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mindgam3 08-11-2004 04:43 PM

F1 News & Rumours
This sticky (soon hopefully to become a sub forum) will contain ONLY officially released F1 news. I emphasise, OFFICIAL news, i.e direct from the teams or related body/company. Rumours will go in the rumour sticky.


mindgam3 08-11-2004 04:54 PM

Please feel free to post any rumours you hear about anything to do with F1. If these rumours have been officially confirmed by the company/person please post in the F1 NEWS sticky.


sameerrao 08-11-2004 05:11 PM

What are you going to do about the old news and rumours sticky - there could be posts in both sections by mistake???

mindgam3 08-11-2004 05:11 PM

ok, lets start the ball rolling ;)

Gehard Berger Coming Back to F1.... for the FIA

"Ex-F1 star and BMW motorsport boss Gerhard Berger is poised for a sensational return to Formula 1 in a senior FIA role.

F1 Racing magazine, on sale today, reveals that Berger, who quit BMW at the 2003 Italian GP, has been earmarked by FIA president Max Mosley as one of his key future aides.

Mosley is widely tipped to stand for re-election in October and should his bid succeed, he wants to delegate many of the president's responsibilities to two hand-picked individuals.

Berger would be Mosley's chosen representative to take on the bulk of the FIA president's motorsport duties.

Speaking exclusively to F1 Racing Mosley says: "It wasn't my intention to stand for re-election, but now there's significant pressure from all sides of the FIA saying I should.

“But if I do it will be as part of a team of three people - one doing the sport, one doing the touring side and one doing not nearly so much."

Berger, who has had no F1 involvement since leaving last year, has in the past said he has no ambition ever to be FIA president. But he has also told friends he misses the sport and would relish an opportunity to become involved once again at a senior level.

Were Berger to be appointed, he would be likely to adopt the title of FIA deputy president (motorsport). "

At last maybe we'll get some decent input from them ;)

Toronto 08-11-2004 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
What are you going to do about the old news and rumours sticky - there could be posts in both sections by mistake???

mayb it should be locked

stracing 08-12-2004 12:46 AM

im confused already :roll:

mindgam3 08-12-2004 06:37 AM

it has been locked

sameerrao 08-12-2004 12:05 PM


Williams to race one car with normal nose.

Williams promised a noticeable change to the front part of their FW26 in Hungary. The car is fitted with a more traditional nose section and the first pictures of the new design are now available.

Does it mean that the 'walrus nose' solution is a thing of the past? Not entirely since only Antonio Pizzonia's car was equipped with the new design while Montoya's FW26 was still showing up with the original nose style.

It seems highly probable that Williams will test the two nose configurations on Friday and then decide which design shows the best performance. It is not clear at the moment if both drivers will run with an identical front section after the first day or if only one driver will benefit from the most suitable choice.

We should know more about that very soon...

mindgam3 08-12-2004 12:18 PM

hmmm, think i've got an article somewhere about the differences and advantages between the "walrus" and regular nose, i'll try find out.

I think the main disadvantage with the walrus nose is that theres too much flex (lateral i presume) whilst williams thought they had overcome this and it was equally rigid as a regual nose, many doubt if they had.... guess thats why they reverted to the old style

5vz-fe 08-12-2004 03:14 PM

Coulthard targets Button's BAR drive
His best option for 2005

"You target all the seats that are available and I think BAR's performance this year quite clearly has been fantastic and there is no reason to expect that they are going to be any further away next season," said Coulthard. "I can understand on the face of it Jenson's desire to go to Williams but at the moment BAR are doing a better job. There are only so many seats available and in time we'll find out whether there's one available for me."

Toronto 08-12-2004 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao

Williams to race one car with normal nose.

Williams promised a noticeable change to the front part of their FW26 in Hungary. The car is fitted with a more traditional nose section and the first pictures of the new design are now available.

Does it mean that the 'walrus nose' solution is a thing of the past? Not entirely since only Antonio Pizzonia's car was equipped with the new design while Montoya's FW26 was still showing up with the original nose style.

It seems highly probable that Williams will test the two nose configurations on Friday and then decide which design shows the best performance. It is not clear at the moment if both drivers will run with an identical front section after the first day or if only one driver will benefit from the most suitable choice.

We should know more about that very soon...

i also heard that next year they are going back to the old style nose

sameerrao 08-12-2004 03:48 PM

Perhaps the twin tusks puts too much weight on the front wheels?? No idea

Toronto 08-12-2004 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Perhaps the twin tusks puts too much weight on the front wheels?? No idea

or the single keel, and tight nosed ferrari is faster :wink:

possessed_beaver 08-13-2004 02:57 AM

i recall at the begining of the season when evreyone was ripping shit into them they just replied "when we are lapping tracks a few tenths faster then who is looking stupid"

but unfortunatley this season has been very disapointing for williams, i wouldent think the drivers where giving 100% seeing as they are both leaving at the end of the year, and one of them was badley injured and they have been cycling through replacment drivers.

Toronto 08-14-2004 06:01 PM

Williams wants Newey for next year


Frank Williams has admitted he would be interested in trying to lure McLaren's designer Adrian Newey back to his team.

Williams denied speculation in Formula One that he had already had a meeting with Newey, whose contract as McLaren technical director ends in July 2005.

But asked by BBC Sport if he would be interested in rehiring Newey, Williams said: "We'd certainly have a look."

McLaren F1 chief executive Martin Whitmarsh said he did not think Newey would move to another team.

Whitmarsh said Newey was contractually obliged to let McLaren know by a specific date if he intended to leave.

He would not reveal the length of that notice period, but did say that Newey had not given any indications that he might quit McLaren.

"Adrian has certainly given me and Ron (Dennis, McLaren's team principal) the impression that he's happy within the team," Whitmarsh said.

"Do I believe he is going to go to another Formula One team? No, I don't believe he would. I don't believe there's any will, motivation or justification for him to do that.

"But will he reach the point in his career where he wants to take some time out, either take a break or step back a little bit? He may do.

"Adrian is a very focused individual and at the moment he is totally focused and working hard on next year's car.

"And I think that's what's important to him - making sure we are out there to win a championship next year.

"The relationship between Adrian and the team is probably stronger and better than it's ever been."

Newey, regarded as the best aerodynamic designer in F1, worked for Williams for more than six years before moving to McLaren in 1997.

Newey, who did not attend the Hungarian Grand Prix and was not available for comment, told BBC Sport last month he did not know what his next career move would be.

It had been thought he would take a break from the sport, perhaps to pursue opportunities in his other interest, yachting - he has spoken in the past about wanting to design a boat for the America's Cup.

Williams would be expected to benefit if Newey returned.

The team dominated F1 while Newey was their chief designer, but have won only nine races since his departure.

Williams are perceived to have struggled most with the aerodynamics of their cars in recent years and luring Newey back would be a massive boost for them, and a correspondingly large blow to McLaren.

Newey left Williams because he wanted more say in the running of the team.

Team owners Frank Williams and Patrick Head refused to loosen their control or offer him equity in the outfit.

But Head stepped aside from his role as technical director earlier this year to take on a position focusing on long-term strategy.

sameerrao 08-14-2004 07:01 PM

^^^ I think Newey left originally because he felt that Patrick Head was cramping his style and not allowing him too much independence. So he could be back only if he is guaranteed full control. But why? He seems to have gone off the boil over the last past few years - his cars ahven't really shook the earth have they?

mindgam3 08-16-2004 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
^^^ I think Newey left originally because he felt that Patrick Head was cramping his style and not allowing him too much independence. So he could be back only if he is guaranteed full control. But why? He seems to have gone off the boil over the last past few years - his cars ahven't really shook the earth have they?

i think a lot of teams top engineers etc are getting too old and will soon be retiring, I think we will see a lot of fresh faces in teams in a few years. As for neway, they said williams have been struggling with their aero stuff, but he's hardly made a big impact recently at mclaren as you said, their cars have been way off the pace for the majority of this year

possessed_beaver 08-17-2004 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by mindgam3

Originally Posted by sameerrao
^^^ I think Newey left originally because he felt that Patrick Head was cramping his style and not allowing him too much independence. So he could be back only if he is guaranteed full control. But why? He seems to have gone off the boil over the last past few years - his cars ahven't really shook the earth have they?

i think a lot of teams top engineers etc are getting too old and will soon be retiring, I think we will see a lot of fresh faces in teams in a few years. As for neway, they said williams have been struggling with their aero stuff, but he's hardly made a big impact recently at mclaren as you said, their cars have been way off the pace for the majority of this year

do you think it is more problems with reliablity and fixing rear wings to there cars, and tyre choices, then things that can be pinned on an "indervidual effort"
i think it was a team.. evreyone of them working together to stuff this season up.

sameerrao 08-17-2004 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by possessed_beaver

Originally Posted by mindgam3

Originally Posted by sameerrao
^^^ I think Newey left originally because he felt that Patrick Head was cramping his style and not allowing him too much independence. So he could be back only if he is guaranteed full control. But why? He seems to have gone off the boil over the last past few years - his cars ahven't really shook the earth have they?

i think a lot of teams top engineers etc are getting too old and will soon be retiring, I think we will see a lot of fresh faces in teams in a few years. As for neway, they said williams have been struggling with their aero stuff, but he's hardly made a big impact recently at mclaren as you said, their cars have been way off the pace for the majority of this year

do you think it is more problems with reliablity and fixing rear wings to there cars, and tyre choices, then things that can be pinned on an "indervidual effort"
i think it was a team.. evreyone of them working together to stuff this season up.

Well a man in Adrian Newey's position as the Technical Director is responsible for coordinating all elements of the car design and provide the roadmap to future technical enhancement.

But he hasn't come up with anything special since 1998/1999. All his attempts for revolutionary change has come to nought. Sure the Mclaren has improved say a second and a half per lap per year but when Ferrari improves by 3 secs it is not good enough.

Sure a lot of the blame for this season can be blamed on a lack of power from the Mercedes engine and attrocious reliability. But some of the poor reliability is due to very tight rear cowl design which is causing the engines to overheat. Mercedes have gone off the boil after the death of the key Ilmor technical partner.

But engine apart, the Mclaren drivers were complaints of the MP4-19 were that the cars very difficult on the entry to corners and mid-corner. David mentioned understeer with oversteer midway through the corner. These can be attributed to weight balance front and rear, suspension settings, aero grip. All these are under the control of Mclaren.

Mclarens also use up their rear tyres more than the Renaults - again suspension issues.

Also in a race without technical issues (not many come to mind :P ), Mclaren has not really shown any special speed.

As the technical director, Newey needs to channel Mercedes, Mclaren and Michelin to get the most out of the car.

I hope the luck of Mclaren, Williams and Renault will change .. I want Ferrari to win but with a fight like last year :D

Toronto 08-18-2004 10:21 PM

In other news,
There is another.... Ayrton's nephew begins a racing career - full story, it would be great to see how he does i hope he has some skill, not just all hype :P

possessed_beaver 08-19-2004 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by toronto
In other news,
There is another.... Ayrton's nephew begins a racing career - full story, it would be great to see how he does i hope he has some skill, not just all hype :P

im guessing it will all be hype, and living in the shadow of what was a great racer!

dulja 08-19-2004 01:58 AM

i believe that jaques villen is returning to bar!!!!!!!

possessed_beaver 08-19-2004 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by dulja
i believe that jaques villen is returning to bar!!!!!!!

well nothing is set yet - he is begging them to join by the sounds of it.

and the whole jenson button thing has to get settled yet.
i rely hope that williams can pull of some wins next year!

chipanggo 08-24-2004 09:22 PM

according to, Ferrari's Jean Todt and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" star, Michelle Yeoh are an "item". :D

sameerrao 08-24-2004 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by chipanggo
according to, Ferrari's Jean Todt and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" star, Michelle Yeoh are an "item". :D

I saw it somewhere else - isnt he married - I know he has a kid ...

chipanggo 08-24-2004 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao

Originally Posted by chipanggo
according to, Ferrari's Jean Todt and "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" star, Michelle Yeoh are an "item". :D

I saw it somewhere else - isnt he married - I know he has a kid ...

from what i recall, he does have a son. maybe he's separated from his wife.

5vz-fe 08-24-2004 10:31 PM

Damn, I wonder how they festival? F1 Race Weekend?

chipanggo 08-24-2004 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by 5vz-fe
Damn, I wonder how they festival? F1 Race Weekend?

they met in shanghai when ferrari went there to run their F1 cars.

Toronto 08-30-2004 09:39 PM

i heard JV is going to NASCAR next year, that is sad :oops:

sameerrao 08-31-2004 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by toronto
i heard JV is going to NASCAR next year, that is sad :oops:


possessed_beaver 08-31-2004 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by toronto
i heard JV is going to NASCAR next year, that is sad :oops:


he has now lost all my respect.

5vz-fe 08-31-2004 05:14 AM

Here comes bad mouth Dennis again......

McLaren boss Ron Dennis has once again slammed the FIA for what he deems to be displaying favouritism towards Ferrari.
According to Dennis the new rules, especially those relating to long-life engines as well as tyres, which are expected to be implemented next season clearly favour Ferrari.

"The regulations proposed favour one team over another because of the circumstances they are in," Dennis told the BBC.

"If one team (Ferrari) has an engine that currently does 1,500km and another (McLaren) has one that does 500km and suddenly you've got a rule that the engine has to do two races, then you have a situation where those who are already close to that level have got a clear advantage."

"Similarly, if you've got a tyre that is very durable and has less degradation over the distance of a Grand Prix and then suddenly you've got a regulation that says we are only going to use one set of tyres for a Grand Prix, then that team is immediately at an advantage.

"Putting aside who gets what, that's deliberate and the key ingredient is how to destabilise the teams and take their focus aware from trying to create commercial stability."

However, an FIA spokesman says Dennis' accusations are "ridiculous". "Of all the ridiculous accusations that could be made against the FIA perhaps the most ridiculous is that we would want Ferrari to be more dominant," he said. "Did any of the people making these accusations actually watch the race in Hungary?"

"In reality the FIA's consultation with the teams on the new regulations has been very constructive. We understand that general agreement on the new regulations has already been reached. In that sense we feel that the consultation process has been very successful."

"It's to everyone's advantage to finalise the regulations sooner rather than later and we understand that most teams have already started working on designs for 2005 which meet the proposed regulations."

RULES CHANGES BECOZ YOU GUYS SUCKED!!! and that FIA want to slow down the Ferrari....wake up Dennis...

possessed_beaver 08-31-2004 12:08 PM

but when you think about it, it will cost alot of money to develop a more reliable engine, the current engines last a race weekend, and then blow themselfs to pieces,

i dont thinkt hey are trying to favor ferrari, it will just work out that whoever has the most amount of money to spend of R&D will win out, and i guess it's going to be ferrari.

hiroshima 08-31-2004 01:56 PM

Ron Dennis is being ridiculous. After all, Formula1 is all about car development. If McLaren doesn't have at this moment a reliable motor, a motor that's able to resist two races, then Mercedes' engineers' job is to construct or improve the motor until it finally achieve its goal.

It has always been like this and it always will, no matter who have or haven't the the advantage!

sameerrao 08-31-2004 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by dani_d_mas
Schumacher will offer a press conference tomorrow at Monza... may be he will announce his retirement... or may be not. We'll see...

---> <---


EDIT ---> here is another link:

---> <---

Most probably to celebrate his championship. I doubt he is quitting as all potential replacements (Alonso, Raikonnen, Montoya, Webber) have been locked up. Unless Raikonnen is going to be snatched away at the 11th hour. :P

Toronto 09-01-2004 02:44 AM

if schumi leaves, barrichello will win, just look at him he is #2 right now, why do you think someone that is 3-9th would win next year?

possessed_beaver 09-01-2004 12:00 PM

ohhhh if he does retire, i can possibley see them scraping alot of the rule changes, because the racing could become more even.

all he has to do by the end of the year is get the record for the most pole positions.

i cannot think of another reason why he would call a press conferance.

*counting down to wensday*

chipanggo 09-01-2004 08:49 PM

well, schumi ain't retiring after all. :)

possessed_beaver 09-02-2004 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by chipanggo
well, schumi ain't retiring after all. :)

yay a few more seasons of boaring racing!

SPEEDCORE 09-02-2004 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by possessed_beaver

Originally Posted by chipanggo
well, schumi ain't retiring after all. :)

yay a few more seasons of boaring racing!

Dont watch then :P

I will be happy the day Ron Dennis retires

possessed_beaver 09-02-2004 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by SPEEDCORE

Originally Posted by possessed_beaver

Originally Posted by chipanggo
well, schumi ain't retiring after all. :)

yay a few more seasons of boaring racing!

Dont watch then :P

I will be happy the day Ron Dennis retires

yeh i know.. but i love the crash's

and with the "don't watch it" attitude, dw i won't be alone - it's been uptaken by alot of F1 fans!

racingfreak 09-02-2004 03:48 PM

Hi my fellow F1 enthusiasts, I went to the Hungarian GP a few weeks ago and got some great pics of the boss, schumi himself! One question though, HOW DO I POST THEM? I've got some great pics of the rest of the pits aswell...

X-ale 09-02-2004 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by racingfreak
Hi my fellow F1 enthusiasts, I went to the Hungarian GP a few weeks ago and got some great pics of the boss, schumi himself! One question though, HOW DO I POST THEM? I've got some great pics of the rest of the pits aswell...

For TT's sake, we got a car gallery section, in there there's a sticky... I leave you with only your brain and your eyes to sort it out from here on. Hope they make contact.

5vz-fe 09-03-2004 12:11 AM

McLaren boss guilty of sexual harassment

McLaren have had to pay £26,000 to a teenage girl, who worked for their fan club, after her boss sexually harassed her.
Hayley Swanson sued her boss, Neil Riddell, for sexual harassment after he spent months threatening to spank her, trying to touch her breasts and on one occasion even waving a rubber willy in front of her face. According to The Sun tabloid, the 50-year-old's behaviour left Swanson too sick to work and she pressed charges.

A Leeds tribunal found Riddell guilty of sexual harassment and awarded Swanson a £26,000 payout.

According to McLaren, Swanson's case was "an isolated incident."

The payout is kinda less than I expected......and geez...waving a dildo infront of an employee, what was he thinking? :?:

HeilSvenska 09-03-2004 01:10 AM

Well, another news. Sept. 1, 2004

It's official.
Schumi will NOT retire. At Autodromo Nazionale Monza , Schumacher announced that he will continue driving f1 cars next year. He says that he will "go on as long as he as the racing instinct." More on and

mindgam3 09-03-2004 04:24 AM

did anyone really think otherwise?

dons5 09-03-2004 06:00 AM

obviosuly not

sameerrao 09-07-2004 10:56 AM

Provisional 2005 Calendar - 19 races

6th March: Melbourne, Australia
20th March: Sepang, Malaysia
3rd April: Sakhir, Bahrain
17th April: Imola, San Marino
24th April: Nurburgring, Europe
8th May: Catalunya, Spain
22nd May: Monte Carlo, Monaco
5th June: Montreal, Canada
12th June: Indianapolis, America
26th June: Magny Cours, France
3rd July: Silverstone, Britain
17th July: Hockenheim, Germany
21st August: Hungaroring, Hungary
4th September: Spa Francorchamps, Belgium
11th September: Monza, Italy
25th September: Shanghai, China
9th October: Suzuka, Japan
23rd October: Interlagos, Brazil

Toronto 09-07-2004 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Provisional 2005 Calendar - 19 races

6th March: Melbourne, Australia
20th March: Sepang, Malaysia
3rd April: Sakhir, Bahrain
17th April: Imola, San Marino
24th April: Nurburgring, Europe
8th May: Catalunya, Spain
22nd May: Monte Carlo, Monaco
5th June: Montreal, Canada
12th June: Indianapolis, America
26th June: Magny Cours, France
3rd July: Silverstone, Britain
17th July: Hockenheim, Germany
21st August: Hungaroring, Hungary
4th September: Spa Francorchamps, Belgium
11th September: Monza, Italy
25th September: Shanghai, China
9th October: Suzuka, Japan
23rd October: Interlagos, Brazil

they are going to keep brazil around yes :D i thought this year might of been the last one

racingfreak 09-07-2004 03:45 PM

I can see why they would want to take silverstone out of the pic...cause its old and not up to modern standards, but imola is a classic and beautiful circuit. There is word of a race in central london...wonder if eckelstone will make it a reality?

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