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Toronto 08-08-2006 10:56 PM

Most Underrated/Most Over Rated
Underrated: Rory Gallagher, this man is the irish eric clapton... and live he is on another level.

Over Rated: John Mayer i know 13 year olds that can sing and play better then this guy. why do people like him?

ZfrkS62 08-08-2006 11:00 PM

Underrated: Death/Black Metal. It's the only metal that's left, the only Rock that still has some kind of guitar talent left and the only thing that hasn't been pussified by airtime.

Overrated: Emo. You live in suburbia, no one feels sorry for you, get a haircut

Toronto 08-08-2006 11:02 PM

^^^ true EMO, and SKA and go suck each other off...

nthfinity 08-08-2006 11:17 PM

most underrated?
Steve Sweeny of Ecoostic Hookah; music that i like that isn't popular :wink:

Most overrated
all music that is popular that i dont like :) :P

ZfrkS62 08-09-2006 11:43 PM

underrated: David Draiman of Disturbed. The guy has one of the best voices in modern rock. He doesn't have to scream to get the song's point across and he actually uses his vocal range.

overrated: Weezer. Their popularity simply defies explanation.
Nickelback. Recycled riffs. overly fromulaic.

Garretts_turbo 08-11-2006 02:46 AM

hahaha this thread is an opportunity for people to drop a few names..regardless of popularity or social opinion. everything is awesome/shit and deserves more credit or not, depending on what you listen to.

i seriously dont get how white suburb-pandering barker david draiman is underrated...there are lots of "goff" kids in bucketville anytown, USA shopping at hot topic right now who love him.

ZfrkS62 08-11-2006 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Garretts_turbo
hahaha this thread is an opportunity for people to drop a few names..regardless of popularity or social opinion. everything is awesome/shit and deserves more credit or not, depending on what you listen to.

i seriously dont get how white suburb-pandering barker david draiman is underrated...there are lots of "goff" kids in bucketville anytown, USA shopping at hot topic right now who love him.

maybe it's just here then, but there seems to be only a handful of people who think he is any good.

Mattk 08-11-2006 08:38 AM

There was an 70s/80s pub rock band in Australia called Cold Chisel, who I think were vastly underrated due to their ruffling of political feathers. It was only after many years after their first songs that they got the recognition they deserved, and even that was probably too little. They were also underrated by the American public, as they were constantly compared to U2. U2 are a bunch of hippies. Cold Chisel are real men.

Overrated: the list goes on. Avril Lavigne is the one who sticks out.

Skaala 08-11-2006 09:34 AM

Underrated: James Gang
Overrated: U2

dingo 08-11-2006 09:44 AM

Underrated: Me. ;)
Overrated: Nobody.

Mattk 08-12-2006 03:30 AM


Underrated: Me.
Well that goes for most of us. I once sang the Baywatch theme song from memory along a deserted street. I thought it was better than the original.

antonioledesma 08-15-2006 09:41 PM

over rated: 90% of new rock bands. Same music, style and attitudes :| . Seem to be a new wave and kind of boy-bands :?

underrated: "old" speed and trash groups. Now because eMpTyV has lots of videos of new bands that sound "similar", the old bands are discarded

TeflonTron 08-15-2006 09:48 PM

Under-rated: Buckethead

Over-rated: Jimi Hendrix

nthfinity 08-15-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Under-rated: Buckethead

Over-rated: Jimi Hendrix

bucket head had "his" minutes of fame IMO....

Jimi... hell man, have you ever heard 95% of his music? listen to "Castles made of sand" and tell me he's overrated

TeflonTron 08-15-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity

Originally Posted by TeflonTron
Under-rated: Buckethead

Over-rated: Jimi Hendrix

bucket head had "his" minutes of fame IMO....

Jimi... hell man, have you ever heard 95% of his music? listen to "Castles made of sand" and tell me he's overrated

I probably have all of Hendrix's music, tbh. Buckethead is a phenominal guitarist and has been on the scene for quite a long time now. Sadly, most people can't seem to get past his mask, bucket and refusal to speak in public except through aa hand puppet.

Toronto 08-15-2006 10:45 PM

TeflonTron you are a fool, hendrix is amazing, and to say he is over rated shows your ignorance.

you may dislike him that is your choice. but he isn't over rated.

buckethead wouldn't be around if it wasn't for hendrix. also buckethead couldn't hold down a gig for his life (GnR).

buckethead -over rated
hendrix - guitar god.

also can you name some hendrix songs that are over rated? and i don't think you have all of his music, i have over 70LP's of his and there is still more out there... so... you got all of it eh?

TeflonTron 08-15-2006 11:00 PM

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that this thread was about expressing our OPINIONS of who is under-rated and who is over-rated? What does holding down a gig have to do with being a good guitarist? Buckethead has done a LOT of music, both under his own name, and with Praxis, along with Death Cube K. GnR was but a small timeframe in his career, nothing more, and it'll probably be the same with Ron Thall (Bumblefoot) who is also a very good guitarist.

As for Hendrix, I don't buy into the legend that he is the be-all and end-all of Guitarists, simply because he is the most famous. Yes, he was innovative and very good, but there are many, many guitarists who could match him note for note, be it shredding, Blues playing, feeling, or whatever. Oh, and for the record, I actually like Hendrix. A lot. I just just think that guitar playing starts and stops with him.

I like the fact that you have more than 70LPs of his, given that he only recorded three studio albums in his life. What are the others that you have? Live recordings and Bootlegs, etc?

Toronto 08-15-2006 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by TeflonTron
I like the fact that you have more than 70LPs of his, given that he only recorded three studio albums in his life. What are the others that you have? Live recordings and Bootlegs, etc?

well officially he has 4 studio albums. 3 that most of us know. and 1 that he was working on during the time of his death and his family/estate has released in many different forms. this last album has had many fans upset because most of the songs are overdubbed by other musicians and not noted as so.

but most of my hendrix albums contain unreleased songs that he recorded during his life time at various studios during his career. (either as a session musician or album out takes). also many live albums.

now that said i wouldn't put hendrix up as the best guitarist of all time.
clapton, page, allman... the list goes on and each have their own +/- (yet i think clapton has nevermade a mistake in his life and could out play anyone, also he was the one of the few people hendrix wanted to meet in london [both also have canadian fathers, coincidence?])

buckethead might be under rated in you mind, but since he hasn't backed up his talent IMO enough to be mentioned in the same thread has hendrix.

nthfinity 08-15-2006 11:49 PM


do you have any idea how much music he actually recorded; besides what made it to the studio albumn?

and yes, a lot would be live.... anybody who knows anything about hendrix knows he did things very different for different shows; and everytime it was innovative.

did you know he played an 8 string bass for various songs? let alone his other barage of gypsy insturments.

Ever modern rock, Flamenco, shred, and medolic guitarist points right to him, BB King, , Jimmy Paige, Eric Clapton, and Andres Segovia.... even the mighty Paco de Lucia; Steve Morse, Jerry Garcia, Steve Sweeney, Van Halen, Ynwie Malmsteen.

he was the "god" we say he was because he did everything we say he did, and more.

playing note for note has nothing to do with the ability to write music... let alone to write timeless music; you should know that...

TeflonTron 08-16-2006 12:12 AM

There are many people who have more "ability" than Hendrix did, but I feel that he is so highly regarded because he died young, and was central to that era, the same way that The Beatles were to theirs, and Elvis was to his, etc. As for Buckethead, he has recorded HUGE amounts of music, and almost all of it is innovative, but the problem with that, as I already said, is that most people can't get over his weirdness, and for that he will never be a legend to the mainstream. Yngwie Malmsteem is in the same boat, as is Michael Angelo Batio: both are incredibly talented, but they will pretty much always be seen as Shredders who do nothing but wank over their guitars, so to speak.

I've always been a fan of Buckethead: way before he joined Guns N' Roses. His stuff as "Cobra Strike" was intense.

Toronto 08-16-2006 12:38 AM

ok what is the hendrix's 'era' and the beatles 'era' since they played in the same 'era'?

hendrix could of lived another 27 years and he still would have the same effect on his music (you know when he died he didn't even have a band and was trying to re-unit the experience) yet his short lived life he effected music forever many bands have changed their music (even when he was alive bands fallowed his lead)

TeflonTron 08-16-2006 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Toronto
ok what is the hendrix's 'era' and the beatles 'era' since they played in the same 'era'?

hendrix could of lived another 27 years and he still would have the same effect on his music (you know when he died he didn't even have a band and was trying to re-unit the experience) yet his short lived life he effected music forever many bands have changed their music (even when he was alive bands fallowed his lead)

The Beatles had a much longer career though, so encompassed a wider era, is purhaps a better way of saying it. I don't agree that he could have lived longer and still had the same effect on the world. Many, many stars are only as popular as they are because they died young, from James Dean through to Randy Rhodes (another awesome guitarist).

Toronto 08-16-2006 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by TeflonTron

Originally Posted by Toronto
ok what is the hendrix's 'era' and the beatles 'era' since they played in the same 'era'?

hendrix could of lived another 27 years and he still would have the same effect on his music (you know when he died he didn't even have a band and was trying to re-unit the experience) yet his short lived life he effected music forever many bands have changed their music (even when he was alive bands fallowed his lead)

The Beatles had a much longer career though, so encompassed a wider era, is purhaps a better way of saying it. I don't agree that he could have lived longer and still had the same effect on the world. Many, many stars are only as popular as they are because they died young, from James Dean through to Randy Rhodes (another awesome guitarist).

4 more years? and the beatles didn't even tour when hendrix was big.
he had an effect on clapton during his life time, and since clapton has had and effect on almost every blues based guitarist... do you see the world would be so diff. with out hendrix. you can't even think of how BIG an effect hendrix had on music.

when Hendrix first came to london, the clubs he played @ were filled with the likes of the beatles, cream, rolling stones, jeff beck and many more big names, they where all amazed @ his style and were all effected by him from the get go.

ZfrkS62 08-16-2006 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by TeflonTron

Originally Posted by Toronto
ok what is the hendrix's 'era' and the beatles 'era' since they played in the same 'era'?

hendrix could of lived another 27 years and he still would have the same effect on his music (you know when he died he didn't even have a band and was trying to re-unit the experience) yet his short lived life he effected music forever many bands have changed their music (even when he was alive bands fallowed his lead)

The Beatles had a much longer career though, so encompassed a wider era, is purhaps a better way of saying it. I don't agree that he could have lived longer and still had the same effect on the world. Many, many stars are only as popular as they are because they died young, from James Dean through to Randy Rhodes (another awesome guitarist).

I don't see lost Beatles recordings surfacing every few years :wink:

Hendrix was more about the music than the Beatles were. You can hear it in any recording of Purple Haze or Hey Joe (of which there are dozens of variations, depending on when they were recorded)

Ok, sure, Hendrix covered ALOT of songs. But he didn't cover them note for note. He tweaked it and made it his own. He has, and will influence more guitarists than the Beatles ever could have hoped.

Besides, Hendrix cemented his legacy by dying young :wink:

Toronto 08-16-2006 10:53 PM

^^^ well there are alot of beatles bootlegs aswell, most of them studio out takes or home recordings. and the biggest one in recent history came out in 1992 the last john and paul session from '74 with stevie wounder (last time john and paul ever played together)

TeflonTron 08-16-2006 11:54 PM

I never suggested, or came close to suggesting, that the Beatles influenced Guitarists.

Toronto 08-17-2006 12:02 AM

^^^ who said you did?

TNT 08-17-2006 06:37 AM

underrated: Blue Man Group

overrated: emo/rap/pop/boy bands.

ZfrkS62 08-17-2006 07:41 AM

i'd even put blue man group in the overrated category. and emo has already been mentioned as over rated

webby 08-27-2006 11:41 AM


nthfinity 08-30-2006 12:43 AM

overrated: (true) :

I really despise Jon Bon Jovi, and thier overrated "comback"

underrated: (true)

Gogol Bordello, and One Under... really fun bands live, and studio

Mattk 09-02-2006 01:49 AM

^What!?!? How could you hate Bon Jovi? Although their new stuff is not that great.

TeflonTron 09-02-2006 01:52 AM

Over-rated: Dido

Under-rated: Boz Scaggs

Boz Scaggs is such a wonderful, talented and ecclectic artists, and it's such a shame that people rarely mention him. He's certainly one of my favourite artists of any genre.

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