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twboy1999 05-29-2007 11:04 AM

Forza 2 official thread
i decided to create another thread about Forza 2 because it is officially out now, so we can concentrate more on the full game

I am still looking for the game.. supposely it got delayed to the 31 here in canada.

anyone got it yet? any thought?

RC45 05-29-2007 11:08 AM

Re: Forza 2 official thread

Originally Posted by twboy1999
i decided to create another thread about Forza 2 because it is officially out now, so we can concentrate more on the full game

I am still looking for the game.. supposely it got delayed to the 31 here in canada.

anyone got it yet? any thought?

Bugger - I knew their was a reason why I turned right out the subdivision instead of left this morning - by the time I got to the traffic light I was on autopilot again and headed off to the clients site :P

doh... ;)

I guess I have to try remember to make a detour by GameStop on the way home to pickup my pre-order copy ;)

gis 05-29-2007 12:20 PM

still got 10 days to go here in the UK stupid different release dates :x

5vz-fe 05-29-2007 12:25 PM

Re: Forza 2 official thread

Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by twboy1999
i decided to create another thread about Forza 2 because it is officially out now, so we can concentrate more on the full game

I am still looking for the game.. supposely it got delayed to the 31 here in canada.

anyone got it yet? any thought?

Bugger - I knew their was a reason why I turned right out the subdivision instead of left this morning - by the time I got to the traffic light I was on autopilot again and headed off to the clients site :P

doh... ;)

I guess I have to try remember to make a detour by GameStop on the way home to pickup my pre-order copy ;)

I assume that you will still have alittle time to provide us a first hand memeber review right? :D

vexor 05-29-2007 04:27 PM

I've looked around here in vancouver at Best Buy and Futureshop and they also say the 31st.... dam 2 more days

Zot09 05-29-2007 04:36 PM

I was told that the game comes out today, but when I called the Gamestop I pre-ordered the game at, they said it comes in tomorrow...weird...

MUS911 05-29-2007 04:39 PM

Even in Dubai, it will be available on the 31st !!!

666fast 05-29-2007 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Zot09
I was told that the game comes out today, but when I called the Gamestop I pre-ordered the game at, they said it comes in tomorrow...weird...

Yup, i found out the hard way. Went to 3 different stores before I was finally told it won't be out untill tomorrow.

What gives? CD's, DVD's, Games etc have always come out on Tuesdays. Douchebags. I was looking forward to it all day long.

FoxFour 05-29-2007 08:08 PM

Just got my phone message from GameStop, telling me that my pre-order copy will be available on the 30th (tomorrow)

RC45 05-29-2007 10:05 PM

I have read over the Prima Guide now, and it really is just Forza 1.5, so the actual game play better be unbelievably good.. (compared to the only 3 lap track of the demo) because the assets really seem like worked over Forza 1 assets, the track list seems a little thin, and there are way too many Japanese tuner cars.

I am trying to temper my excitement, but the M$ Wireless wheel is the big let down.

At least with other games/platforms using the G25 if the game kinda sucks, just turn up the Force Feedback and enjoy the semi-realistic steering/wheel/pedal setup ;)

Yeah I am cynical, but forfucksakes man, Turn 10 had almost 2 years to get this game right, and I don't think they did :P

p.s. It also looks like GM was one of the only manufacturers not willing to allow the Prima Game Guide to include "likenesses" of their cars.. not a single GM product pictured in the guide book :(

acmarttin 05-30-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by Zot09
I was told that the game comes out today, but when I called the Gamestop I pre-ordered the game at, they said it comes in tomorrow...weird...

Yup, i found out the hard way. Went to 3 different stores before I was finally told it won't be out untill tomorrow.

What gives? CD's, DVD's, Games etc have always come out on Tuesdays. Douchebags. I was looking forward to it all day long.

Not that it matters anymore, since it's 9 pm PAC time, but my GS told me that the game is being released tomorrow because of the holiday. They said they already had their copies but they weren't allowed to sell any until 8 AM tomorrow.

Pokiou 05-30-2007 01:47 AM

its out here tomorrow :d

but i dont get paid till next week :/ stupid pay ...

twboy1999 05-30-2007 05:39 PM

i just got it

so far, i havnt driven any fast car yet.. mostly C class and lower, so the little review i have so far is base on that

i just started career moded, and i have played around 15 events (not race).. each event consist of 3-4 races

the AI is very good, is very hard to get first place on the hard setting, and for nomal, it is still very competitive, but you can get 1st place if you know a little bout sim racing games.,.

graphic are prettty nice... but some of teh car's wheel looks retarded

camera angle; the bumper camera angle is simply 2 low to use, other wise i would love to use that angle just like GT series.

each car does drive very different

now here are couple of flaws IMO, the gravel/grass on the track is simply fuck up..
is nice we get punish for going off road like real life, or GT series, slow you down, but for FORZA2 , oh nooo, it doestn slow you down, it literally almost stoped you.. often when i am on the last lap of the race, i get off the track a little, and boom, u wasted you time and gotta restart again

also, this games simply 4 wheel drift 2 easily.. if u let off your brake or gas pedal and just turn,, the car 4 wheel drift.. at least the cars i used so far

and so far all the events i been playing,, keep on repeating the same damn tracks...

i will give more impression once i play more

RC45 05-30-2007 06:32 PM

So-so game made terrible by the worst replay camera angles ever seen in any game - since Forza 1.


Are Turn10 this clueless?

The game is nice, the modding is nice.. the AI is nice the races are nice, the painting is nice...

..but youcannot watch a decent replay of the aciton.

What cul dhave been a 7/10 is a 4/10.

It really is a pity, as I hade really high hopes for the title.

Oh well.

novass 05-30-2007 07:11 PM

I preordered the game and its sittin at the store but I don't have time to go pick it up and won't until tomorrow :(

I don't really care about the replay aspect of the game as I hardly every watch them, though I do agree that the angles used (at least on the demo) are shitty. As long as the game is fun to play, looks nice, has a nice assortment of cars and the modding is good...I will be happy. I'll find out tomorrow.

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