI

Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo

P_Zero_Rosso, Audi TT 2006

HarryCASI, BMW E60 M5

TT 01-31-2007 04:01 PM

5 pts - dani_d_mas - it's a pure pic, the slight mist, the tilting. Well done!
3 pts - Smylait - not my fav pic from this set, but it was your pick and it's bloody great!
2 pts - stmoritzer - dark underground, agressive car, seems so wicked from this angle
1 pt - ZondaC12 - night shots are always impressive and the Grimaldi forum is a nice setting, no doubt

yg60m 01-31-2007 04:29 PM

:| My god, it will be very hard !! SO much of my favorite cars and so much wonderful pics !! Damn, I need some time to choose ...

TopGearNL 01-31-2007 04:30 PM

5 pts - Smylait - Love the ambiance in the pic! Love the tilting too!
3 pts - TT - Nice the way the Zonda is just above the grass, and the trees and sky complete it!
2 pts - Skituner - its a very nice panning shot, the blue feels so alive!
1 pt - StMoritzer - Mean looking machine, love the way the light falls onto it and the shadows!

All the others well done!

yg60m 01-31-2007 04:35 PM

1st : stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 : 5pts gorgeous man !!
2nd : ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche : 3 pts, very nice background and lights
3rd : komotar, Seat Leon FR : 2 pts, I love the lights effects
4 th : TT, Pagani Zonda F : 1 pt, it had to be in my fv. but I wouldn't have choose this pic :wink:

Nice job mates !! :clap:

dutchmasterflex 01-31-2007 04:46 PM

1st: ZondaC12, Gembella 997 GTR650: 5pts - Amazing background, perfect lighting, great car!

2nd: Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster - 3pts - Great angle and composition, very nice location to match the amazing car. nice touch with the open doors.

3rd: skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI - 2pts - Awesome motion shot, bright blue color of the WRX really makes a nice contrast with the bluurred winter environment

4th: komotar, Seat Leon FR - 1pt - just the right amount of exposure.. love the head/taillight effect. just wish it was dead on center.

Great job guys!

deuces 01-31-2007 05:12 PM

1st: ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche - great car in a great area
2nd: Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo - sweet shot in the water
3rd: komotar, Seat Leon FR - love the up front pic
4th: stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 - totally badass

Z3uS 01-31-2007 05:51 PM

5 pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 ---------- I loved the agressive look blended with dark setting.

3 pts - Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo ---------- Great shot. I like the colour of the car on the background, and the water from the puddle flying was awesome too.

2 pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F

1 pt - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster

dan00k 01-31-2007 07:38 PM

5 pts - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
3 pts - Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
2 pts - P_Zero_Rosso, Audi TT 2006
1 pt - yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

skituner 01-31-2007 07:59 PM

wow thanks to who ever put my picture in, i feel honored

Erez 01-31-2007 08:32 PM

5 pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F
3 pts - Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
2 pts - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650
1 pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722

MidEngine4Life 02-01-2007 05:11 AM

5pts - Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
3pts - P_Zero_Rosso, Audi TT 2006
2pts - skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI
1pt - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

blue8 02-01-2007 06:16 AM

5pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
3pts - komotar, Seat Leon FR
2pts - skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI
1pt - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster

LEXION 02-01-2007 11:40 AM

5 points - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722

3 points - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
2 points - pterps, Ferrari 360 Spider
1 point - skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI

ViperASR 02-01-2007 11:47 AM

5pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
3pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F
2pts - pterps, Ferrari 360 Spider
1pt - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

Everyone had awesome pics, very hard to pick for the best shots :good:

jorge 02-01-2007 12:33 PM

Very, very hard to choose between these :|

5pts - Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
3pts - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
2pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F
1pt - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722

I also liked a lot the picture of the Seat Leon FR from komotar. The picture is great, but maybe the fact that i don`t like at all the design of the car convince me not to put it in the top 4.

jorge 02-01-2007 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by jorge
Very, very hard to choose between these :|

5pts - Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
3pts - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
2pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F
1pt - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722

I also liked a lot the picture of the Seat Leon FR from komotar. The picture is great, but maybe the fact that i don`t like at all the design of the car convinced me not to put it in the top 4.

TNT 02-01-2007 03:37 PM

1~~ komotar, Seat Leon FR
2~~ stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
3~~ ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
4~~ yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

MUS911 02-01-2007 05:22 PM

5pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F

3pts - yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

2pts - komotar, Seat Leon FR

1pt - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

awsome work guys!
Thanks for: dani_d_mas, pterps, stmoritzer, eurocopter, Smylait, skituner, Wutputt, P_Zero_Rosso, HarryCASI
really nice job. :)

stmoritzer 02-01-2007 05:46 PM

5pt skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI , nice panning shot, the high contrast value for the blue color of the WRX fits perfectly IMO

3pt komotar, Seat Leon FR - like the simple background, the car looks great like this

2pt Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo , nice wintershot with lots of grey-black-colors

1pt TT, Pagani Zonda F , for me the ZOndaF doesn't fit "on gras" somehow, that's why no better position , the location, trees and weather behind give a good set-up

was hard to choose - runner ups are Smylait and ZondaC12 , the Roadster picture is too "wild" also with the open doors/hood/ ... the front of the Gemballa looks to normal IMO and the left side of the pictue is irritting with all teh different bars and rails :bah:

very good photography in general :good:

Stoopie 02-02-2007 08:00 AM

Difficult choices this month!

5 pts komotar, Seat Leon FR (the lights, especially the rear lights, it's just awesome! :D)

3 pts stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 (damn that thing looks muscular the way the light falls on it :shock:)

2 pts yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 (Nice background for that awesome car!)

1 pt TT, Pagani Zonda F (the beast in the wild, great combination :D)

weighty512 02-02-2007 12:28 PM

5 pts - stmoritzer

3 pts - ZondaC12

2 pts - P-Zero_Rosso

1pt - HarryCASI

gucom 02-02-2007 03:31 PM

5pts: ZondaC12 - great looking colour combo's :D
3pts:stmoritzer - dont particularly like the car but it looks awesomely muscular in this pic
2pts: smylait - pic would've looked better with doors and hatches and such closed... still brilliant 8)
1pt: dani - great atmosphere :)

Fleischmann 02-02-2007 05:08 PM

5pts - stmoritzer - usually I don't really care for pictures taken indoors but this one looks perfect. Such a rare car too!

3pts - ZondaC12 - awesome car and a sea of different coloured lights. Simple angle but great effect.

2pts - skituner

1pt - Wutputt

silentm 02-02-2007 06:14 PM

1. HarryCASI - this photo has a unique ambience that really feels good
2. dani_d_mas - such a great photo
3. komotar - what an aggressive look :twisted:
4. yo_spc - the background really sets this one off :)

Kaz 02-04-2007 05:37 PM

5 pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
3 pts - HarryCASI, BMW E60 M5
2 pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F
1 pt - yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

sameerrao 02-04-2007 06:16 PM

1. Komotar, Seat Leon FR - 5pts - Lovely shot - I like the lights reflected in the background
2. ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche - 3pts - nice night shot
3. Eurocopter, Alfa Romeo Brera - nice angles - 2 pts
4. stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 -1 pt - great shot under difficult shooting conditions

Honorable mentions - TT for the Zonda photoshoot. I am a not a huge fan of this shot but the other shots in portfolio were amazing :bah:

cooperluke 02-05-2007 07:42 AM

Zonda C12 - 5 pts -Excelent site, excelent light, excelent car, what else??
Komotar - 3 pts - Nice ideia, the setting is very good, and the lighting in the car makes it look very good, better than it really is, indeed!!
StMoritzer - 2pts - In a place that is one of the worse to take pictures, you managed to take a very good picture of the SLR!!
Smylait - 1pt - Lighting in the car looks great, and the river in the back, very good!!

ZondaC12 02-05-2007 05:34 PM

5pts: Smylait
3pts: TT
2pts: Komotar
1pt: Yo

P_Zero_Rosso 02-11-2007 01:03 PM

5pts: stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722: the light and angle are perfect for this badass car
3pts: Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo: captured the motion very well
2pts: eurocopter, Alfa Romeo Brera: sharp, nice angle and well chosen location
1pt: Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster: amazing car but I prefer other pics from this set

sentra_dude 02-11-2007 02:11 PM

1st - 5pts - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche, Great car, great night shot!

2nd - 3pts - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster, This is such a cool location and cool car as well! I like the angle too. 8)

3rd - 2pts - skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI, Awesome, awesome driving shot!

4th - 1ptskomotar, Seat Leon FR, Very cool compisition, I really like this one!

There are so many good ones this month, hard choice! I really like your's Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo is great in black, and I like the puddle in mid-splash, very cool! 8)

acmarttin 02-12-2007 10:09 PM

5pts - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
3pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
2pts - dani_d_mas, Renault 5 Turbo
1pt - yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

bmwdriver 02-13-2007 07:37 AM

5 pts - HarryCASI, BMW E60 M5
3 pts - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
2 pts - komotar, Seat Leon FR
1 pt - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster

racingfreak 02-13-2007 10:06 AM

OK, mine might differ from the others, but this is the order in which I would use them for my background...

5pts: komotar
3pts: Zonda C12
2pts: dani_d_mas
1pts: HarryCASI

Hashim11989 02-15-2007 01:42 AM

5 pts - Gemballa 997
3 pts - Porsche 997
2 pts - Yellow Lambo (my desktop now)
1 pt. - SLR 722

r2r 02-15-2007 02:23 AM

5pt - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster

3pt - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

2pt - TT, Pagani Zonda F

1pt - eurocopter, Alfa Romeo Brera

MC12 02-17-2007 11:44 PM

5 points : StMoritzer (SLR 722 Edition) - When i was scrolling down there was something about this pic that caught my eye imediately :D
3 points : Smylait (Murcielago Roadster) - I love the atmosphere in this photo, awesome shot :wink:
2 points : Zonda C12 (Gemballa Porsche) - Not the best shot IMO but it looks really nice going from really light at one side and then into the shade 8)
1 point : Wutputt : I love the water splashing and the miserable weather and even considering the weather theres an exotic 997 turbo in it, fantastic :)

HeilSvenska 02-18-2007 10:46 PM

Man this is hard. So many top notch pics.

1. ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche. Why? Because it has such a lovely lighting.

2. pterps, Ferrari 360 Spider. Why? Because that's how I envision my dream garage.

3. stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722. Why? It has that great ominous lighting effect there. Fantastic.

4. komotar, Seat Leon FR. Why? Also very nice lighting.

Good job, guys.

HeilSvenska 02-18-2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
Man this is hard. So many top notch pics.

5 Points - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche. Why? Because it has such a lovely lighting.

3 Points - pterps, Ferrari 360 Spider. Why? Because that's how I envision my dream garage.

2 Points - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722. Why? It has that great ominous lighting effect there. Fantastic.

1 Points - komotar, Seat Leon FR. Why? Also very nice lighting.

Good job, guys.

stmoritzer 02-19-2007 04:19 AM


do you want to vote twice :mrgreen:

HeilSvenska 02-19-2007 04:40 AM

Yeah, hoping that my vote will be counted twice. :P

Sorry, I forgot that there was no edit button on this "thread".

pzgren 02-19-2007 05:42 AM

5 - ZondaC12 - i really like the lighting in this picture, has an awesome effect
3 - stmoritzer - awesome car in a great picture, looks like a sleeping beast, hard decision between 5 and 3 points...
2 - wuttput - was also close between you and skituner, skituners pic has the better contrast because of the colors but somehow i preferd yours
1 - skituner - nice panning shot

gangajas 02-19-2007 03:10 PM

5 pts-ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche
3 pts-Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster
2 pts-Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
1 pt-eurocopter, Alfa Romeo Brera

komotar 02-20-2007 06:30 PM

5 pts - smylait
3 pts - zondaC12
2 pts - stmoritzer
1 pt - TT

ok here goes.

I really took my time...hehe

I gave 5 pts to smylait, because the light is just
right, the car looks so wild with everything open and then some. The
composition is nice and the colour of the car is freakin' rare ...

I gave 3 pts to ZondaC12 because all the interesting colours, the very good
composition and because it's a night shot, and I
love those's only a shame, because I think you had 2 or 4 better pics than
that, maybe more, well, maybe not better, but they would showcase the cars and
the surroundings much better.

I gave 2 pts to stmoritzer because I think the mood is perfect, the background is
dull, bit because there is nothing to destract the watcher ftom the car, it
fit's in nicely. The car looks like a real menace, the angle is just right. By
taking dead front or rear shots you can easily go too low or to high and this one
is just right. If the pic was any brighter it would suck, but like this I love

I gave 1 pt to TT because of the nice contrast. We've been talking around the
office about cars and locations and we've come up with the conclusion, that
we'll try to stay away from the grass, except with ofroaders and such ...The
zonda is a mighty, mighty car and I think it's one of the all time great's
herritage or no herritage, and I know TT didn't have much time on his hands, so
the result is cool.

other pics? well, I think pterps pic is nice, but the composition
is a bit off, the car is in the middle of the pic, it's a shame, because the light
is good, the car looks so hot...

I think it's a shame for the renault 5, because I think the world of that
car, and I think that dani had two or maybe three pics that showed off the car
much, much better, where the light was right, the composition clicked. It would get my vote probably, but in this pic, everything is too dark, and the background is so so.

skituner's pic is a very good contrast, and it just lost one point...but I like it because the car is moving and we don't have many of that here

it just jumped into my head, that dingo didn't have a pic in this contest?!? ok, I'm sure he'll kick ass with the turbo pics next month ...

It's a shame for the baad light in HarryCASI's pic, almost perfect composition and
a cool car.

eurocpoter's pic is cool, but I hate stickers, lol

P_zeto_rosso, good pic, but it's a general rule, that the car should always be pointed into the pic, not the other way around (there are excpetions...), but
that's the only thing that bothered me...

MUS911, AWESOME CAR, but, not a very special background, but that car
pic still keeps finding it's place on my desktop, llo, awesome car and what a sighting :shock:

oh, wutputs' pic is great, nice mood, kinda dark and it's a nice pic, a contender
for sure

yo_spc's lambo, it's a bit dull, no contrast with the background and something just doesn't feel right, still an awesome car tho 8)

eurocopter 02-21-2007 03:28 AM

Uff ... very hard this Month

5 Points: ZondaC12: Unbeliveble Picture, the Colours in the Background are so nice.

3 Points: skituner: Nice Dynamic Shot ... I love it

2 Points: TT : Uff very exotic Car ... lucky guy :wink:

1 Point; P_Zero_Rosso : Silver is not the best color for the New TT , but the Background is nice :P

To All Other: Great Works :lol:

MIHALS 02-21-2007 06:49 PM

5 pts - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster
3 pts - yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
2 pts - TT, Pagani Zonda F
1 pt - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

awesome pictures, thanx guys for them! TT, if you'd put different pic, I'd give you 5. this isn't the best you took on that shoot, but still... damn, I envy you that time :drool: :D

taygunho 02-22-2007 10:57 AM

5pts - st.moritzer
3pts - smylait
2-pts - zonda c12
1pts - tt

Pokiou 02-22-2007 06:45 PM

5pt stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 - This picture shows the muscle of the merc when you look at it. Curves like perfectly crafted art. Perfect definition and the light gives it that, gothic look germany is known for.

3pt pterps, Ferrari 360 Spider - This would of been first IF it was a hardtop and better color.

2pt ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche- the back ground gives the white car a nice definition.

1pt yo_spc, Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 - its a lambo, there cool regardless.

Butch 02-23-2007 07:08 AM

5pts: Wutputt, Porsche 997 Turbo
3pts: skituner, Subaru Impreza WRX STI
2pts: P_Zero_Rosso, Audi TT 2006
1pts: stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722

Igorionia 02-25-2007 04:38 AM

5 - komotar, Seat Leon FR
3 - Smylait, Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster
2 - stmoritzer, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722
1 - ZondaC12, Gemballa 997 GTR650 Avalanche

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