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Anonymous 06-16-2003 08:32 PM

Those Bastards at the Hospital are real pricks I just went to the store and discovered to my delite that some fuckin LOLIFE at the Gawdamm Hospital not only STOLE the LAST of my MONEY but all my shopping savings cards ect and my Moms GAS CARD I borrowed to fill the bike up with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant Believe this shit!!!

To make matters worse I dont have any money for food I know have to tell my Mom her credit card is gone!

But what really puts the FUCKING ICING on the cake is when I come home with nothing I discover the FUCKING ELECTRIC Company has sent there goons in and the PRICKS Cut my Palm Tree down!!!!! Its on my property and not in the way of anything. They left a big ugly stump in my front yard I am absolutly BALLASTIC over this FUCKING SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some FUCKWAD is gunna wish he paid more attention in Math Class I Gaurantee it................ These Fuck Heads Badger the shit out of me for money all the time NOW IM GUNNA DO THE BADGERING!!!!!!!!!! FUCK IM So dam mad!!!!!

gis 06-16-2003 08:41 PM

shit dude,sorry to hear that.i dunno what to say at all apart from im sorry

fedezyl 06-16-2003 08:42 PM

Oh man! I'm so sorry to hear that....I know I understand your pain, I got into a car accident 3 weeks ago, a lady ran a stop sign and hit me on the side, and the insurance company took 3 weeks to send me the check, even though I sent everything to them the day after the accident...

I'm with you man...I wish i'd live closer to you, I would help you kick their asses

SplitVision8 06-16-2003 10:56 PM

damn KH...obviously the last week has been pretty bad for you, sorry to hear that man

novass 06-17-2003 03:39 AM

damn man youve been havin some shitty luck. i hope it takes a turn for the better soon.

TT 06-17-2003 04:57 AM

Damn.. really a shitty moment for you :( I'm sorry...

coombsie66 06-17-2003 01:08 PM

If Karma is the case then someone is having the best few weeks of their life at the moment, cus it seems KH is gettin the full brunt of a load of evil shit! Hope u can c the light at the end of the tunnel krazy, it's there sumwhere, it must b!!
Im sorry 4 all u r goin thru at the moment, and im wishing 4 things 2 get better 4 u.

possessed_beaver 06-17-2003 01:21 PM

fuck man. that is so shit.
i rely feel for u dude.. i duno what i can say 2 make it better

this will sound lame. but i had like a dream about something like that happing :S

666fast 06-18-2003 05:00 PM

Sorry to hear than man, what aweek for you. That really sucks. I hope you have told your mom so she can report it stolen. That is the last thing you need is somone jacking up your credit. Trust me, you don't want to deal with that. I've had a credit card stolen, it's a mess to clear up.

I hope eveything works out for the best for ya.

SFDMALEX 06-18-2003 08:46 PM

All I can say this fucking month is fucking shitttt!!! Hard ass exams, 1/3 of my dogs ear god bit off by some little shit, my friends cat fell down from 8th flore and had his front leg amputeted(sp?) this may seem funny to you but its not when it happens to you. And now Krazy has a shit load of problems. FUCKKK JUNE. Plus my math exam was on Friday 13TH.

troskap 06-19-2003 04:27 PM

Gads, KH. Not a great month for you at all :|

Just hope things start getting better for you, sooner, rather than later.

Anonymous 06-19-2003 05:03 PM

Im worried about August... That has always been my bad month :shock:

Maybe this is a new approach and August will be ok? I sure Fuckin Hope So Gawd Dam I'll never live through August if it goes as usual.....

August is normaly a month I'd prefer a 30 day nutrient and Demerol Drip IV and sort of skip over that month....

Johns 06-19-2003 07:45 PM

thats fucked up..did u tell the hospital? u shouldve left I pile of shit on the floor :twisted:

troskap 06-20-2003 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Johns
thats fucked up..did u tell the hospital? u shouldve left I pile of shit on the floor :twisted:

Probably not the wisest idea. I get the feeling that somehow, it'd get bounced back on KH, financially, or otherwise. :(

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, KH.

Anonymous 06-20-2003 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by troskap

Originally Posted by Johns
thats fucked up..did u tell the hospital? u shouldve left I pile of shit on the floor :twisted:

Probably not the wisest idea. I get the feeling that somehow, it'd get bounced back on KH, financially, or otherwise. :(

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, KH.

Thanks man, I feel pretty much the same way, and with August looming around the corner I'm watching my back.....

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