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5vz-fe 04-22-2007 10:40 PM

Picture vs Sound
Alot of people focus on how good picture looks in a TV, but neglect that sound plays a very important role to the whole experience. What kind of ratio do you feel for Picture vs Sound. Would you prefer to have a 1080p TV and blu ray player but using cheap old HT in a box sound? Or are you the other way around?

Max Power 04-22-2007 10:49 PM

hd is useless w/o at least 5.1 ... I've noticed the diff in sound quality more and more...for instance ever since I've started watching hockey in hd i can hear some of the sounds on the a recent pens game I heard Ruutu swearing at at the opposing bench... :) yah sound is very important

5vz-fe 04-22-2007 11:02 PM

^I know what you mean man. I think the appreciation of sound will go proportional to the size of your screen, for me at the very least. When I have a 27 inch TV, I wouldn't care less where the conversation or sound effect goes off. Its all from that center screen anyways, but as your screen grows, the effect is so much more appreciatable.

Erez 04-23-2007 06:54 AM

balance.. while picture is hugely important, without good sound it not worth much.. and on the contrary...

5vz-fe 04-23-2007 10:32 AM

I actually forgot 2 other options....

Every dollar spend on sound, put 2 dollar in picture
Every dollar spend on picture, put 2 dollar in sound

ae86_16v 05-03-2007 04:06 AM

Personally since I live in a small apartment, my focus and money will be on picture. At the same time, at 6-8 feet viewing distance my 37" 720p is good enough since the 1080p extra pixels will be negligible at that size and distance.

silentm 05-03-2007 01:02 PM

i don't watch many movies and if i do i go to the cinema, so i clicked the first option. if i get an HD vid on my laptop that's very cool, i like the quality

RC45 05-04-2007 12:15 AM

I guess should have gone for sound - I mean I drive a plastic interior car, so i obviously don't have very high visual standards - but the sound is farging insane :P

5vz-fe 05-04-2007 12:28 AM

Do I have a setup for you....smaller screen, bigger sound

Setup 1

Setup 2


blinkmeat 05-04-2007 12:31 AM

nice floor - laid alot of that stuff

5vz-fe 05-04-2007 12:37 AM

I actually find quite a few of these big sound small TV setup....but the other way around is kinda rare.....maybe I am not looking hard enough..

here's another one btw

TNT 05-27-2007 09:11 PM

i have a middle ground a great two speaker and a sub set-up with a good TV. but picture is by far easier to notice.

dutchmasterflex 05-30-2007 06:31 PM

Gotta go balance. Quality screen, quality sound. Having one or the other extreme would just piss me off.

The system my roommate put together in our living room is definitely sound over picture. Although we have a 32" 1080i CRT, the sound is just too big from these speakers.

musicetime101 10-10-2007 08:57 PM

Of couse I need the balance of the pictures and the sound .

unwilling 10-10-2007 09:12 PM

I have a blu-ray player in my laptop connected to a Logitech ZX-5500 5.1 speaker setup. So, pretty, little 15.4 in. screen and 500 watts of digital sound. balanced i suppose

harryo2b 10-10-2007 10:04 PM

Since i have a Blu-Ray set-up i most certainly enjoy the hi-def visual display (PS3 & Sony XBR-2 TV). If i'm just listening to music/sound then my NAD amp with B&W speakers cuts the cake for me with a good range into the HIFI setup. If i'm wanting Hi-Def sound then my current setup isn't up to par since it's geared for analog mostly. In the end i need a good balance of both to really enjoy one or the other.

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