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5vz-fe 06-27-2008 11:55 AM

GTA 4 and Dumbass Kids



ROLE MODEL: A group of teens, including (from left) Stephen Attard, Samuel Philip, Dylan Laird and Jaspreet Singh, randomly attacked innocent bystanders in an effort to emulate the ultra-violent hero of "Grand Theft Auto IV," cops say.

Last updated: 6:37 am
June 27, 2008
A gang of teens in love with the blood-drenched digital killfest "Grand Theft Auto IV" - in which players slaughter hundreds during endless crime sprees - copied the video game's violent hero with a two-hour campaign of real-life robbery and brutality on Long Island, cops said yesterday.
The wild rampage featured such staples of the mega-popular game as a mugging, several break-ins and attempted carjackings at an intersection in tony Garden City, police said. They even allegedly knocked one man's teeth out.
"They decided they were going to go out to commit robberies and emulate the [lead] character Nico Belic in the particularly violent video game 'Grand Theft Auto,' " said Nassau County Police Detective Lt. Raymond Cote. "These teens have difficulty separating fact from fiction, fantasy from reality . . . It was quite alarming."
The series of attacks started at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, allegedly carried out by a gang of four teens led by 15-year-old Brandon Cruz. The youths had been sitting in Memorial Park in New Hyde Park, looking for something to do, when they allegedly decided to live out the game.
In "Grand Theft Auto IV," players assume the role of Belic, a criminal who murders and robs to rise to the top of the underworld in "Liberty City," which closely resembles New York City.
"They were bored, and they decided this was a good idea," Cote said.
Cruz and his pals - Samuel Philip, 16, Gurnoor Singh, 14 and Jaspreet Singh, 17, no relation - allegedly found their first victim waiting at bus stop near the park. The teens, all of New Hyde Park, beat him and stole his cash, police said.
"They knocked his teeth out," Cote said.
They then broke into garages and sheds and stole bats and crowbars, police said.
They soon met up with other kids. Two of them joined the original four, police said, and they decided to take their crime spree to another level by acting out "Grand Theft Auto's" signature crime - carjacking.
The teens went to nearby Garden City and allegedly set up a human roadblock.
There they menaced a 23-year-old woman in a 2008 BMW with bats, cops said. She sped away and called cops.
When police arrived, the youths were trying to rob a man in a van, cops said.
All four of the teens were arrested, along with the two youths who joined them, Stephen Attard, 18, of New Hyde Park and Dylan Laird, 17, who was visiting from Southborough, Mass. They were all charged with first-degree robbery, except for Jaspreet Singh, who was charged with possession of stolen property.
Philip, Cruz and Gurnoor Singh were held on $300,000 bond. The others were slapped with lesser bails. None of the teens was able to post bail after their arraignment yesterday.
After the hearing, Gurnoor Singh's dad admitted his son played the game but said he was innocent. "We don't believe anything," he said.
[email protected]


HeilSvenska 06-27-2008 12:35 PM


Gurnoor Singh's dad admitted his son played the game but said he was innocent.
Sigh. You don't let your 14 year old boy play any game that lets you have sex with hookers then kill them afterwards.

There's some really negligent parents out there.

RC45 06-27-2008 12:43 PM

LOL - this is hilarious.

They are only blaming GTA4 because their lawyers advised them to. Random violence and teenagers acting as worthless thugs has bene around for decades.

Its pretty telling that the "gang" is pretty cosmopolitan... by last name it looks like a Messikan, 2 Pakis and a Honky.... what happened?? They couldn't find their other "brutha" Snoop before they left on their "video game" rampage?


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 837924)
Sigh. You don't let your 14 year old boy play any game that lets you have sex with hookers then kill them afterwards.

Why not? Main stream global entertainment is full of such stories - with no age restrictions... just see TV at 7pm every night.


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 837924)
There's some really negligent parents out there.

There ar efar more unbalanced teens as a result of porr education models that refuse to present or teach mortality in schools and int he same breath restrict parents access and "control" over their kids.

When last did a 10 or 12 year old boy who was being an arsehol get a good thrashing from their mother/father with a belt on their backside to pull them in line?


Spare the rod and spoil the child... no - spoil the nation ;)

enzoferrari 06-27-2008 02:13 PM

So stupid!!:laugh:

5vz-fe 06-27-2008 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by enzoferrari (Post 837945)
So stupid!!:laugh:

Stupid is an understatement. Drink and drive is stupid, trying out Jackass stunt is stupid, but running around car jacking and beating ppl up is illogical. Messed up brains.

CarlZ 06-27-2008 03:12 PM

^retarded is the word you're looking for

Lightbane 06-27-2008 07:10 PM

I like how when anything like this happens, no matter what is being blamed, be it movies, video games, or music, somebody always claims that kids/teenagers have trouble seperating reality from fiction. Does anyone here recall at any point in their life not knowing the diffrence between what they saw on the T.V. and what they were doing in RL? Even as a wee little tyke of 5 years old or so I knew that those Thundercats were cartoons and that if I went around swinging a sword I'd be in trouble. And how about good ol G.I. Joe? Just before a Cobras jet gets hit with a big honkin missle the pilot bails out. I was in the first grade and I would STILL yell out a big old "THATS SO FAKE!!"

The point is, kids know perfectly well what they are doing. Parents and other adults have repeated phrases like "Oh they're just kids. They don't know any better." so many times that now kids know they can use it as an excuse when they do something they knew was wrong in the first place! "Gee judge, it's not my fault. I'm just a kid who played to many Video Games. Do you mean to say that I'm not suppose to attack people with a crowbar? Is that a new law?"

Kaz 06-27-2008 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 837928)
Spare the rod and spoil the child... no - spoil the nation ;)

might want to look into research contradicting that statement

Mattk 06-27-2008 09:06 PM

I'm surprised these kids were named. That's not allowed in Australia as it ruins their lives in they're innocent and prevents appropriate rehabilitation if they're guilty.

Nevertheless, this sort of stuff has been going on forever, well before video games were invented. Can't blame video games. You can only blame the parents, who the kids seek guidance from.

RC45 06-27-2008 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kaz (Post 837991)
might want to look into research contradicting that statement

I dont need "research" - I just have to read the lead story.


Spare the Rod Spoil the Child.

Ban Guns Violent Crime Increases.

Its simple really - remove the consequence and the actions will continue.

RC45 06-27-2008 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 837992)
I'm surprised these kids were named. That's not allowed in Australia as it ruins their lives in they're innocent and prevents appropriate rehabilitation if they're guilty.

Nevertheless, this sort of stuff has been going on forever, well before video games were invented. Can't blame video games. You can only blame the parents, who the kids seek guidance from.

They are fucking criminals - damn straight they should be named.

And when did Australia become a nation of pussy faced do-gooders, cowards and whiners?

Wow - and here I used to think that Australia was a nation of real men and real women ;)

Mattk 06-27-2008 10:11 PM

^We are. Kids are very often sent to adult prisons for long stretches. They get few favours. In fact, the trend has been to reduce the operation of doli incapax. However, some things stay the same and they just aren't named.

RC45 06-27-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 838002)
^We are. Kids are very often sent to adult prisons for long stretches. They get few favours. In fact, the trend has been to reduce the operation of doli incapax. However, some things stay the same and they just aren't named.

Whew... all is well with the world again :)

Lightbane 06-28-2008 08:04 AM

I sort of lean towards people not being named in the press until after they're found guilty. Yes these dumb asses are guilty but generally speaking if you were innocent and accused of a crime you wouldn't want your name dragged through the mud. I've always found it rather stupid that in rape cases the womans name is withheld, as it should be, but the guy accused is put out their for all the world to see. Never mind he might be innocent. And even if he is found innocent in court later what are the odds he's gonna get himself a date after that?

Mattk 06-28-2008 09:45 PM

^The rape thing is interesting, but ultimately, not guilty is not guilty and their lives do recover. I once read a feature article profiling those who were falsely accused and one of them, a swimming instructor, said his business was booming because he's famous now.

Pokiou 06-29-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by RC45 (Post 837928)
LOL - this is hilarious.

They are only blaming GTA4 because their lawyers advised them to. Random violence and teenagers acting as worthless thugs has bene around for decades.

Its pretty telling that the "gang" is pretty cosmopolitan... by last name it looks like a Messikan, 2 Pakis and a Honky.... what happened?? They couldn't find their other "brutha" Snoop before they left on their "video game" rampage?

Why not? Main stream global entertainment is full of such stories - with no age restrictions... just see TV at 7pm every night.

There ar efar more unbalanced teens as a result of porr education models that refuse to present or teach mortality in schools and int he same breath restrict parents access and "control" over their kids.

When last did a 10 or 12 year old boy who was being an arsehol get a good thrashing from their mother/father with a belt on their backside to pull them in line?


Spare the rod and spoil the child... no - spoil the nation ;)

I totally agree with you.. I spanked as a small kid.. and i grew up to be a fine gentleman and loving caring person..

Today.. 15yo... doesnt even show respect.. im 28 and when they walk around swearing and shit and drinking on public transport it just piss's me off. I told them and what do they say.. FUCK YOU CUNT... so what did i do... being of large build. I walked up and he was like wtf you gonna do.. I grab his Jim Beam and poured it over his head.. little shit kicker.. every one in the train lol at him.. i signed off with saying:

"Is that the mouth you kiss you mother with.." He was so lost for words he ran off the train!

little gangster eminem wanna be...

5vz-fe 06-29-2008 03:43 PM

As much as I agree with you that a lot of young kids today show lack of respect for everything. What you did will solve nothing. Quite the opposite actually, what you show him is that being bigger and larger build can do a lot more in the cruel world. What you did is make yourself feel good after an argument with a kid. You shouldn't take justice into your own hands.

I don't know what's the world like in Australia, if it's in NA, that kid will probably want to get a gun and get more "respect" while building himself up in case of running into bullies like you.

RC45 06-29-2008 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by 5vz-fe (Post 838250)
As much as I agree with you that a lot of young kids today show lack of respect for everything. What you did will solve nothing. Quite the opposite actually, what you show him is that being bigger and larger build can do a lot more in the cruel world. What you did is make yourself feel good after an argument with a kid. You shouldn't take justice into your own hands.

I don't know what's the world like in Australia, if it's in NA, that kid will probably want to get a gun and get more "respect" while building himself up in case of running into bullies like you.

Which is why in Texas, when the "kid" graduates to home invasion, he'll get sho tin the face and dragged out in a body bag ;)

5vz-fe 06-29-2008 04:14 PM

^LOL, nothing wrong with self defense. When everyone has a few guns at home, you always second guess before you climb through that window.

79TA 06-29-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kaz (Post 837991)

^ are people really that bored?

RC45 06-29-2008 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by 79TA (Post 838396)
^ are people really that bored?

Yes... that bored and naive.

nthfinity 06-29-2008 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kaz (Post 837991)
1 warning issued for a signature that violates the TOS

Spam in your sig is risky business

Mattk 06-29-2008 10:20 PM

To get respect you need to show respect. I'm willing to bet that the kids involved in this incident all had neglectful parents and/or teachers. They've just been brought up poorly. I'm not sure spanking has any substantive effect at all, either way. It's all part of a bigger process.

RC45 06-29-2008 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 838410)
To get respect you need to show respect. I'm willing to bet that the kids involved in this incident all had neglectful parents and/or teachers. They've just been brought up poorly. I'm not sure spanking has any substantive effect at all, either way. It's all part of a bigger process.

It is not the actual thrashing that has the substantive effect - it is the threat of the thrashing.

When I was a youngster I only got hit once on the backside with a belt. when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old.... for defying a parent and kicking the football in the house.

The ball bounced and smashed some items in the house. Interesting thing is that from then on, when either parent (or auts or uncles or grand parents) made a request to do or not do something, I did or didnt do it as required.

You know why? Because I receieved a thrashing on my backside amd it was painful enough to leave an impression.

That impression was that there are consequences to action and it is better to not commit a violatin or crime.

So, unlike these days where you see a parent or grandparent saying "Johnny - don't do that" and he replies "Fuckoff old man" in our day you actually respected the person, command and general order of things.

The idea that "kids" need to be pandered to is absurd. The reason many western cultures are besot with rampant juvenile crime is because the kids were not TAUGHT respect to command they are given.

The idea that I and all other people who were raised with the threat of corporal punishment have all become wife beating, child abusing gang raping mass murderes is stupid at best.

The reality is were actually have respect fo rthe rule of law and are able to operate in a society of laws a lot easier than brats who were pandered to at every turn.

Spare the rod and spoil the nation.


79TA 06-30-2008 01:58 AM

I kind of doubt the parents in this case were around to deal out any kind of discipline. But, you never know for what all went on for sure.

While I'm generally against younger, more impressionable kids playing games like GTA4, it would make a convenient excuse in a case like this.

bluedemon 07-01-2008 09:12 PM

An interesting argurement has arrisin in this thread, but I must agree with RC45, I'm 23 and when I was growing up I learned and quickly I might add to do what I was told, now as a child sometimes I didn't listen and I paid the consequences, spanking or my favorite having to stand with my nose on the doorknob for 15-20 mins, nothing like good o'l fashioned humilation for punishement. But heres the thing, it worked, I respected my elders, never once did I tell my parents to "shut up" or anything like that. I also didn't grow up on video games, but I think that playing them does not alter a persons sense of reality, thats just a cop out used my children and parents to take away any responsiblity that they might have. There is nothing wrong with spanking your children for discipline, now granted there is a line that can't be crossed when it comes to discipling your children and that is up to the parents to realize. But if a kid knows he is going to get a spanking when he does something wrong then when he grows up he won't do things that are unlawful and morally disdainfull. The future does not look well for the world if parents don't get some control over their children, I see kids downtown with the parents and I wonder why these adults lets their children talk to them like that, I would have been backhanded to next sunday if I spoke to my parents like that. Don't blame violent and misbehaved children on video games, blame them on bad parenting.

Erez 07-01-2008 09:18 PM

some people are just born stupid, and the shit that drive them to stupid acts can be video games, religion, and pretty much everything else..

RC45 07-01-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by bluedemon (Post 838741)
An interesting argurement has arrisin in this thread, but I must agree with RC45, I'm 23 and when I was growing up I learned and quickly I might add to do what I was told, now as a child sometimes I didn't listen and I paid the consequences, spanking or my favorite having to stand with my nose on the doorknob for 15-20 mins, nothing like good o'l fashioned humilation for punishement. But heres the thing, it worked, I respected my elders, never once did I tell my parents to "shut up" or anything like that. I also didn't grow up on video games, but I think that playing them does not alter a persons sense of reality, thats just a cop out used my children and parents to take away any responsiblity that they might have. There is nothing wrong with spanking your children for discipline, now granted there is a line that can't be crossed when it comes to discipling your children and that is up to the parents to realize. But if a kid knows he is going to get a spanking when he does something wrong then when he grows up he won't do things that are unlawful and morally disdainfull. The future does not look well for the world if parents don't get some control over their children, I see kids downtown with the parents and I wonder why these adults lets their children talk to them like that, I would have been backhanded to next sunday if I spoke to my parents like that. Don't blame violent and misbehaved children on video games, blame them on bad parenting.

You too?? ;) hehe

Strange thing is I never even thought about saying some of the things I have seen kids yell at their parents in public these days.

Pokiou 07-10-2008 08:34 PM

I cant imagine what they say RC. i mean i once swore saying oh fuck sake and the millisecond i completed the sentence i had my mums back hand in my face.. I rarely swear and when i do people know I’m angry. So i totally agree with punishment.. Telling a kid not to do behave in a certain manner is not like telling a dog to sit.

If my kid steps out of line, I’m sure he will be very well acquainted to my back hand.. Not cause i hate him but cause i love him and want him to grow up knowing that there is always a reaction to an action.

As for that kid in the train.. It wasn't bulling, it was simple discipline that he lacked from his parents that i gave him. I could of dragged him off the train and put his head under the train if i wanted but in stead i chose to react in a manner that would behave him.

I mean wars where fought over people insulting other peoples families!! You insult me that fine to a point BUT you add my family and my fiancée and then its over red rover.. you better run or I’m going to rip your scrotum out and shove it down your throat!


enginestart 04-08-2017 07:44 AM

It's certainly all very sad

ArdenRaz 10-18-2018 08:26 AM

I'm the same way as you, Pok. You have to do that. I don't want my kids behaving like savages while growing up and other people looking at them in disgust. If the kid acts badly, that only isolates them from their peers and even the rest of the society to an extent. You don't want that for your child.

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