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st-anger 10-03-2004 01:37 PM

st-anger not to come back till summer 05…
…ok ok, some already know, tomorrow it´ll be official – so starting on monday 4th oct. i´ll be working abroad for the Porsches PEG and PES subsidiaries on a very new project and although i´m definitely looking forward to this upcomming interesting challenge there´re also some downsides including JW time - meaning that I won´t have (any) time for JW for more or less 8 to 10 months…!!! Yes, MONTHS…

I don´t know yet, but I think there´s a chance that I can fly home at weekends but I have to check that first and when at home I think everybody understands that my wife, family and friends´ll come before JW…

that said it´s obvious that Porsche Central won´t be running as u guys are used to it – I think I won´t have the time for posting, answering, etc at all… BUT, i´m dead sure that my good friends out there in JW land, and especially lakatu and matteo, will do their very best to keep things together in here, lakatu as a very decent and knowledgeable Porsche nut who´s never tired to encourage others to contribute as well as giving very well pointed answers to any Porsche related question from other members - and of course TT who´s sharing the moderator “work” with me in here – I hope you´ll find some time every now and then to clean up PC a bit – I think u know it, moving posts into “Multi” and stuff like that :wink:

… to cut a long story short, i hope u guys had a good time with good old st-anger so far, enjoyed some stuff i posted - and i think it´ll pay off to stay with PC till i´ll come back at full boost in spring/summer ´05 with some nice surprises in my luggage… :wink:

here´s a little preview of what´s to come in 2005…

:arrow: st-anger Nordschleife topic with intro lap(s), vids, pics, reports and LOADS of other stuff

and definitely a highlight…

:arrow: this is the “reason” for…

^ (4.5MB zip file)

and many many other Porsche related stuff :P

…besides, spring is always a good time to buy a new car…:wink:

so again, all of u keep up the good work here on JW, maybe think of posting inside PC too 8) , but definitely all the best and good health for u all, i´m off in some hours time…and already looking forward to come back to u guys soon... :P

best regards and take care,

your Porsche freak st-anger


gigdy 10-03-2004 01:40 PM

you will be missed, Thank you and good luck.

sentra_dude 10-03-2004 01:41 PM

Wow, 8 months!

Well, good luck with your project! 8) :D

ZfrkS62 10-03-2004 01:45 PM

::shudders from sound clip:: that just gave me goosebumps....that has got to be the best sounding Porsche i have EVER heard :twisted:

i don't think we have to tell you to have fun ince i think those pics and sound byte pretty much do it for us :D but enjoy your trip!!

mindgam3 10-03-2004 01:51 PM

good luck with ur new reassignment, you will be missed at JW for sure ;)

Keep in touch if you can, i look forward to hearing more about this project ;)

sameerrao 10-03-2004 01:55 PM

Best of luck in your new initiative Frank ....

frodefe 10-03-2004 02:04 PM

all the best!
-and until next time; take care

yg60m 10-03-2004 02:16 PM

I will miss you st-anger :(
It's sad !! I hope everything will be fine for you and i wish you all the best too

AlienDB7 10-03-2004 02:33 PM

Good luck on your new project. We'll really miss you! :cry:

TT 10-03-2004 02:34 PM

Sad to see you go mate, but we understand very well! PC will run smooth, don't worry, with lakatu's help we will keep it nice and clean! Just your knowledge will be missing, but afterall a couple of months.. UGH, 8 to 10 isn't really a couple but well... is not that long anyway! We will all be here waiting for you next Summer! In the meantime, work hard but don't overdo! We will miss you my friend!

Ford Capri 2.8i 10-03-2004 02:47 PM

Good luck with your new project, and workplace......although, to be honest, i didnt have very much chance to visit the porsche section (but reading one text of you was more than enough to know about your knowledges and contribution in this website) since im not very veteran in this website (although im getting more and more, and i didnt have enough time to visit the porsche section due to my other preferences such as the car chat, motorsport news, formula 1 news (my preference for the sport cars is higher than the cars or supercars themselves) i commenced with the text good luck with your new project, and you are welcome to this forum anytime(although im not the most proper person to say that since im not one of the veterans in JW)...and people will be looking forward to your news

marktak 10-03-2004 02:47 PM

Best of luck man, will miss your great posts!!

topgeartom 10-03-2004 03:08 PM

sad to see you go mate. I hope what you are going to do provides many hours of fun and interest for you. Best of luck, and just think how nice it will be to come back to JW at the end and see what has changed!

Anonymous 10-03-2004 04:06 PM

Good Luck with your new job mate, I'm sure this place will be kept together well in your abscence but you will be missed :) :wink:

coombsie66 10-03-2004 04:32 PM

Best of luck with your new 'project' and i hope you enjoy it!! You shall be missed, but i know PC will bounce back better than ever!!
Oh, and just to fill yah in St-anger, me mate who was racing the tech 9 porsche 996 gt3-rs cup car in the british gt cup took it to a win in the final round today to clinch the constructors championship and get runners up in the drivers championship. Seeing the car so close up this year i have realsied the levels of excellence that porchse achieve and i am truely impressed!
All the best.

Adam :)

fedezyl 10-03-2004 04:38 PM

It's sad to see you leave for 8 months mate!! we'll miss you here, whenever you can let us know what the project abroad is about! hehehe


crasherror 10-03-2004 05:11 PM

take care.

Sm@ck 10-03-2004 05:23 PM

have fun, take care...

See you around.

abbor 10-03-2004 06:12 PM

I guess you're facing a lot of fun, as if you didn't do enough fun from before... :)

Have a great time, and JW will be waiting for you.

stradale 10-03-2004 06:21 PM

You will surely be missed! :( Sad that you won't have time for JW for such a long time, but of course I can understand your decision regarding to the job and how you'll fill in the small amount of spare time as a result of that.

I'm sure lakatu and TT will take excellent care of your precious Porsche Central.

Good luck on the new job we'll see you in 8 to 10 months. Take care, mate!

lakatu 10-04-2004 12:19 AM

Well I have know that this day was coming and truthfully it is really kind of sad. We are losing a good friend and a valuable asset to PC and JW. Thank goodness it is temporary :wink: but honestly things won’t be the same without st-anger and 8-10 months is a long time :cry: . I think at least a third if not more of the great content here at PC was provided by st-anger and a huge hole will be left in your absence my friend :wink: .

TT and myself will do what we can to fill in for st-anger in his absence but I think everyone in the PC community and JW for that matter will have to contribute more in order to fill the hole left by st-angers temporary departure.

I wish you the best of luck and know that as a community I think we will do what we can to continue in build PC to be a place where Porsche enthusiast gather to learn from each other.

Keep us up to date as much as your time will allow. We’ll look forward to your return :D :wink: .

zmydust823 10-04-2004 02:05 AM

good luck with everything man..hope ya have fun

SilviaEvo 10-04-2004 02:42 AM

good bye old pal!

Minacious 10-04-2004 03:44 PM

You will definately be missed. Yours is one of those names that just goes along with JW.

skituner 10-04-2004 04:52 PM

thanks for everything and have fun

i dont know what img gunna do when someone starts disising porsche and st. anger isent there to shut them down :cry:

Vansquish 10-04-2004 05:42 PM

Take care and good luck with the new assignment, hope to see you again in a few months!

cooperluke 10-04-2004 06:03 PM

Gee man... When I saw the topic I thought it was some kind of joke...
8-10 months... that is a LOT !!
Where will I get my "Porsche needs" fulfilled...?? Here I hope, TT and Lakatu, you have a big task upon you!!! :)
Well, at least your absence seems to be worthwhile... :)

Hope everything goes well for you!
"See you" in the summer!!

nthfinity 10-05-2004 03:09 AM

st-anger :cry: im glad to have been sparked a great interest in automotive engineering... and i feel i almost wish to change majors... almost, perhaps take on a minor in auto engineering ;) (not to mention learn German)

by the time you come back, i hope to know a few more things, and continue contributing as much as i can to PC in your absence... i look forward to many discussions with lakatu :) mabey some st-anger knowlege can rub off on me as well :P

i look forward to your return, after just a few tantalizing previews 8)

dingo 10-05-2004 03:24 AM

Good-bye st-anger....hope you have fun and can't wait for your return, those previews you posted got me excited. :D

gucom 10-05-2004 10:59 AM

Good luck m8 we'll miss your expertise...

DMbaseball1604 10-08-2004 02:14 AM

good luck!

Darkel 10-09-2004 07:32 AM

Good bye ! We'll miss your experience and commentaries about the latest Porsche news :(

Fleischmann 10-09-2004 08:04 AM

Thanks for evertything you have done for us, you will be sincerely missed by the community. See ya in mid 2005 :D:D:D *cry's* *waves hand*

sikx5 10-09-2004 08:43 AM

Best of luck on your new project, hope it all goes well for you mate, you will be missed, even by the ferrari community :wink:

Dont worry, 8-10months will fly by when your having fun 8)

TransAm 10-09-2004 10:47 AM

Good luck with your project St Anger, and all the best. Hope to see you back next year!

Mers 10-11-2004 01:41 AM

Alright, good for you St. Anger... I hope u like it above all..

Good Luck, and you'll be missed....!!

HeilSvenska 10-11-2004 01:47 AM

There goes a man for the greater good of the mankind.

DeMoN 10-11-2004 03:01 AM

8 months! you cant be serious. I am sure youll get some SOME little time at least to see whats up with jw?

SPEEDKILLAR 10-11-2004 03:03 AM

Goodluck and don't forget about that's ever going to happen. lol

st-anger 10-11-2004 01:05 PM

guys guys guys.......AMAZING....

i´d been very touched by some of the statements posted in here and first i´d like to thank EVERYONE who´s posted something in here for supporting me and all that showed me that i´m not that useless in again, THX guys i appreciated all this very very much... :P

to quickly inform u...
many of u said "have fun....enjoy...." but i´m afraid it´s more the other way round - this time it´s like hell, i don´t know if any of u guys have ever worked 7 days in a row with almost zero sleep and working days with at least 14 hours in two shifts...
so it´s really bad right now and i´m not in the best mood/condition and to top it all off - i´m already in a hurry again because i´ve to do some preparations for tomorrow which´ll take me at least ~4 hours tonight...
had been in michigan/US the whole week long and are now back in europe at the PEG subsidiary - sorry, plz don´t ask, i can´t provide u with any details on my work...

i´m afraid i won´t have more time for now, again, i can´t thank u guys enough - all that means a lot to me i don´t want to name specific names now again but i think all u guys know it... :wink:


finally i hope u guys´ll grant a request.....

PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE post inside the right topics :!: :!: :!:
again i don´t want to piss anyone but i´ve seen ( and moved :wink: ) quite some topics that should have been posted elsewhere :wink:
so plz matteo and lakatu have an eye on this as well...

in the end - i don´t know when i´ll be back again here, everything i can do is to wish all of u all the best and good health and hope to see all of u back again at PC when things´ll run a bit smoother again....

THX for everything...


st-anger :)

SFDMALEX 10-11-2004 01:14 PM

THe man has spoken. :) Take care mate, Im sure the reward for all your hardwork will be great.

nthfinity 10-12-2004 03:00 AM

the closest to that ive experienced was in the fiercely competitive ISEF, and later the subsequent NRAO colloquium i presented. but nothing that was for pay. quite difficult on day 5 with 4 hours rest, so i can only imagine what day 7 would be like :? my simpathies for the durress, and stresses of travel

had been in michigan/US the whole week long
makes me wonder... naw, unlikely

Chingachgook 10-12-2004 04:20 AM

st-anger, it's a shame you have to stay alone from your family for so much time. It's HARD, very hard working 14 h in a day and have just time to sleep, but when the work will be done, and it'll be for sure a GREAT work, you'll be very happy .. think this, I always think in a positive way because the bad thoughts won't never help.

Good work mate :wink:

See you soon

DJF1 10-15-2004 06:27 AM

Good luck ST.Anger!!!! I bet it will be fun!!!
I know exactly what you mean about time!!! I work on a new and very exiting project for my company which leaves me zero time for anything else... But it is all worth it at the end!!!

coombsie66 10-15-2004 08:59 AM

Stick with it St-anger, and i hope things get better. Never nice being away from the ones you love, and worked to the bone!!
You wouldnt be doing it if it wasnt worth it tho would you ... :wink: :P

Best of luck. :D

st-anger 10-25-2004 12:15 PM

..well, hi again - just came back from airport, tomorrow it´s a public holiday here in AUT so i took the chance to come back home for a day or two... :P

so what is to say, it´s my fourth week now away from regular work, things have cooled down a bit especially in the last week, nevertheless i hardly get under 50 to 60 hours a week only at work without preparations for the next day but luckily i´m leading a very very good team and all the ppl support me 101%, this makes it a lot more easier...
so what are we doing right now, well as i said before i can´t name any details but we´re NOT working on a current or upcomming Porsche model, it´s more an industry pool project for the future of automotive engineering and the PEG group is one of the leading institutions for work like this - it´s extremely interesting because we´re sort of working or better said researching the components of the near future´s cars... :)
--- well i think i already said too much :roll:

...unfortunately PC seems to kinda sleep now - well, i know some guys :wink: are doing their best to prevent that, and again i have to say THANKS a lot to them for their work and time...

and again - i won´t promise too much but 2005 will be the best JW year EVER here at PC - sooooo much Porsche stuff and of course some other surprises no one´ll ever guess, only one thing - it´ll be definitely HUGE :P

hope to c-ya all around some time back here at PC, even when i don´t have time for PC plz keep on posting and i´m sure lakatu and TT are always glad to help ya out in here... :)

kind regards,


dropot2 10-25-2004 12:40 PM

I've been away from JW for one month also and I haven't seen this sad new...I'm not a usual visitor of St-anger Porsche Central but it has been a pleasure to have shared some of my spare time reading your great reports and posts.
See you soon. :wink: Good luck with your new adventure!

jon_s 10-25-2004 01:12 PM

Glad to hear all is going well! :D

nthfinity 10-26-2004 12:04 PM

good to hear from you St-anger, glad things have become a somewhat calmer work enviornment for you recently. i think there is a lot of excitement in the leading edge of the automotive world. keep up the good work

coombsie66 10-30-2004 08:18 AM

Sounds veeeeeery interesting St anger, cant wait to hear more results of your hard work, (even though it'll probably be a few years till you can tell us!! :wink: )

Keep up the hard work old chum! :)

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