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possessed_beaver 01-03-2005 11:18 AM

worst movies of 2004
from what i have searched apear to be:


1 Christmas with the Kranks. I was one of only two or three critics who didn't walk out. Offensive, stupid, unfunny, vile, predictable and evil. So bad, the only endorsements it could get were from conservative Christian groups that didn't see it.

2 White Chicks. Makeup aside, was like watching two kids dress up in mommy's clothes and put on a show. Ethnic stereotypes make it not just bad but offensive.

3 Taxi. The only thing I remember is pain. A cookie-cutter screwball comedy that used foul dough. Not even rentable.

4 Van Helsing. Unfettered by the cumbersome burden of intelligence.

5 Against the Ropes. Jaw-droppingly awful. Nobody to like or cheer for, and such poor fleshing out of supporting characters they may as well have used cardboard instead of actors.

6 Alexander. The kind of horrible movie that only millions of dollars can buy. Nearly three hours of supercilious sex-objects prancing around aimlessly in togas. A spectacle in pointless excess.

7 Blade Trinity. While not so terrible when the action was on, once anyone started speaking, it became laughably bad. A veneer-thin story as told by stick figures. Makes "Showgirls" seem pensive.

8 I, Robot. Wouldn't have been so bad had it not tried to pass itself off as an Isaac Asimov adaptation. Dumbed down the original book so appallingly, you couldn't believe anyone on the picture can read.

9 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. A hateful and mean treatment for a beloved character. Nonsensical and contrived. Made me despise Bridget, and I thought that was impossible.

10 Home on the Range. Pointless, insipid swan-song for Disney's cel-animation division. A terrible way to go out. Should have been straight-to-video.
let me take this opatunity to mention they forgot
"oceans 12"
and i mite aswell beat evreyone to saying "fahrenheit 9/11"
but im just in shock at the crap that has come out, then they complain we are downloading movies, i mean what the other alternitive, pay a shitload for a movie ticket, popcorn, drinks to sit through 2 hours of hollywood crap full of scripts to make the actors look so wonderful..

i must say some good movies.. Team America World Police...
and ummm that seems to be it, so am i the only one thinking movies are getting worse?

blinkmeat 01-03-2005 11:47 AM

Well this post was a good heads-up, I haven't seen much of anything this year, other than Meet the Fockers which was ok. Better than Meet the Parents I thought, but thats cuz Hoffman/Deniro rule.

Movies getting worse? Indeed

bmwmpower 01-03-2005 12:04 PM

I robot was not bad,

Bad movies: Alien vs. Predator - maybe i was especting too much
Casshern - supern modern stupidity be japan
Shaun of the dead - comedy?!
Motives - not famous, very boring

I check imdb for worst of 2004: worst ever
1. 1.5 Daniel - Der Zauberer (2004) 2,105
2. 1.5 SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (2004) 1,743
14. 1.8 You Got Served (2004) 5,72
67. 3.0 Torque (2004) 3,312
77. 3.2 Soul Plane (2004) 1,712
94. 3.3 Raise Your Voice (2004) 877

i check best of 2004: best ever chart 250 top
98. 8.1 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) 35,582
111. 8.1 The Incredibles (2004) 17,435
137. 8.0 Before Sunset (2004) 4,953
165. 7.9 Garden State (2004) 13,201
219. 7.8 Finding Neverland (2004) 5,594

bmwmpower 01-03-2005 12:06 PM

oh of course fllms are getting worst,

possessed_beaver 01-03-2005 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by bmwmpower
oh of course fllms are getting worst,

and the movie companys expect us to pay to see this shite, most of my downloads are of old movies, that don't have budgets of $100 000.00

with stupid actors that are up themselfs...

bmwmpower 01-03-2005 01:05 PM

Yes i like old movies , mine last download was bullit and im expecting getaway and gone in 60 seconds 1974 :D

mindgam3 01-03-2005 01:08 PM

they were all crap, i didnt see one good new release this year......

bmwmpower 01-03-2005 01:14 PM

Not every was crap: Collateral or Kill Bill?

gis 01-03-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by bmwmpower

Bad movies: Alien vs. Predator - maybe i was especting too much
Shaun of the dead - comedy?!

Alien vs predator could have been made better but i dont think it could be classed as one fo the worst movies of the year,only problem is it took a hell of a long time to get the action going,hopefully if they make a 2nd one it will be better.

Shaun of the dead........again i dont think should be classed as a worst movie.its a british movie and to understand it at its best and funniest you have to have a good knowledge of how british comedy is,lol

mindgam3 01-03-2005 01:25 PM

Shaun of the Dead! I forgot, that was actually a very funny n decent movie, but tht was about it :P

gis 01-03-2005 01:29 PM

i also think that resident evil apocolypse was one of the best releases this year,i think that was about it,not many movies i went to the cinema to go and see this year.....i actually think there was only 2 or 3 and the resident evil one was the best

bmwmpower 01-03-2005 01:38 PM

Blade trinity and alexander? i dont saw it, they are that bad?

AvP- maybe not that bad,but whit so many marketing hints, every where you look was Avp, so i expecting so much from this, and the end of film was very stupid

martin100 01-03-2005 02:15 PM

There will be a AvP Directors cut if i´m not wrong soon, with more violence at last. How could a movie with this title be PG-13 rated :?: You forgot to mention "Troy" as a bad movie. I expected much after i watched the trailer, but was then quite disappointed by it. Maby my Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (best movie ever!) cinema experience was still in my mind at that time, so i had to be disappointed of course cause nothing could possibly match it :wink:

sentra_dude 01-03-2005 02:18 PM

AvP...I got up and left after 30mins I thought it was so bad. Resident that was painful to watch.

Oceans 12 wasn't really a bad movie...I was just expecting so much from it, that when it turned out to just be a average movie I was disappointed. :|

bmwmpower 01-03-2005 02:39 PM

Ocean eleven was average too, so nothing changed

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