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jadeddjay 11-13-2006 09:12 PM

got a new flash
canon 580ex... its pretty sweet, i dont know how i went without one for a year. makes me want to get a canon lens that will communicate it but my tamron has served me pretty well. next purchase: 24-70mm f/2.8L and a grip >: )

anyway... i havent seen any threads here about flash photography tips. any ideas?

its getting confusing... so many possible permutions of.. bounce from a corner... angled up with a white card thing that its got built in, using the built in wide diffuser? i also have a sto-fen diffuser. i guess i will just have to mess around with it and see what works for me. what works for everyone else?

gigdy 11-14-2006 12:04 AM

I generally prefer to bounce it (and just generally dont aim it directly at my subject), and i find it doesnt matter too much if you use the diffuser if your bouncing. But a must if your not.

MartijnGizmo 11-14-2006 09:13 AM

I've got a lot of experience using portable flashes (especially off-camera), so if you've got any specific questions, feel free to ask them. 8)

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