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middleton7 05-05-2004 04:17 PM

Does anyone on here own an exotic or just dreaming for now? Personally, can't afford what I want, so I'm building it. I'm sure all of you know about the Diablo kits. But, no Fiero here. I'm building the exact replica chassis from NAERC. Also, no wimpy 4 banger or V6, going with an LS6 crate with the twin turbo kit. That makes it push around 575 - 600HP. It's going well so far, but it's gonna take awhile. :roll:

Jabba 05-06-2004 06:18 AM

There are some new pictures of my Diablo on the Jabba House thread in "General Chat".

Anonymous 05-06-2004 06:20 AM

Damn you told him i was hoping he would find that suprise all by himself that the cars in the banner are yours!! :lol:

Jabba 05-06-2004 06:22 AM

I thought my avatar might have given it away actually.

Anonymous 05-06-2004 06:29 AM

Forgot you changed it it used to be the mower on its own whenyou first got the beast, I prefer the new one though!! :D 8) 8)

Jabba 05-06-2004 06:33 AM

Yep I have got a few now to choose from inc one with the diablo that you may have seen on the house thread.

callen 05-06-2004 07:31 AM

If u want to see what members, are driving go to the 'rides' section on the forum....ull find a few exotics there :D

middleton7 05-06-2004 09:43 AM

Jabba, you got a nice collection started. Since the cars in the pics of your "New House" weren't yours, I wasn't sure about those in your avatar. But VERY nice!!! I haven't had the opportunity to check out the members rides section yet, but hope to very soon. Jabba, what is the year and model of your Diablo? If it happens to be a 2000+ 6.0, I'd love to talk to you more about it and maybe get some close up pics. I'm sure they would be a tremendous help. I'll check back in this topic for any replys, but then I'll leave this one since it's in the wrong place for such chat. Thanks.........

TT 05-06-2004 09:58 AM


Since the cars in the pics of your "New House" weren't yours
LOL not sure to wich pics you are referring, but in 9/10 of the pics you can only see Jabba's cars LOL.

As for the roadster (sorry Jabba if I answer for you) it isn't a 6.0. It's a 1997 VT Roadster ;)

middleton7 05-06-2004 10:57 AM

Referring to the pics in the "Jabbas New House" topic. Jabba stated that those cars were the prior owners cars. And a 97 VT is an outstanding car. Beautiful!!! Just got done looking through member rides area and didn't see it yet. Gonna check out the Racingflix site and try to see it. I thought a long time about which Diablo to build and came down to a 99 Roadster or a the 01 6.0 ...Just the lines on the newer 6.0.....The non-popup headlights, the different turn signals and marker lights on the front. Just looks much better. BUT, I don't in anyway mean that any of the Diablos are unattractive.

TT 05-06-2004 11:03 AM


Referring to the pics in the "Jabbas New House" topic. Jabba stated that those cars were the prior owners cars
Ok those were in page 1 ;) we reached page 40something now and Jabba posted a shitload of pics of the car with his cars ;)

BTW, not sure what do you mean about "wich Diablo to build".. you can't actually build a Diablo. Are you into replicas?

middleton7 05-06-2004 12:42 PM

Yes, I'm into replicas. I'd obviously much rather own the real thing, but I don't see an extra 280 grand layin around in my future. So, I'll have to deal with the next best thing. As far as which Diablo to build, you can get the body in older VT, SV, Roadster, or the newer 6.0 version. So, to review, I love exotics but cannot afford one. I am in the process of building the exact replica frame on which to place the 6.0 body. In this frame shall sit a crate LS6 (the same engine that's in the Vette Z06 in case anyone didn't know) with the twin turbo kit. This will be bolted to a Porsche 914 transaxle. Once completed, it's hard for most (except those who own one or REAL enthusiast) to tell the difference. The VIN plates and all other plated on the original are available now for the replicas.

middleton7 05-06-2004 12:55 PM

Re: Kinda figured......

Originally Posted by AlienDB7

Originally Posted by middleton7
Not everyone has the time or ability to sit in front of the computer most of the day and or night. There is no real need in heckling people over there questions. I'm thinking you could probably make a standard "You have to become a very active member and be liked by certain people"

I don't know how long it took you to type up that paragraph but for me, I just spend 15-30min morning and evening to read the forum and reply to interesting threads. Since you're an "adult" from NY, I suppose your english is much better than "kids" like us from foreign countriers. So, spend a few minutes daily and you'll learn to enjoy the forum.

Enough said, welcome to JW, enjoy your stay!


You sound offended in that reply. Once again, my post wasn't meant to offend anyone. Also, I am not location discriminate. I never said anything about other countries. I spent 4 years in Germany and liked them better than allot of Americans. Very kind and helpful people for the most part. And, my American ( I wouldn't dare to think that I speak proper English) is better than some, worse than some. But, I never claimed it was better than anyones on this site. I sincerely apologize for the offense and thank you for your welcome to JW.

TT 05-06-2004 01:18 PM


Yes, I'm into replicas. I'd obviously much rather own the real thing, but I don't see an extra 280 grand layin around in my future. So, I'll have to deal with the next best thing.
Well the discussion could go on forever, but IMO, the "next best thing" is for sure not a fake car that look like a car but is another.. the next best thing is an affordable sportscar. These years are full of fast and nice cars that can be yours for way less than the price of a Diablo ;)
I know there are some very nice replicas around, but still, I think it's better to keep dreaming about supercars instead of trying to own a wannabe ;)

Of course if you are into replicas you have a complete different idea, but I think most of us would rather own a good sportcar like say a VX220/Speedster (for the Euro ones), an Elise, or even an M3 or something like that.. something that can give you pleasure when you drive it :D not just when you look at it ;)

But well, don't be offended, this world is nice because we are all different :D and good luck on your project :D

middleton7 05-06-2004 01:51 PM

No offense taken. And I agree with the affordable sportscar deal. I owned a 93 M5 while in Germany and loved it. Recently sold a 94 Stealth twin turbo, upgraded and running about 400hp. If you noticed the info I gave on the kit, I'm putting a pressurized LS6 in the car. It's gonna be pushing close to 600HP....I think it'll be about as exciting to drive as to look at. Also, this frame is being built from plans from a complete breakdown of a REAL Diablo. It's going to be an exact replica frame and suspension, so if
I'm able to get the weight ratio close, it will be like driving the real thing.

TT 05-06-2004 02:05 PM

Uhm.. remember that HP alone don't give excitment.. so the most important part is not the engine, but the chassis. And about the chassis beeing based on the real Diablo plans, well, IMO the result will still be leagues from the real thing. If people could really build an exact replica, I'm sure we would see many more replicas around.. a supercar is done by thousands of small details and I'm sure that even a perfect replica with every single small bit exactly replicated, won't come close to the real thing.. not to talk about the "aura" that the replica will enver be able to replicate, but still, if there are people that still loves to spend the money a normal person will spend on a house in their supercars, it's because there is something special in them, not only the status symbol, but well, the thousand of manhours put into them, the passion of all the people involved can't be simply replicated thanks to some sheet of paper IMO :)
And BTW, your project seem to be quite an expensive one. For sure not like a second hand Diablo, but not really "cheap" since you can't really build a chassis from zero for free if you want a good one, not to talk about buying the original suspensions and so on...

middleton7 05-06-2004 02:30 PM

Expensive? Yes. Outrageous? No. I will have in the neighborhood of $45,000 in it when complete. That is including the suspension, the air-ride system up front, the leather interior, the badging, etc....One of the main reasons that you don't see more replicas on the roads is that most people don't have the time or ability to handle such a project. And about the chassis, that's why I'm going with the exact replica, to ensure chassis rigidity. Most of the people that spend the fortunes on an exotic don't need to buy a fake. They can afford that much and most don't even know about the replicas much less anything about their possibilities. The man hours....Oh yeah, I'm looking at allot of those myself. And the pure pleasure of looking at the completed car and knowing I did that....That makes it that much more exciting to me. As for coming close to the real deal, I've unfortunately seen several pics of the factory's foul-ups. Crappy welds in the rear end and other areas not seen by the average person walking around the car. I'll see if I can find those pics and post a link. It really bothered me to see those given my pure awe of Lamborghini as a company. But all in all, I think you'ld be pleasantly surprised if you saw and drove a WELL BUILT replica. There are allot of really shoddy replicas rolling around. I'm ashamed of the replica world for such abominations. Check this guys site out, it'll give ya an idea of what goes into a good build....
He asks a bit more for one than I think is reasonable, but that's allot of work.

Jabba 05-06-2004 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by middleton7
But all in all, I think you'ld be pleasantly surprised if you saw and drove a WELL BUILT replica.

Surprised ??? More like AMAZED to see any replica that doesn't want to make me burst out laughing....pleasantly ???? see any car design ripped off kinda makes me feel sad rather than want to admire an attempt to try and copy something.

What will you say to people that ask you about it....will you tell them thats its a fake or try to pass it off as a real Lamborghini ??

I never thought that I would ever own a Lamborghini so I tried to get the closet car that I could afford to it...a Lotus Esprit SE that was slightly similar in looks to the Diablo (with some of Imagination ) and wasn't exactly slow either...but at least it was genuine and I could drive it with pride rather than embarrassment.

I am not sure what its like outside the UK but here replicas have virtually no residual value and you will be pushed to find a dealer that would want to take one off your hands...and as for insurance....I think that would be another dream....

I am flattered that you might want to try and copy my car and it would make a great feature for the jokes and humor section.
My advice...keep on saving and I am sure you will be able to buy a 2WD Diablo soon and that will never be worth much less than what you have paid for it...

middleton7 05-06-2004 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jabba

Originally Posted by middleton7
But all in all, I think you'ld be pleasantly surprised if you saw and drove a WELL BUILT replica.

Surprised ??? More like AMAZED to see any replica that doesn't want to make me burst out laughing....pleasantly ???? see any car design ripped off kinda makes me feel sad rather than want to admire an attempt to try and copy something.

What will you say to people that ask you about it....will you tell them thats its a fake or try to pass it off as a real Lamborghini ??

I never thought that I would ever own a Lamborghini so I tried to get the closet car that I could afford to it...a Lotus Esprit SE that was slightly similar in looks to the Diablo (with some of Imagination ) and wasn't exactly slow either...but at least it was genuine and I could drive it with pride rather than embarrassment.

I am not sure what its like outside the UK but here replicas have virtually no residual value and you will be pushed to find a dealer that would want to take one off your hands...and as for insurance....I think that would be another dream....

I am flattered that you might want to try and copy my car and it would make a great feature for the jokes and humor section.
My advice...keep on saving and I am sure you will be able to buy a 2WD Diablo soon and that will never be worth much less than what you have paid for it...

Wow, that was kinda rude. I had begun to think that wasn't really that common in here. And it's not YOUR car that I'm trying to COPY. If you spend your time on something and then are embarrassed about it, you didn't really need to spend the time on it in the first place. I would proudly say that I DID THAT. How many people build there own car? An exotic LOOKING car at that. As for insurance, from what I've come across, it's not too bad. Trade-in value? I don't think so. I would never trade in something I put that much time and care in anyway. JOKES? That's really sad that you would feel the need to make fun of others to feel better about yourself. In most cases that relates to an inadequacy in your life. Not rude, just facts. If you now feel the need to remove me or block me from your site, I understand, but those are facts.

Jabba 05-06-2004 05:08 PM

I didn't really say that I was laughing at the people with the cars...I said I was laughing at the cars....but your can you not laugh at the assholes that build them as well....

If your talking about inadequacys.....remember I am not the one building fake cars and pretending to own something that I don't.

I will ask the question again.....

When asked about your "car"....will you admit that its a fake Lamborghini or try to pass it off as a real one ?

TT 05-06-2004 05:28 PM


How many people build there own car?
Then build a kit car, not a replica.. rewarding and at least you won't create a "fake"...

If you want to build a Diablo why not a nice and big scale model.. say 1/4 or so.. it would be quite nice too... I know we can sound rude as you said, but I think the replica lovers are very very rare...

Anonymous 05-06-2004 05:37 PM

Very interesting 'discussion' i can't say i have ever seen a good replica i.e one that hasn't made me laugh! :lol: And as a design student i would be very hurt if anyone ever copied one of my designs epeciallly if they did a very poor job, I think its just not right to copy another persons design especially if you then sell a kit based upon it. Generally people don't consider the amount of work which goes into design for isntance i have been working on the design of an MP3 player for some months for the first year of my degree and i wouldn't like to think about the amount of hours i have put into this relatively small project, so would it be right for someone else who has put no creative work in to simply copy it an sell it?

This is my personal opinion and i think the designers of the cars that have been blatently copied would agree.

BTW I agree i think you won't find many (if any) replica enthusiasts on Jworld

RC45 05-06-2004 11:16 PM

I had no idea the "n00b" threads were so much fun... ;)

I have missed out in a lot... :P

BTW, you can pickup a used Diablo in the States for as little as $150,000 - which is "cheap at the price".

A replica Diablo will fall far short of the true performance potential anyway.

Save yourself the trouble and get a used Z06.. ;)

levensnevel 05-07-2004 12:18 AM

Having said all that I have to confess that I greatly enjoyed one of the "Car is (re)born" programs from Mark Evans on Discovery Channel in which he built an AC Cobra replica. And to be quite frank: I sometimes dream away and find myself building a Ford RS200 replica :roll:

PATo355 05-07-2004 12:26 AM

Bah , first congratulates to middleton7 for the longest lasting NOOB "how to dl videos" thread .

Making Replicas of Lambos is really sick , why try to make something to tell ppl that you OWN a Lambo when its a fucking fake !
Here it happens with TM expensive shirts like Lacoste or Polo , ppl with no money to afford that shit buys replicas , that are 10% of the price , then i think , why would you try being or appearing something else that you are not , if i dont have money i prefer to own something cheap and wear it with pride cuz its my work and my money , than building a shitty replica to make other ppl think that i am rich , i think its pretty sad , really sad .

Get yourself a good sports car , maybe an used R32 , An Old impreza WRX , you can get a good perfomance car wich are amazing and gorgeous and you will get what you want , not driving something you are not !!! .

TT 05-07-2004 09:06 AM


Once the deck lid is opened, the V8 is revealed and the illusion is ruined. We have addressed this with an engine cover that sits on top of the LS1. It is an exact representation of a V12
Oh MY!! That's exactly the point!! Illusion... and of course when you will be there with your nice replica parked in front of you, nobody could guess it actually is a fake car :roll:

I have to admit there are some very very nice replicas around, remember the evo article about Ferrari ones? Almost impossible to see they are fake, especially from the outside and of course when the engine isn't turning... but that's simply sick and wrong. No idea why to me too, AC Cobra's replica seem more acceptable.. maybe because I'm not to much into American culture and for a true american car nut also Cobra replicas are not to be done...

Everybody has his tastes of course, but I guess JW won't be the right place to show off your fake Diablo when it will be built...

Anonymous 05-07-2004 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by TT

Everybody has his tastes of course, but I guess JW won't be the right place to show off your fake Diablo when it will be built...

LOL we should make a poll about this something to the affect of "would you buy a replica supercar" yes/no and ask them to posts their reasons why. Though I think i already know what the result would be :roll: . Personally i just hate the way other peoples hard work is ripped off and sold but it would be good if we heard from some more people who like replicas so they can try and argue their point, would be interesting IMO :twisted:

corvette97 05-07-2004 10:39 AM

make a lambo replica with a v8 and slam 2 turbos there and i wont be mad at you :wink:

middleton7 05-07-2004 10:49 AM

I didn't really say that I was laughing at the people with the cars...I said I was laughing at the cars....but your can you not laugh at the assholes that build them as well....

If your talking about inadequacys.....remember I am not the one building fake cars and pretending to own something that I don't.

I will ask the question again.....

When asked about your "car"....will you admit that its a fake Lamborghini or try to pass it off as a real one ?
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#1 Assholes? Okay, once again your opinion ( as well as allot of others it seems)
#2 Inadequacys? You have the have those cars to make yourself feel adequate? I'm sorry for that. I would still feel completely adequate if I was driving a Yugo. I provide a good life and home for my children which is the most important thing in my life.
#3 Pretending? No, if you look back at the post right before this one, I said, " I would proudly say that I DID THAT." Meaning, if I met someone who asked me about the car, I would proudly tell them that I had built it and it wasn't the real thing. I'm not doing it to impress anyone. Everyone I need to impress is right here in my house. My wife and my kids. I'm building this for me. I will enjoy building and driving it.

Then build a kit car, not a replica.. rewarding and at least you won't create a "fake"...

If you want to build a Diablo why not a nice and big scale model.. say 1/4 or so.. it would be quite nice too... I know we can sound rude as you said, but I think the replica lovers are very very rare...
Oh MY!! That's exactly the point!! Illusion... and of course when you will be there with your nice replica parked in front of you, nobody could guess it actually is a fake car

I have to admit there are some very very nice replicas around, remember the evo article about Ferrari ones? Almost impossible to see they are fake, especially from the outside and of course when the engine isn't turning... but that's simply sick and wrong. No idea why to me too, AC Cobra's replica seem more acceptable.. maybe because I'm not to much into American culture and for a true american car nut also Cobra replicas are not to be done...

Everybody has his tastes of course, but I guess JW won't be the right place to show off your fake Diablo when it will be built...
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#1 1/4 scale. Funny....
#2 Illusion. I totally agree. But everyone that has posted has decided to draw conclusions from their own mind. I'm not going with the FAKE engine cover. I think looking down on an LS6 with twin turbos will impressive enough. But once again, I'M NOT TRYING TO IMPRESS ANYONE. Just ME.
#3 Showing off? No, sharing my enjoyment.

Very interesting 'discussion' i can't say i have ever seen a good replica i.e one that hasn't made me laugh! And as a design student i would be very hurt if anyone ever copied one of my designs especially if they did a very poor job, I think its just not right to copy another persons design especially if you then sell a kit based upon it. Generally people don't consider the amount of work which goes into design for instance i have been working on the design of an MP3 player for some months for the first year of my degree and i wouldn't like to think about the amount of hours i have put into this relatively small project, so would it be right for someone else who has put no creative work in to simply copy it an sell it?

This is my personal opinion and i think the designers of the cars that have been blatantly copied would agree.

BTW I agree i think you won't find many (if any) replica enthusiasts on Jworld
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#1 "i can't say i have ever seen a good replica" . Have you ever seen a strand of DNA? Does that mean they don't exist?
#2 "especially if they did a very poor job" That's the thing, I said that already. There are allot of poor examples running around that embarrass me. I hate to see people do shoddy work and parade it around as the real thing. ridiculous.

I had no idea the "n00b" threads were so much fun...

I have missed out in a lot...

BTW, you can pickup a used Diablo in the States for as little as $150,000 - which is "cheap at the price".

A replica Diablo will fall far short of the true performance potential anyway.

Save yourself the trouble and get a used Z06..
************************************************** ***********
#1 I have driven several Z06's, but I've never been a fan of Chevrolets body craftsmenship.I do agree that it's an outstanding car for American made, but just not what I want. The active suspension is a very nice touch on the new ones. Responds well. But, if I wanted a Z06, I would buy one. Obviously since I'm putting this amount of time into it, it's something I enjoy.
#2 Used Diablo. Ya know, I could feasibly go and pay cash for a new one right now, but that would kinda leave the kids college funds a bit short. And why would I pay $150,000 for someone elses car that they had very possibly ragged? When I'm done, I will have a new car for less than 1/3 that. And, none of those $20,000 visits to the factory for an overhaul at 20,000 miles. It's a damn Chevrolet engine. It doesn't need to be rebuilt or retightened at 20,000 miles. If anything does go wrong, I can rebuild it with my eyes closed.
#3 "A replica Diablo will fall far short of the true performance potential anyway". Far short? How far is far short? In what way? acceleration? Doubtful. Stock Z06 is about .5 seconds slower to 60MPH. That's not with the twin turbos. Top speed? Yeah, definitely. But, when you get to the mid 100's ( 150, 160, 170,) it's a moot point here in America. Handling? Have you ever driven a Diablo or a replica? What are you basing your statement on?

Well this is what the site offering the replica kits say:

One of the issues all replica owners have faced is after the observer has commented on the body style and the interior they invariably want to look at the engine. Once the deck lid is opened, the V8 is revealed and the illusion is ruined. We have addressed this with an engine cover that sits on top of the LS1. It is an exact representation of a V12. The side treatments of the engine compartment compliment the engine dressing. The cover is actually bolted to the engine such that as the engine moves, the cover moves enhancing the illusion that what they are seeing is really an authentic Lamborghini.

so I think this answers it self......

On the other hand I respect the work being put in a job building a car,but if you buy a kit isn't really just to assemble a car and not actually building it???

everybody got their own taste and if replicas are your thing thats fine and Im impressed with people building and making stuff by their self, and I know how much work it can be to just do a rebuild of a car as Im in the progress of doing that.

The thing about replicas is that it will be just that and not the real thing of course they can look good as the one on the site you posted do but you cant beat the real thing even if it have 600 hp.

This is just my opinion and Im sure you will have a lot of fun putting it together and finally driving it.....
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#1 "but if you buy a kit isn't really just to assemble a car and not actually building it???" Yes, if you're buying a kit. I'm buying the body. Everything else is being built by me. They are to plans of a sort, but this is not a model car you just bolt together.
#2 The real thing. I completely agree. I think you could look at all my posts and see me saying that in many places.

Having said all that I have to confess that I greatly enjoyed one of the "Car is (re)born" programs from Mark Evans on Discovery Channel in which he built an AC Cobra replica. And to be quite frank: I sometimes dream away and find myself building a Ford RS200 replica
************************************************** ***********
Despite what most of the people on the site are saying, IT'S OKAY.

Bah , first congratulates to middleton7 for the longest lasting NOOB "how to dl videos" thread .

Making Replicas of Lambos is really sick , why try to make something to tell ppl that you OWN a Lambo when its a fucking fake !
Here it happens with TM expensive shirts like Lacoste or Polo , ppl with no money to afford that shit buys replicas , that are 10% of the price , then i think , why would you try being or appearing something else that you are not , if i don't have money i prefer to own something cheap and wear it with pride cuz its my work and my money , than building a shitty replica to make other ppl think that i am rich , i think its pretty sad , really sad .

Get yourself a good sports car , maybe an used R32 , An Old impreza WRX , you can get a good performance car wich are amazing and gorgeous and you will get what you want , not driving something you are not !!!
************************************************** ***********

#1 "Making Replicas of Lambos is really sick , why try to make something to tell ppl that you OWN a Lambo when its a fucking fake !". Please refer to all my other post. I don't plan on saying I've got a "Lambo".
#2 " own something cheap and wear it with pride cuz its my work and my money". Your money? Kinda making my point for me. I will build it and drive it with pride because I did it with my skill and my money.
#3 "make other ppl think that i am rich". Is that why you want an exotic car like the Enzo on your sig? To make people think or know your rich? How about everyone else that has a nice car? Jabba? Do you think he bought the cars he has just to make people know he has money? I doubt it. I think it's probably because he enjoys the cars.
#4 "and you will get what you want". That's exactly what I'm doing.

Now, here's my part. I spent time in the US ARMY, and I spent time in the civilian life but in the Middle East working a quite nice job. Made lotsa money, but I quit that. I decided that being with my family was more important than making all that cash. I was able to acquire a very nice savings account due to this. I could very easily go and buy a New Diablo, but that would take away all that I worked for. There goes my kids college tuition, my retirement, my just in case funds. So, in order for me to achieve my dream, I see this as my best bet. My dream isn't to own a nice used WRX STI, Z06, 911, etc...It has always been a Lamborghini. If this is the way I have to go in order to achieve my dream, then so be it. THis is what I'm doing. I'm not a David Koresh trying to recruit people for my evil Replica cult. I was simply chatting about what I'm doing and like to do. ONCE AGAIN, I would definitely rather have the real thing, but situations do not permit such, and as long as I want to stay with my family and watch my kids grow up, I'll never make enough to justify spending that much. If none of you can understand, then I'm sorry. That's not my failure. I've done my best to explain in the easiest to understand terms. :|

middleton7 05-07-2004 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by corvette97
make a lambo replica with a v8 and slam 2 turbos there and i wont be mad at you :wink:

If it's sarcasm, save it. If your being honest, thanks.

TT 05-07-2004 11:04 AM

Dude you can use the "quote" instead of the *** (yes I had to delete a ton of them to make the page again viewable :roll:

TT 05-07-2004 11:09 AM


My dream isn't to own a nice used WRX STI, Z06, 911, etc...It has always been a Lamborghini. If this is the way I have to go in order to achieve my dream, then so be it.
If your dream is Lamborghini, you won't achieve it by building a car yourself..

a Lamborghini is some special that allows you to attend exclusive meetings and similar.
And that of course also include VERY high costs and so on.. but a Lambo is all that, not just a shape IMO...

Lambos and similar car are what they are also thanks to the engine rebuilts you will need, the ultra expensive regular revisions etc etc... ;)

Anonymous 05-07-2004 11:12 AM

Wow that is the longest reply i've ever seen i think even longer than some of our reviews!! i read it all and some of what you have said seems very reasomnable. But you still haven't put your opinion about my main point: do you feel guilty about buying a body that is a copy of someone elses hard work, i would because i understand the amount of work that goes into the design process for even a simple product let alone a car. This is my main problem and is the main reason why i wouldn't even entertain/ buyng or making a replica car :|

middleton7 05-07-2004 11:45 AM

I was trying to reply to all in one. Sorry for the extra work I caused you. Did it in notepad to make it a bit easier. As for the exclusiveness, I agree. There are allot of things that go into being an owner. For me, it's the sexy styling and the raw power. Not that exclusitivity (is that a word?). Although I won't have that amazing v12, I will still have the power. Although the craftsmen at Lamborghini won't have built it, I'll still have that styling. By the way, it is a bit different than the original. Only a little. Most people wouldn't even know it, but that's not what I'm concerned with anyway. The costs.....Whew....As I said, I could purchase one, but then the high cost routine maintainance and insurance. GEESH...
It's just too much. I completely respect those that own the real thing and those at Lamborghini that build it, but it's just not happening for me.

Yes, there is a certain amount of regret. However, the exclusiveness (how about this one?) of the exotic car world is just that. It excludes the rest of the world. I'm not one who enjoys being excluded. If I want something and I can find a legal way to get it, then I'm gonna. As of yet, Lamborghini has not filed any lawsuits against the body makers of these replicas. It would be very simple for them to do and I don't really see where it would hurt their wallet a whole lot. Ferrari, however, has done so. They have shut down approx 3 different body kit manufacturers. I completely understand their actions. Now back to the Diablo body. If these cars were hurting Lamborghini's sales, I would be in greater agreement with you. However, the opposite is the fact. It's been noted on many occasions that when the rich guys see the guy down the street ,working a much lower paying job, driving a Diablo, they have occasionally gone and purchased the REAL one themselves. Now, if they would have eventually made this purchase or not, who knows? But, the male ego makes these things happen. "Hey, the guy down the street has a FAKE Diablo, check this shit out. Hey fucker, nice Fake. Check out my real one. Bet you wish yours was real!!!" So to recap, I wish I was the one that designed that body style so others didn't consider it stealing, but I didn't. It's still the sexiest car out to me so I'm gonna have that look in my front yard. For ME to look out at while I'm drinking my first cup of coffee in the morning. For ME to remember the time and craftsmenship that I put into it. Not saying it couldn't have been done better by the originators, but it's still damn nice.

RC45 05-07-2004 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by AL123
Wow that is the longest reply i've ever seen i think even longer than some of our reviews!! i read it all and some of what you have said seems very reasomnable. But you still haven't put your opinion about my main point: do you feel guilty about buying a body that is a copy of someone elses hard work, i would because i understand the amount of work that goes into the design process for even a simple product let alone a car. This is my main problem and is the main reason why i wouldn't even entertain/ buyng or making a replica car :|


Why - the designer has already been paid and rewarded - and does not receive royalties like an artist does.

What if you put a body-kit on your E46 - that "is a copy of the M3-GTR" - should you fgeel "guilty" for doing so? It is afterall a replica?

Guilt aside - it comes down to the essence of what is being built.

You can build a replica AC Cobra or GT40 and feel fulfilled - because the orginal cars, while unobtainable can still be faithfully represented in replica form - and deliver the same performance with ease.


Because aside from the original bodywork being aluminum, they were essentially designed and constructed much the same way you construct the replica - using the chassis, suspension and drive train components on hand...

A Diablo however, was never built using a "Ford V8" by the factory... ;)

Anonymous 05-07-2004 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by AL123
Wow that is the longest reply i've ever seen i think even longer than some of our reviews!! i read it all and some of what you have said seems very reasomnable. But you still haven't put your opinion about my main point: do you feel guilty about buying a body that is a copy of someone elses hard work, i would because i understand the amount of work that goes into the design process for even a simple product let alone a car. This is my main problem and is the main reason why i wouldn't even entertain/ buyng or making a replica car :|


Why - the designer has already been paid and rewarded - and does not receive royalties like an artist does.

What if you put a body-kit on your E46 - that "is a copy of the M3-GTR" - should you fgeel "guilty" for doing so? It is afterall a replica?

Guilt aside - it comes down to the essence of what is being built.

You can build a replica AC Cobra or GT40 and feel fulfilled - because the orginal cars, while unobtainable can still be faithfully represented in replica form - and deliver the same performance with ease.


Because aside from the original bodywork being aluminum, they were essentially designed and constructed much the same way you construct the replica - using the chassis, suspension and drive train components on hand...

A Diablo however, was never built using a "Ford V8" by the factory... ;)

Perhaps guilt was the wrong word :wink: but i was really talking about some of the companies that basically rip off the design and don't do it justice, that is my problem with such kits/ bodyshells ( i hope this is more clear RC45 :) ) However i do agree that when originals are unobtainable then it may be more justified to build a replica. This has happened for some of the most obscure limited run minis mostly beilt by coach building companies like radford and some of them look fairly well made, that is more acceptable IMO as getting hold of a real one is extremly difficult. When built on a period shell with comptempary parts i consider it more of a tribute than a copy because it is done to the best of the owners ability in the same essence as the original design. Some owners of such minis will go to the extent of searching for a period engine and completely refurbishing it rather than putting a newer version of the A series engine like the one in my car which is actually from a metro!

RC45 05-07-2004 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by middleton7
I had no idea the "n00b" threads were so much fun...

I have missed out in a lot...

BTW, you can pickup a used Diablo in the States for as little as $150,000 - which is "cheap at the price".

A replica Diablo will fall far short of the true performance potential anyway.

Save yourself the trouble and get a used Z06..
************************************************** ***********
#1 I have driven several Z06's, but I've never been a fan of Chevrolets body craftsmenship.I do agree that it's an outstanding car for American made, but just not what I want. The active suspension is a very nice touch on the new ones. Responds well. But, if I wanted a Z06, I would buy one. Obviously since I'm putting this amount of time into it, it's something I enjoy.
#2 Used Diablo. Ya know, I could feasibly go and pay cash for a new one right now, but that would kinda leave the kids college funds a bit short. And why would I pay $150,000 for someone elses car that they had very possibly ragged? When I'm done, I will have a new car for less than 1/3 that. And, none of those $20,000 visits to the factory for an overhaul at 20,000 miles. It's a damn Chevrolet engine. It doesn't need to be rebuilt or retightened at 20,000 miles. If anything does go wrong, I can rebuild it with my eyes closed.
#3 "A replica Diablo will fall far short of the true performance potential anyway". Far short? How far is far short? In what way? acceleration? Doubtful. Stock Z06 is about .5 seconds slower to 60MPH. That's not with the twin turbos. Top speed? Yeah, definitely. But, when you get to the mid 100's ( 150, 160, 170,) it's a moot point here in America. Handling? Have you ever driven a Diablo or a replica? What are you basing your statement on?

First off - I said "used car" because you appear to be caught up in the "price of things".

You claim to "have the cash to buy a Diablo now" but would rather build a replica... <--- this I find hard to believe. At least you could possibly get full return on your purchase of a real Diablo - while the replica will only have value to you - and a marginal residual value on the open market.

I doubt you have ever driven a Mazda Miata - let alone "many Z06's" - the fact that they don't have active suspension would be one of the details - and the other would be that after a trip in a 911 Twin Turbo, or a GT3 or a Viper SRT-10 or a Z06 or a REAL Diablo - the idea of replicar that could not hold it's own would be a great let down. (there is a reason some of us drive 0-60 in 4s cars... performance over posing)

What am I basing my comments about replicar Diablo performance on? There are a couple unfortunate souls in the Houston area with replicar Countach and Diablo "things" running around - and I have come across one of the fakes on the road... my stock Z06 blew it it away so bad, that when we got the the stop light and stopped he wound his window UP when I tried to do the "nice car" routine.

Perhaps my biggest issue about this entire subject is that you are the ULTIMATE RICER.

If you want to pose - go buy a civic - but it is quite clear you are not a "performance enthusiast" by any stretch of the imagination.

Good Luck in your endeavour - maybe we will meet on the road sometime... but I unless I stop and wait for you to catch up, I doubt that will be happening soon... ;)

Anonymous 05-07-2004 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by RC45

Good Luck in your endeavour - maybe we will meet on the road sometime... but I unless I stop and wait for you to catch up, I doubt that will be ahppening soon... ;)

LMAO i want to see this race, perhaps you could take a picture of him in your rear view mirror RC45 as i have seen you have done before when in your car :lol:

middleton7 05-07-2004 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by AL123

Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by AL123
Wow that is the longest reply i've ever seen i think even longer than some of our reviews!! i read it all and some of what you have said seems very reasomnable. But you still haven't put your opinion about my main point: do you feel guilty about buying a body that is a copy of someone elses hard work, i would because i understand the amount of work that goes into the design process for even a simple product let alone a car. This is my main problem and is the main reason why i wouldn't even entertain/ buyng or making a replica car :|


Why - the designer has already been paid and rewarded - and does not receive royalties like an artist does.

What if you put a body-kit on your E46 - that "is a copy of the M3-GTR" - should you fgeel "guilty" for doing so? It is afterall a replica?

Guilt aside - it comes down to the essence of what is being built.

You can build a replica AC Cobra or GT40 and feel fulfilled - because the orginal cars, while unobtainable can still be faithfully represented in replica form - and deliver the same performance with ease.


Because aside from the original bodywork being aluminum, they were essentially designed and constructed much the same way you construct the replica - using the chassis, suspension and drive train components on hand...

A Diablo however, was never built using a "Ford V8" by the factory... ;)

Perhaps guilt was the wrong word :wink: but i was really talking about some of the companies that basically rip off the design and don't do it justice, that is my problem with such kits/ bodyshells ( i hope this is more clear RC45 :) ) However i do agree that when originals are unobtainable then it may be more justified to build a replica. This has happened for some of the most obscure limited run minis mostly beilt by coach building companies like radford and some of them look fairly well made, that is more acceptable IMO as getting hold of a real one is extremly difficult. When built on a period shell with comptempary parts i consider it more of a tribute than a copy because it is done to the best of the owners ability in the same essence as the original design. Some owners of such minis will go to the extent of searching for a period engine and completely refurbishing it rather than putting a newer version of the A series engine like the one in my car which is actually from a metro!

Which is what most builders do. Build it to the best of their ability. I, on the other hand, plan to go above that and build near perfection. The engine from the Diablo is nearly unobtainable. And the maintainence costs. I'd rather go ahead with the engine that has readily available parts and great performance potential.

middleton7 05-07-2004 12:59 PM

First off - I said "used car" because you appear to be caught up in the "price of things".

( Yes, I am. I would prefer not to spend ALL of my money on a car when I have other things even MORE important to use it for.)

You claim to "have the cash to buy a Diablo now" but would rather build a replica... <--- this I find hard to believe. At least you could possibly get full return on your purchase of a real Diablo - while the replica will only have value to you - and a marginal residual value on the open market.

(I'm not trying to make anyone believe anything. When you're working in shitty conditions for several years, you're compensated for it. I was making close to $150,000/year. That's why I have my house paid for and a substantial savings. But 5 kids means 5 people to support in college. In case you're not aware, that's not cheap. If you'll look at my prior posts, I don't want to sell the car, so I'm not looking at the residual value. I'm only interested in the value it holds to me. )

I doubt you have ever driven a Mazda Miata - let alone "many Z06's" - the fact that they don't have active suspension would be one of the details - and the other would be that after a trip in a 911 Twin Turbo, or a GT3 or a Viper SRT-10 or a Z06 or a REAL Diablo - the idea of replicar that could not hold it's own would be a great let down. (there is a reason some of us drive 0-60 in 4s cars... performance over posing)

(You're right, I haven't driven a Miata. As for the Z06's, let me repair my sentence, Active Handling (braking control etc...) and upgraded suspension. They indeed handle very well. You ever been on a trip around Nurnbergring in yours? Did it, not my car, but did it just the same.
Not hold it's own? It's your engine man? Do you realize what engine your car has? The same LS6 that I'm putting in this car. Most people build their replica on a Fiero chassis and use the shitty little 4-banger or the 3.8 V6. That's why your handing them their asses. As for racing you....HHMMMM...Well, very well could be that you'ld hand me my ass as well, but that's not what I'm going for. I enjoy the feeling of all that torque. Not to try and race you or anyone else in this forum, just because I like it. If you've been reading, I haven't mentioned racing anyone once. I'm gonna leave the posing statement alone.)

What am I basing my comments about replicar Diablo performance on? There are a couple unfortunate souls in the Houston area with replicar Countach and Diablo "things" running around - and I have come across one of the fakes on the road... my stock Z06 blew it it away so bad, that when we got the the stop light and stopped he wound his window UP when I tried to do the "nice car" routine.

Perhaps my biggest issue about this entire subject is that you are the ULTIMATE RICER.

If you want to pose - go buy a civic - but it is quite clear you are not a "performance enthusiast" by any stretch of the imagination.

Good Luck in your endeavour - maybe we will meet on the road sometime... but I unless I stop and wait for you to catch up, I doubt that will be happening soon...

(Ricer? How many times have you heard me mention anything about Japanese cars? What are you talking about? Are you grasping at more ways to put me down? What the hell? What are you trying to prove? As for the "performance enthusiast" comment, yeah, that's why I'm putting a plain little stock low output engine in my car. Man, I just don't get where you're coming up with these ideas.

middleton7 05-07-2004 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by AL123

Originally Posted by RC45

Good Luck in your endeavour - maybe we will meet on the road sometime... but I unless I stop and wait for you to catch up, I doubt that will be ahppening soon... ;)

LMAO i want to see this race, perhaps you could take a picture of him in your rear view mirror RC45 as i have seen you have done before when in your car :lol:

Don't count on seeing this race. First, I'm gonna be workin on this car forever. IT's gonna take a long time. Second, why would I drive to Texas to prove a point? Kinda senseless.

TT 05-07-2004 01:06 PM

BTW, this discussion could go on forever between people loving replicas and people hating them... but I fear we are WAY offtopic ;) so if you'd like to discuss your project well, we have "car chat" were you can start with posting pics and such once things will start and also get more "views" that what you are getting in this topic ;)

It's time to come back on track here (and I think the on-topic discussion ended time ago ;))

corvette97 05-07-2004 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by middleton7

Originally Posted by corvette97
make a lambo replica with a v8 and slam 2 turbos there and i wont be mad at you :wink:

If it's sarcasm, save it. If your being honest, thanks.

IS NOT SARCASM, BUT i would have to see a replica looking fucin fast but with a v6 and zero power, soo, if you are gonna make it, make it good, IMO TWIN TURBO is the best option, try to get a s4 audi engine

middleton7 05-07-2004 01:10 PM

Agreed. You gonna move it to car chat or should we just start another topic there?

RC45 05-07-2004 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by middleton7

Originally Posted by AL123

Originally Posted by RC45

Good Luck in your endeavour - maybe we will meet on the road sometime... but I unless I stop and wait for you to catch up, I doubt that will be ahppening soon... ;)

LMAO i want to see this race, perhaps you could take a picture of him in your rear view mirror RC45 as i have seen you have done before when in your car :lol:

Don't count on seeing this race. First, I'm gonna be workin on this car forever. IT's gonna take a long time. Second, why would I drive to Texas to prove a point? Kinda senseless.

Prove what point? You will have a fake Lambo... no point to prove.

If you really do have the money - and still insist on building a fake... how sad - why not take "all your money" and buy an LS6 powered Mosler..??

Anyway - back on topic... what was the question again? How to get at the videos?

I am guessing a fake lambo is not the quickest route...

middleton7 05-07-2004 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by corvette97

Originally Posted by middleton7

Originally Posted by corvette97
make a lambo replica with a v8 and slam 2 turbos there and i wont be mad at you :wink:

If it's sarcasm, save it. If your being honest, thanks.

IS NOT SARCASM, BUT i would have to see a replica looking fucin fast but with a v6 and zero power, soo, if you are gonna make it, make it good, IMO TWIN TURBO is the best option, try to get a s4 audi engine

The S4 is awesome, but I think I'll be able to squeeze more out of the V8 which is the LS6 without winding it up to 6-7k RPM's.

corvette97 05-07-2004 01:12 PM

BTW, i think you are over reacting here, its YOUR dream, not JW members dream , so if you like your project goo ahead, i will search "fair" replicas for you :wink:

TT 05-07-2004 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by middleton7
Agreed. You gonna move it to car chat or should we just start another topic there?

Well up to you if you want to open a new topic there, but this one didn't really started with a replica discussion so better leave it where it is ;)

corvette97 05-07-2004 01:15 PM

ls6 is perfect, but please dont make any crappy replica, if not we are going to killl you for insulting the lambo design :wink: lol

middleton7 05-07-2004 01:16 PM

"Prove what point? You will have a fake Lambo... no point to prove.

If you really do have the money - and still insist on building a fake... how sad - why not take "all your money" and buy an LS6 powered Mosler..??

Anyway - back on topic... what was the question again? How to get at the videos?

I am guessing a fake lambo is not the quickest route..."

Damn, whose stuck on the vids here? And you don't get it. I don't want those car's. Refer to prior post. The style. The Diablo. The power. The LS6. It's very simple. I'm done here. If you wish to discuss this further, please PM me with your phone number. I find it much easier to communicate real time. Thanks............

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