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Jabba 12-23-2005 11:43 PM

*Official Xmas messages and Xbox 360 hdtv update pictures*
There were a few of these threads starting to appear so I thought it would be a good idea to keep them all in one place...and also if you have bothered to put up any decorations then you might like to post your pictures of them here :

I wacked up a couple of trees and have some more lights to put up tomorrow...just got my xbox 360 (very hard to get in the UK) and cant wait to see what its like with my projector...especially as its hdtv ready...then with a bit of luck I might still be able to flog it after Xmas on ebay....

Merry Xmas Everyone and thanks for making JW such a fun and interesting place to visit each and every day.

RC45 12-23-2005 11:47 PM

Merry Christmas right back at you and everyone else.

Thanks for putting up the tent we hang out in every day. :)

MIHALS 12-23-2005 11:53 PM

I won't be writing it again, so copy and paste from the other topic :wink:
*Merry Christmas JW ppl* > that's what you could read on my avatar last few days. I just wanted to let you know, that I care and am really pleased, that I can share all the car experiences, fun and excitement with you! I'd like to thank Jabba, Dan, TT and other guys, especially from DL Club (like dani, arman, dingo, everso, apl, stanger, malex, toronto, stmoritzer, al, komotar, Z and others...) > you all make this place THE BEST CARWORLD on the net :clap: .

Thank you all, have a lovely, peacefull and beautiful X-mass :D !!!!!!!

(btw, this is first time, when I have Christmas and the outside temp is more than 7°C - tomoro 24.12. I'm going to work wearing shorts :lol: )

Jabba: you got Xbox360??? please, when you'll have some spare time ( :hmm: will you???), could you share your experiences followed by some screenshots, maybe vids from some cargame??? :D Congratulations!!!

Jabba 12-23-2005 11:59 PM

I know alot of people think its crap on JW and probably with good reason but I just wanted something to play with over Xmas...and thats why I will prob sell it when I go back to work in the new year...

I got pgr, kong and call of duty and yeh I will post plenty of screen shots...dont expect too much though on the game review front as I am not really a gamer type of person...I really need to get some titles for 3 year olds like barney the dinosaur and that would still prob take me ages to figure out LOL.

MIHALS 12-24-2005 12:02 AM

^^^ LOL

so have fun, get rest from your every day hard work, enjoy the time with your family and I'm looking forward to see some screens :wink:

btw I'll give you 20 quid for that Xbox :wink: :lol:

Jabba 12-24-2005 12:04 AM

And being in the UK I guess you know they seem to be as rare as hens teeth right now...but I am not surprised as there seems to be 10 sold every minute on ebay for silly thats where they all must have gone to..

MIHALS 12-24-2005 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba
And being in the UK I guess you know they seem to be as rare as hens teeth right now...but I am not surprised as there seems to be 10 sold every minute on ebay for silly thats where they all must have gone to..

yeah, I was wonderring, where did you get it and for how much (definitelly not Argos, is it? :lol: ), but I didn't want to be annoying :? :mrgreen:
in Czech, there's 1 Xbox for 1 of 1.000 ppl available ATMO in the 2nd biggest city :shock:

Jabba 12-24-2005 12:13 AM

Santa Claus left it for me of course :wink:

MIHALS 12-24-2005 12:16 AM

so I hope he goes from the north to south, so he'll pop in Brighton soon :D

ok, let's get back to the topic, enough of OT :wink: :lol:

SFDMALEX 12-24-2005 12:22 AM

Merry Christmas to all of you. I my self have to wait for my Christamas,,,but hey I celebrate both :lol:

DeMoN 12-24-2005 02:58 AM

looking cool! Nice setup Jabba. Merry Xmass to everyone!

ARMAN 12-24-2005 03:36 AM

Merry Xmas to all of you guys :wink:
Thanx Jabba for keep this site running until now and beyond :P

dangerously_cool 12-24-2005 04:28 AM

Well I don't have a camera yet...but my tree'll be up for a few days.

Merry Christmas guys. This forum is a great place to look around and keep my mind busy, and truth be told it's my fravorite one.

Anonymous 12-24-2005 06:28 AM

inpatient to eh :P My bro has been grabbing HDTV samples off newsgroups (with my help) to test out his HDTV, but decided to wait for PS3, your way is probably smartest if you can sell it before microsoft restocks the shops properly ( next december?) Honestly pathetic I saw one report on the local news saying all the stores in one whole complex got 250! Thinking yeh but the managers have got all the others on Ebay making their christmas bonus :P

Anyway i'll grab some pics of our tree this evening, haven't gone overboard or anything but still festive :D In typical disorganised fashion i haven't wrapped anything yet but i'll prob leave that till about 12ish tonite like usual :P
Hope everyone digs deep this xmas to help keep JW going, even I did and I'm a poooooooooooor stuuuuuuuuuudent :P :violin:

Merrrrrrrry Christmas HO HO HO!

Jabba 12-24-2005 06:39 AM

Yeh I figure I am just really renting it for the week I get off at xmas...although I might keep it if I cant get a decent price for it....

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