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RC45 03-09-2006 01:04 AM

C6 Z06 in Sweden... gets more looks than a F550 ;)
Well folks - after that hating here are the words of a Swedish owner.. ;)


Originally Posted by Kjelle
Thanks guys..
The price at John Hall Chevrolet was $84.000 and change total with tags, tax etc. The markup was $9.000. Could not buy on an MSO because of import rules in Sweden. Cars have to be titeld. Question. Was the normal dealer markup on Z06:s as of right now? Great car. I have a many cars in my garage incl. a Fe. Maranello. Nobody drools at the Maranello when they see the Yellow Z06, believe me! What a car!

There you have it.. hotter, faster, more desirable and almost cheaper... :P ;)

bmagni 03-09-2006 01:43 AM

not really surprised, its just normal, they dont get as much vettes as you get ferraris...

its like buying an old mini cooper here. When the new one was about to be released, and I thought of buying one, a cooper S for 28 grand, but someone offered me a classic one for 43 grand, even right hand drive. which you can get at a lower price at europe...
maybe its older, slower and almost double the price, but it gets more attention than the new one, even when it was just released.

RC45 03-09-2006 01:48 AM

Your comparison is not even close.. ;)

The new Mini is not a Mini at all... here you have a guy with an F550 in the garage buying the Z06 because of car it is ;)

bmagni 03-09-2006 01:53 AM

well I was refering to getting more attention part.

RC45 03-09-2006 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by bmagni
well I was refering to getting more attention part.

For sure.. the Mini/Beetle is an example where the new car did not mirror the original at all, and lost fans as a result - but captured that new starbucks fan base instead ;)

bmagni 03-09-2006 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
but captured that new starbucks fan base instead ;)

LOL, thats F territory ;)

Sir_GT 03-13-2006 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by bmagni
well I was refering to getting more attention part.

For sure.. the Mini/Beetle is an example where the new car did not mirror the original at all, and lost fans as a result - but captured that new starbucks fan base instead ;)

You s Seattle's Best type o' bloke? or Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf? :)

nthfinity 03-13-2006 11:28 PM

hey, missed your b-day

happy birthday sir_gt (there prolly was a thread) anyway... just a tad late :lol:

RC45 04-04-2006 06:42 PM

Driving a C6 Z06 in the UK... a TVR owners impressions...

Originally Posted by cheeky
No, mine hasn't been delivered...

...but finally I got to drive a demonstrator on Saturday, which was the nicest day (morning, at least) for a while.

Very impressed. Pretty well everything I've read turns out to be true.

The demonstrator's not got too many miles on it so I didn't rev it particularly highly, but nor was there any need to. What an accomplished car.

I'll only be telling some of you what you already know far better than I but here goes:

Acceleration was excellent, from any speed and in (nearly) any gear. 6th really is a toothless overdrive but that's great for its cruising purpose.

The noise that accompanied that acceleration reminded me of a fighter jet launching. If most of the noise at low revs was from the tyres, above 3000 it was very, very different - a real beast.

Comfort levels high and the seats were perfect for the purpose, at least for someone my shape. The Z06 is also clearly a very composed car and high cruising speeds did not feel particularly fast - possibly a dangerous trait!

Tranny rattle a minor annoyance but I found the gearshift positive and clean; certainly not something I would take issue with as some have done.

The cargo space, to my utter delight, not only accommodated my rifles (a key requirement of any car, for me) but also the large black rifle box that can house two of them when going on tour. The only other sports car I can think of that can do that comfortably is the TVR Tuscan that I am selling.

The car was an absolute beauty up close. Yellow is not normally to my taste but the VY demonstrator looked gorgeous in the sunshine outside my house and prompted queries from a neighbour within seconds.

A couple of bits of road (high up on the A3 and on a straight country road) provoked a bit of suspension bounce; but I drove the same stretches afterwards in the Tuscan and the experience was not dissimilar - it's just that you look for these things more critically in a new car. The Z06 also dealt with speed bumps with no more trouble than I'm used to.

Left hand drive (in the UK, remember) was NO problem whatsoever. In town, the only time it was an issue was when trying to see round stopped buses in order to pass them. Otherwise, city driving was fine and kerb-crawling on the first sunny day for ages was made easier by LHD in a RHD country! On dual carriageways, again no problem at all; and, given the propensity for the majority of British drivers these days to hog the outside lane, being able to see more clearly underneath them (i.e. to their left) was no bad thing. The really pleasant surprise was that, after having blasted past a couple of cars on some real twisties, I realised that I hadn't even thought about being on the "wrong" side of the car while doing so. The process just hadn't been any different and I hadn't had to think about it any differently. And on long, straight, single lane roads, one could just hold back far enough to be able to pull out safely to have a look, then go.

Now, those twisties... anyone who knows me will know I've been saving some good stuff until last. The test drive was planned to take us down to a couple of roads that I know very well, each with a series of quite tight bends that you can carry speed through. They are the roads on which I was mightily impressed with the TVR Sagaris a few months ago. The Z06 performed beautifully. It felt very, very planted through the bends and the brakes felt magnificent. My Tuscan was waiting for me at Racing Green, so I was able to drive both cars on the same roads soon after each other. The Z06 had a bit more of a kick to it and felt, I think, slightly more planted than the Tuscan, and speeds through and out of bends were slightly higher. Were they as high as in the Sagaris a few months ago? I'm honestly not sure; that had been the most confidence-inspiring car I had ever driven round those bends by far. But I'm pretty sure the Z's acceleration from corner to corner and its brakes will have made up for any difference in speed through the bends, if indeed there was any.

That said, the ONE criticism I would make of the Z06, which was all the more obvious in that environment, regarded the steering. It was not at all quick enough for such a high performance car. And feedback was nowhere near positive enough. I'd argue the wheel's a bit too large too. But these are not killer points.

I jumped back in the Tuscan afterwards and boy did it feel light by comparison. But it also felt a lot less torquey (despite being much more so than most cars); and the Tuscan's rush from 4000rpm upwards was suddenly a lot more obvious, highlighted by the Z's low end power delivery.

The Tuscan's still a great car but, after this, am I looking forward even more to my LMB Z06 arriving in June? You bet!

Original thread...

coombsie66 04-05-2006 06:21 PM

Very interesting, mind you, going from a TVR ANYTHINGS gunna seem more refined!! :P :wink:

RC45 04-05-2006 10:07 PM

Thanks for using the correct topic coombs... :P hehe

callen 04-05-2006 11:37 PM

lol at coombs comment, but he does have a point, older TVR's do have a reputation for being a little raw, so I would hope the new Z06 could out gun it... but that said, I love the corvette, always have. The new C6 is world class IMO, and the Z06 only improves on that point. Great car, great choice. I only wonder if it is as cost efficient in the UK as it is here....

dangerously_cool 04-06-2006 05:53 AM

That was a great write-up but I don't think the Z is cheap in Europe.

coombsie66 04-06-2006 05:56 AM

^^ lol, 'a little raw' yes, my dads friend used to own a cerbera 4.2, and i got a ride one day, mind you the button to open the passenger door had stopped working, and we had to bump start it, and when he did give it some it sounded rough, and wasnt as quick as i'd expected it to be, to which he replied, oh its in for a service soon, they get a bit like this just before!
Some other friends went out to test drive a TVR Grifith 500, got 5 miles down the road and it broke down...
Ive heard stories about the tuscan as well, they are all weekend cars. Whereas i'd hope the Z06 would bridge the gap slightly between performance weekend car, but still remain refined enough to use during the week. (although i really am not a fan of the interior).
But then to drive the Z06 day to day, you'd pay for the cost of the car in petrol in about a month over here!!! :wink:

RC, im not afraid of the 'big bad muscle car' section :P :wink:

Shinigami 04-06-2006 06:08 AM

Yeah, unfortunately the markup on the Z in Europe is anything but nice... I think they add like 20-30 thousand dollars on top of the original price :(

Mind you, it's still very cheap for what you get! I think In switzerland it's being offered for just under 110,000chf (about $85-90k). You need to pay double that or more to get similar power levels.

The TVR has incredible looks however :shock:

TransAm 04-06-2006 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
But then to drive the Z06 day to day, you'd pay for the cost of the car in petrol in about a month over here!!! :wink:

You'd be surprised. 30-36MPG is not unheard of from the LS1 motor on a motorway run, 20-23MPG round town. (UK gallons)

nthfinity 04-06-2006 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by TransAm

Originally Posted by coombsie66
But then to drive the Z06 day to day, you'd pay for the cost of the car in petrol in about a month over here!!! :wink:

You'd be surprised. 30-36MPG is not unheard of from the LS1 motor on a motorway run, 20-23MPG round town. (UK gallons)

and the Z; just like the C5 Z before it doesnt have the gas guzzler tax on it... which does say a lot. US gallons it gets somewhere near 27-28 mpg...

TransAm 04-06-2006 09:57 AM

It's not bad at all, especially when compared to WRX STi, Evo and of course the dreadful RX8 MPG!

dangerously_cool 04-06-2006 10:21 PM

What's the RX-8 get?

nthfinity 04-06-2006 10:33 PM

epa estimates suggest 24 for the STi... id guess similar for the Evo VIII; and i think its 22 for the RX-8... just going off the top of my head... but i'm sure you can find out at (im only comparing the highway estimates)

RC45 04-06-2006 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity

Originally Posted by TransAm

Originally Posted by coombsie66
But then to drive the Z06 day to day, you'd pay for the cost of the car in petrol in about a month over here!!! :wink:

You'd be surprised. 30-36MPG is not unheard of from the LS1 motor on a motorway run, 20-23MPG round town. (UK gallons)

and the Z; just like the C5 Z before it doesnt have the gas guzzler tax on it... which does say a lot. US gallons it gets somewhere near 27-28 mpg...

But to realize that mileage you must quickly short shift to 6th and not go above 1800rpm and be on the freeway ;)

In other words, drive it like it wasn't meant to be :twisted:

dangerously_cool 04-06-2006 11:32 PM

That's why 24 mpg is difficult to achieve on my 4 banger...

sentra_dude 04-18-2006 12:26 AM

Drove a Corvette C6 6spd, t's not european so it must suck
2006 Z51 C6 Corvette 6spd test drive

So today I drove a bright red C6 coupe...unfortunately no pics as I don't have a tiny camera, just a very conspicuous SLR, so hard to sneak shots of the car. Anyways, first we went out and looked the car over. It seems to be a step above the C5 in terms of workmanship, and I have really become a fan of the looks of the C6. The trunk is surprisingly large, but an odd shape, and the cabin is roomy while still feeling sporty (I'm 6'2" and I had no trouble with leg/head room, I thought I might with the low roof-line).

The interior materials are definitely a huge improvement over the C5, but they still aren't as nice as the European or Japanese competition. The seats were pretty good, and gave a good feeling of being 'in' the seats rather than sitting 'on top' of the seats. The gear shift, while looking a little odd, is actually pretty nice feeling if you aren't looking at it. The steering wheel was a nice 3-spoker, again, nice, but nothing special. This car had the "keyless" start, which was kind of cool, but unnecessary, and probably not worth the money. The thing I liked most about the interior were the gauges, very cool! 8)

One minor gripe, what's the idea behind turning the door handle into a button? :roll: That just seems stupid to me, I didn't like pressing a button to open the door, and on top of that, the button felt cheap or like it would wear out. Not a big deal though.

On to the good part - the driving... :D

When you start this car up, it really gets a presence. The idle isn't lumpy or un-refined, but it still manages to have an awesome V8 idle sound to it...I love it. The HIDs also make the car cool & more upscale, so this car definitely looks/sounds good sitting still. Once you get rolling, you realize just how much torque this thing has. I was a little surprised with the gear box, shorter and more precise throws than I was expecting, but still a little rough around the edges. The next gripe I have is the clutch...there was something about the spring that was weird. It isn't a uniform amount of effort, its hard to explain, but it just gives the feel of wanting to pop out on you right in the friction area. It makes it a bit hard to make smooth shifts, but its no big deal.

I drove around for a bit getting used to the car, its really pretty nice for city driving for being such a low and sporty car. Well enough of that...once I finally got a stretch of open road I floored that baby, and god damn does it pull like a train! There is just so much torque, and it sounds fucking awesome! 8) I went through all of 1st and 2nd that V8 is a badass engine. :P The car has great traction, I didn't feel a hint of tire spin, and no traction control lights came on. Man, that car puts you back in the seat like it means it, I can't even imagine a C6 Z06...:twisted: My heart rate was really up there after just flooring that car. :D Even just giving it some throttle in 3rd gear and low RPMs, it just goes without hesitation, I could get used to that. :D

So, to sum it up, its definitely a good car, certainly a lot of fun to drive, and one of the best American cars out there currently.

Good Points
-Kickass V8 engine, i.e. amazing torque & flexibility, and amazing V8 sound
-improvement in overall quality from C5, including better interior
-very cool looking gauges & heads-up display
-exterior looks-they're great, a nice evolution of the C5 looks

Bad Points
-Still not the best interior (some cheap looking & possibly carbon-fiber imitation shit going on in there too)
-Fucking push-button door handles
-skip-shift (it wasn't letting me go into 2nd gear when driving leisurely, so I'm guessing that's skip-shift, fucking annoying, that's what a manual is for, to choose your gear)
-weird clutch

Just a press shot, better than nothing eh? ;)

Until next time...:P

Minacious 04-18-2006 12:33 AM

Thankfully, that skip-shift can be bypassed.

racer_f50 04-18-2006 01:06 AM

I had similar complaints about the clutch on my Celica after getting it replaced, I think maybe it's just from being new, since it has gotten better over time.

Nice little review, I've been thinking of doing some test drives like that myself, it sounds like a lot of fun :)

r2r 04-18-2006 01:08 AM

pretty interesting, thanks for the review.

sentra_dude 04-18-2006 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by racer_f50
I had similar complaints about the clutch on my Celica after getting it replaced, I think maybe it's just from being new, since it has gotten better over time.

Nice little review, I've been thinking of doing some test drives like that myself, it sounds like a lot of fun :)

That's interesting, I was wondering if it was something like that...maybe after some more miles it will be more normal feeling then.

It is a lot of fun, you just have to drive a car that a dealer has a lot of so they don't care. The dealer close to me has one Vette they keep locked up in the showroom, they'd never let me touch it, but these guys had about 6 Vettes... :P

jereomen 04-19-2006 12:59 PM

I own a C6 vette. There is a spring on the clutch that a lot of owner are removing they say there is a big improvement in the feel of the clutch. I have not done this yet but I am used to the feel of the clutch. The main thing that is great about this car to me is how it responds to mods. I had what seemed like a huge gain in power just from headers and gears. I love the car. I happen the like the door buttons and push button start. Once you are used to the fact that you never have to use keys you just carry them with you, keys seem like a PITA.

sentra_dude 04-19-2006 11:39 PM

^^^Interesting, well the clutch wasn't a big deal, I'm sure I could get used to it, but it was definitely something I noticed. The push button start is ok, I'd just say, why be fancy when you can use a key? The door buttons...hahaha, just different tastes I guess.

LOL, what happened to the title of this topc?! :lol: At least spell it right! :lol: :P

Daggernite 04-20-2006 12:00 AM

Nice review, bet that engine pulls like crazy. oh and if you did'nt know, RC has decided to point out the obvious on all american car posts :wink:

ZfrkS62 04-20-2006 12:31 AM

what are you talking about with the skip shift thing? if you're driving a manual, you should be able to pick what ever gear you want right? Did Chevy do something to enable a lockout above certain speeds?

RC45 04-20-2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62
what are you talking about with the skip shift thing? if you're driving a manual, you should be able to pick what ever gear you want right? Did Chevy do something to enable a lockout above certain speeds?

This is a great electonic gizmo that allows Corvettes to NOT be subject to gas guzzler tax.

There is a lockout solenoid (like reverse lockout) that blocks the path to 2nd gear, forcing you to select 4th gear - if you are in 1st and a some criteria are met.

I seem to recall they are something like 25% or less throttle, below 15mph, below 2000rpm, engine oli temp above a certain level etc (all indicaiotns that you are in Grandpa Mode)

It is really not that much of a bother, just give a bit of gas and move on.

There is a siple resistor you plug in to disable the skip-shift lockout - I often "skip shift" myself while driving around town - great way to get 18mpg with a 346ci 480bhp V8... ;)

ZfrkS62 04-20-2006 12:40 AM

1st to 4th?? Why not just go 1st to 3rd?? :?

RC45 04-20-2006 12:45 AM

1 3 5

2 4 6

The shifter is self centering on 3 - 4 shift line, and 4th is the natural selection if you "miss" 2nd. The time to shift "around the corner" to 3rd would be counter intuitive - besides we have all the torque we need to manage 4th gear at 1200rpm and 20mph ;)

ZfrkS62 04-20-2006 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
1 3 5

2 4 6

The shifter is self centering on 3 - 4 shift line, and 4th is the natural selection if you "miss" 2nd. The time to shift "around the corner" to 3rd would be counter intuitive - besides we have all the torque we need to manage 4th gear at 1200rpm and 20mph ;)

I must be an oddball then. When i had my Z i would either skip 2nd from 1st and go for 3rd, or skip 3rd from 3nd and go to 4th with a

1 3
2 4


put then again the throw in my Z was about 2 miles long :lol:

nthfinity 05-03-2006 10:11 PM

Members reviews of American cars
did you drive some car, was it good? was it bad? tell us about it!

ZfrkS62 05-03-2006 11:14 PM

Nth, let me look up the review i did on the Malibu i drove to Houston in Feb. We can start with that :lol:

nthfinity 05-03-2006 11:25 PM

post a link to it, and i'll merge it in :)

SFDMALEX 05-03-2006 11:27 PM

I drove an american car once...And it was a cunt :lol:


Just a famous Sid Vicious qoute "I've met the man in the street and he's a cunt".

ZfrkS62 05-03-2006 11:27 PM

here we go. There's a little more than just the review of the car in there, but none of it is merged together.

nthfinity 05-03-2006 11:38 PM

SFD... well, Syd was quite the personality... have you seen "Syd and Nancy"? i think thats the name...

sorry z, just simply re-post it in here... i can't move the topic ouside of this forum :oops:

nthfinity 05-25-2006 07:55 PM

Well, its high time to put something here, if only just a preview

I've been driving a 2003 Mustang Cobra coupe most of the day today...

Steering isn't as numb as i have come to expect from Ford cars... in fact, concidering how much assistance there is, its definately better then the F bodies steering by a long shot.

Ride... HOLY CRAP!!! even over Michigan potholes, this car actually rides better then my Jeep! how did they do that?

Handling, 400 HP, 400 ft. lbs is just soooo much coming out of bends, where the ass end dips out... more knowlege of the cars dynamics would likely see me feathering the throttle more. Corner entry, i backed off so I wouldn't end up in the woods, but there was plenty grip left for what i was doing.

The suspension being macpherson strut has too much dive under braking, so I didn't attempt any trail braking... it may work, but my skill level with this car may have poor results :P

Accelleration :twisted:
another car that just requires the gas to get the tires to light up in 1rst gear :twisted: Although, i really didn't perform any hard launches... we all know its data... but its feel... 1rst gear feels like a merry-go-round with other people moving towared the middle! 2nd gear.... wow! few cars have the smoothness of the Cobra shifting into second... flawless on throttle shifting, and good for 90ish mph :)

BTW, this car has enormously tall gearing... on that subject, the shifter is great for 1rst/2nd... but 3rd seems almost invisible to feel, so accidental 5th shifts can happen, as well as 6th instead of 4th... a bit annoying, but after driving for a while, that doesn't happen quite so much.

Engine note: what, all i here is a really loud roots supercharger mashing the air in! every so often when not on boost, It is one of the best i've ever heard... now, only if i could hear the outside the car version :P

Sound system, for having tooo few options for EQ, the Mach 1000 does sound nice. controls are extremely basic looking.

anyway... i've got a lot yet to "review" here... pictures and the full review will be coming.

Viper5703 05-27-2006 09:27 AM

Upon driving this car, I did not find the shifting to be harsh from 3rd to 4th. The only issue I had with the shifter was an accidental 3rd gear standing start, which worked out very well. But the choice of gearing in the transmission seems to suit this car vey well. Referring to the outside sound of the engine, its great. Deep rumble, but that supercharger still reigns supreme. But in my neighborhood, I heard you coming down my road when you turned onto it.

ZfrkS62 05-27-2006 01:13 PM

here's the link to my review of the 2005 Chevy Malibu.

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