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TransAm 04-25-2006 04:12 PM

UK car and motorcycle magazines on ebay
Apologies in advance to Jabba and TT as this falls into a bit of a grey area - I had a quick look at the forum rules before I posted this, but if you so desire I will remove this thread immediately.

UK Magazines are available in the US, from Barnes and Noble. They usually cost $8-11 per copy.

Ok, this is a little cheeky of me, but here's the deal...

JW Members can have them for THE COST OF POSTAGE to your address!

PM me if you want any of them and I will take them off ebay.

Check my ebay items for sale for the list of what I have, rather than me relist them all here.

No.1 04-25-2006 04:24 PM

An advert??? .... here on Jabba's forums?

It's a bloody outrage! If Dan were here, he'd ban your ass faster than you could say...

Only kidding :P - nice to see you've seen sense and are coming back to the UK. You know you want a bit of cloud and rain in your life.

Shame you have to flog some of your stuff, but accumulating crap is bad for your wallet - not to mention it takes up space. I've got an entire evo collection, plenty of car/TG issues and many more magazines taing up space in the house. It's starting to piss me of now (not just my mum!).

Good luck with the sale of everything :good:

TransAm 04-25-2006 04:30 PM

Accumulating crap is the story of my life, mate!

As for coming back to the UK, I was due to stay here 'til April 2007 but my dad might not be with us much longer :(

Hence I shall be coming back a bit earlier than planned. Will miss Texas for sure, especially after last weekend's fun :good:, but family comes first.

On the subject of this, I will be selling a load of furniture and electrical stuff but it is probably uneconomic for most of the people on JW to take any of it.

Having said that, if someone local is off to college or moving home or whatever and needs a cheap houseful of furniture & AV equipment, then a deal could be struck. Only black_magician springs to mind and even he is a good 1-2hrs drive away.

I have a guy at work interested in the car - don't think I will have any trouble selling that!

No.1 04-25-2006 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by TransAm
As for coming back to the UK, I was due to stay here 'til April 2007 but my dad might not be with us much longer :(

Sorry to hear that, mate :(

It's great that you are coming back early to spend time with him - every moment becomes precious at times like these. I hope you make the most of it and create some happy memories. :D

Family does, indeed, always come first.

(EDIT) - the S2000 should be easy to sell - saw a nice Grey/Red leather version today. :good:

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