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philip 06-18-2008 10:56 PM

I discovered this great new show TopGear
I was panning the channels and I have found this great new car show called Top Gear. Its got these three funny British guys who drive really great cars.

Its on Monday night on an obscure cable channel called BBC America.

Wow its fantastic I'm going to tivo it and watch it every week.

rfterdarc 06-18-2008 11:12 PM

Yes! Top Gear's back June 22nd (this sunday).
Hope they test drive the Nissan GTR and f430 Scuderia

HeilSvenska 06-18-2008 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by philip (Post 836514)
I was panning the channels and I have found this great new car show called Top Gear. Its got these three funny British guys who drive really great cars.

Its on Monday night on an obscure cable channel called BBC America.

Wow its fantastic I'm going to tivo it and watch it every week.

:?: I don't understand.

torrentjunkie 06-18-2008 11:18 PM

me cant be serious that you haven't heard of top gear, especially on this site:?:

styla21 06-19-2008 12:17 AM

HAHAHA. You nearly had us...

... Right? :?:

MidEngine4Life 06-19-2008 01:32 AM

Your not serious are you? This is like walking into a church and saying you've never heard of Jesus

79TA 06-19-2008 03:30 AM



fordgt84 06-19-2008 03:36 AM


MidEngine4Life 06-19-2008 03:03 PM

It has to be a joke he posted it in Top Gear discussion

MotorWorld 06-19-2008 03:26 PM

give him a chance guys, he's only been here 2 years....

CarlZ 06-19-2008 04:05 PM

bahahahahahahahaha good one!

enzoferrari 06-19-2008 05:49 PM


gatot 06-19-2008 10:28 PM

Yeah, what? Top Gear? Hah? or Fifth Gear? Hmmmm....:?:

philip 06-20-2008 01:43 PM

I had heard of top gear so yeah that was a bad joke. (They even sell a top gear magzine at the locak book store.

But I had really never seen the TV show before other than these little snippet videos I found here.

The tall guy they call Stitch, is he the one who crashed in the rocket car? Is he well or was I watching a rerun.

A really well done show. Not like the cheap ass car shows that are made in the US.

Why dont you get to see who the test track driver is?

torrentjunkie 06-20-2008 02:55 PM


i'm just lost for words

Svensson 06-20-2008 03:07 PM

Can't believe it either, he must be playing with us!

CarlZ 06-20-2008 03:49 PM

erm those little videos you found here?
offcourse what's big for one might be small for other...

philip 06-20-2008 04:43 PM

So you like have the whole seasons here. wow. I just remember seeing little segments like a mini on a ski jump or bashing a Porsche into a concrete block wall.

I'm tivoing them now. I will wait and see them on the big TV. But thanks for pointing out they are here.

5vz-fe 06-20-2008 05:31 PM

philip, you are starting to scare me now, coz I am starting to think u are not joking :?:

toffytofik 06-20-2008 05:52 PM

I discovered this great new music video!!! Its got these three funny American guys who drive really great ice cream van!!

I'm serious man!!

I'm serious!


styla21 06-20-2008 07:41 PM

This thread is possibly epic... I can't wait to see what you say next, Phillip.

xbeakerx 06-20-2008 07:45 PM

he has to be on something narcotic...

bluedemon 06-20-2008 08:09 PM

WTF! He can't be serious, I haven't been on this site for long, but he's got a lot of posts, please tell me he is kidding, and who the hell is Stitch????? Surely he's not talking about The Stig????

marcefer 06-20-2008 11:33 PM

I agree with styla21: this thread is going epic! :-D

bluedemon: I'm sure you know the Stitch. If you still don't remember, follow this link
;-):mrgreen: :laugh:

Maybe philip discovered who really The Stig is, but the truth is too inconvenient to be told.
Could it be Tiff Nedell ?
Will the 3 brits (4 from next Sunday) someday illuminate us with the identity of the White Driver? :-D

Anyway I can't wait for series 11 !!

bluedemon 06-21-2008 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by marcefer (Post 836830)
I agree with styla21: this thread is going epic! :-D

bluedemon: I'm sure you know the Stitch. If you still don't remember, follow this link
;-):mrgreen: :laugh:

Maybe philip discovered who really The Stig is, but the truth is too inconvenient to be told.
Could it be Tiff Nedell ?
Will the 3 brits (4 from next Sunday) someday illuminate us with the identity of the White Driver? :-D

Anyway I can't wait for series 11 !!

:laugh::laugh: Ah yes how could have I forgotton about our furry blue friend Stitch

pitfield 06-21-2008 10:48 AM

there's a uk tv channel calle 'dave' top gear is on almost all day

refaat33 06-28-2008 05:37 AM

I can't believe he is serious , but if he is serious I would really envy him because he will have the pleasure of seeing all of it for the first time .

79rivers 06-28-2008 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by refaat33 (Post 838042)
I can't believe he is serious , but if he is serious I would really envy him because he will have the pleasure of seeing all of it for the first time .

I can. He lives in the U.S., so doesn't have much access to those fun British shows unless he knows what to look for. Same with me – I just discovered Top Gear last year. And I'm loving it.

CarlZ 06-28-2008 09:24 AM

^He's here for 6th year, main events on this site is formula one, wrc and top gear. It's theoreticly impossible that in all this time he haven't discovered top gear.

Wonderduck 06-28-2008 12:28 PM

I consider myself a knowledgeable fan of F1 in particular and motorsports in general. That being said, I only discovered the joys of Top Gear a year or so ago, and only through youtube clips of the test drives. The first full episode I've seen was this past Sunday's (s11e01).

Actually, that's not entirely true. Top Gear was shown for a brief time on one of the cable channels we have here in the US, I think it was TLC, maybe five or six years ago. It bombed, and the one or two episodes I saw were really, REALLY not entertaining to me.

Now, however, I love it. I must have been in a permanent bad mood back then. And a duck in a bad mood is a terrible thing...

Anyway, I suppose it's not impossible that he really HADN'T heard of Top Gear. Not bloody likely, but not impossible. :?:

CarlZ 06-28-2008 12:35 PM

it's not impossible not to know about top gear in general, but HE is here for 6th year! 6TH! i'we been here for couple of months and I have already discovered BTCC, WTCC, DTM, GP2, IFM, FormulaD........

HeilSvenska 06-28-2008 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by CarlZ (Post 838072)
it's not impossible not to know about top gear in general, but HE is here for 6th year! 6TH! i'we been here for couple of months and I have already discovered BTCC, WTCC, DTM, GP2, IFM, FormulaD........

Hmmm. I suppose he can. Despite Top Gear stuff always on the front page, it's not all this site is about, so it's possible he's heard of it, but never actually watched an episode. Very possible.

...although, the fact that he called BBC America obscure...

Dubai 06-29-2008 05:46 PM

:D :D :D
Three Smiley faces

philip 06-30-2008 12:38 AM

I've now officially watched four episodes.

Testing two station wagons at night at an airport with lots of flames. Best road in the world with three great cars including my current fav the GT3RS. Some kind of challenge with three old British cars (Leyland?) and the one I watched today a challenge in the desert of Africa with a VW bug that they hated for some reason winning.

The race driver that you dont see his face is Stig. There is no Stich sorry.

The show is beautifully filmed and is a lot of fun.

The DVR has about twenty shows loaded in now. So I do have alot to look forward to.

Beats any American car show hands down.

philip 07-07-2008 09:59 PM

The episode I just watched was about an A10 and a 24 hour indurance race at Silverstone.

Are these shows from last season or are they older?

Is Stig a formula one driver or something, does anyone know his name, or is he always the same person?

styla21 07-08-2008 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by philip (Post 839747)
The episode I just watched was about an A10 and a 24 hour indurance race at Silverstone.

Are these shows from last season or are they older?

Is Stig a formula one driver or something, does anyone know his name, or is he always the same person?

I love you Philip. I do.
Your posts complete me.:mrgreen:

marcefer 07-08-2008 06:30 PM

You can do a little research in the web, for example here:

And don't forget to let us know your thoughts about our favorite tv show.

philip 07-08-2008 11:27 PM

Thank you.

I didnt think to Wikipedia the program.

It was very informative. Stig was not identified. But I did learn that the taller man Richard was the one hurt in the rocket car accident, which I had heard about. The Silverstone race was from 2007.

What was interesting abput the article was the amount of critisism of the show by various groups. It seems that edgy shows are subject to critisism worldwide and not just here in the US.

The filming of the cars is fantastic. They always seem show the cars in snow, water, flames, at night, at sunset, in fog, but unlike America never being rubbed on by beautiful girls in bikinis. But then I have only seen five episodes.

Dubai 07-09-2008 01:34 AM

Philip, if you want more TopGear Caffein, go to YouTube...

CarlZ 07-09-2008 03:45 AM

^nah, here is it all

Shilder 07-09-2008 05:57 AM

Its impossible, to dont know anything about Top gear, if you are register in this site !

CarlZ 07-09-2008 07:51 AM

^I thought so too...I was I read this thread for fun :D

Nuggles 07-12-2008 05:41 PM

Philip, you've a whole world of fun ahead of you. Enjoy it.

MrEMan 07-12-2008 09:44 PM

Top Gear has to be one of the very few show I actually watch regularly and thanks to the internet I have seen every episode :)

More than just a show to review new cars, Top Gear is essential viewing. Not just for petrol heads, it also has a huge following amongst people with little or no interest in cars - both male and female. This is due to the shows irreverent approach to motoring, the humor and the priceless chemistry between the shows presenters. A global audience of 350 million can't be wrong.;title;2

philip 07-14-2008 12:04 PM

Ok is the new season of TopGear starting in America tonight?

I guess I will find out as I have it set to Tivo. Sounds fun with the GT-R in Japan.

Last week I watched some kind of awards show, with a car that wasnt on the show or pictured, winning car of the year.

I dont seem to know many of the people who drive the small blue car around the track. Many times they are introduced as "needing no introduction" and I havent a clue who they are. Speaking of who, the guy was introduced as playing Dr. Who. I guess you have to have a scorecard to figure out who, Dr. Who is, cause I had never seen him before. Seemed young to play Dr. Who. I did know who Helen Mirren is but thats about it.

nthfinity 07-14-2008 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by philip (Post 841005)
Ok is the new season of TopGear starting in America tonight?

I guess I will find out as I have it set to Tivo. Sounds fun with the GT-R in Japan.

Last week I watched some kind of awards show, with a car that wasnt on the show or pictured, winning car of the year.

I dont seem to know many of the people who drive the small blue car around the track. Many times they are introduced as "needing no introduction" and I havent a clue who they are. Speaking of who, the guy was introduced as playing Dr. Who. I guess you have to have a scorecard to figure out who, Dr. Who is, cause I had never seen him before. Seemed young to play Dr. Who. I did know who Helen Mirren is but thats about it.

The new Season in the US wont start for some time; but is current in the UK right now. The said video is RIGHT HERE on the

Click HERE

philip 07-15-2008 05:57 PM

The one they played last night was a repeat of one of the six I had seen. A disapointment, but I watched it again and enjoyed it as much as before.

Boy they sure run thru alot of tires.

I'm going to hold off watching the new ones here as I want to enjoy it on the big screen.

Its hard to wait as hearing here about the GT-R vs the bullet train sounds great.

Spiffu 07-16-2008 01:09 AM

I award you the troll of the year.

CarlZ 07-16-2008 05:30 AM

man this thread is good fun...

Joana 04-07-2019 04:53 AM

So you like have the whole seasons here. wow. I just remember seeing little best epilator 2019
 segments like a mini on a ski jump or bashing a Porsche into a concrete block wall.

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