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RC45 06-24-2006 04:36 AM

Caterham Superlight R *edited*

davide 06-24-2006 05:22 AM

Perfect track car :D

Max Right Lateral G's - 1.38
Max Left Lateral G's - 1.29

and wow, that's a lot of G for such a small car! I'm impressed... !

nthfinity 06-24-2006 08:00 AM

Great write up RC :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish i had more time to comment, but i have to leave already.

what a car!

TT 06-24-2006 08:04 AM

Very nice to read some impressions of a Seven from a "normal" (pretty big word uh?! ;)) guy! As expected, such a car can blow away anybody, even in the lower form of "tuning"!

Thanks a lot for sharing the experience and the pics are nice too :D
Bloody nice in orange actually!

yg60m 06-24-2006 08:20 AM

Is it legal in US ? I thought it wasn't ... but it's good for you if it is because you experienced a different drive of your usual one :wink:
I also had a ride (not driving) in a Donkervoort (a sort of Lotus 7) S8 and the acceleration didn't impressed me either, it was nice but not OMG :| despite the 140 or 150 hp.

Stikz 06-24-2006 10:53 AM

Thanks for the driving impressions Jezza...oops i mean RC :D

sameerrao 06-24-2006 12:02 PM

Great review!! What was the cornering speeds feel like to you?

LotusGT1 06-24-2006 12:06 PM

Excellent review, exactly what we are looking for. Well done, must have been a blast 8)

ZfrkS62 06-24-2006 12:13 PM

god dammit, that sounds like so much fuckin fun! I knew i should have taken yesterday off :(

whats the price of one of those little things?

No.1 06-24-2006 12:19 PM

Nice write up.

Nice hi-res pics too.

I understand you were missing the power of your regular V8-sledgehammer, but your impressions of the directness and sense of being hooked up were great :good:

Plenty of emphasis on the figures - i would expect no less - and it's interesting to see the high Gs - it must be a lot to do with the much duscussed CR500s.

Looking forward to seeing your next review - sadly, its rather difficult for an 18yo over here to get test-drives etc.

EnzoLover 06-24-2006 12:19 PM

Nice test.

Tks sharing.

RC45 06-24-2006 02:33 PM


Daggernite 06-24-2006 03:00 PM

Great stuff!! I really love the telemetry data you get up of your drives. Sounds like you had great fun, and its good to hear the caterham living up to its lightweight and rapid responce. Nice pics too! there a definate save.

Pehtren 06-24-2006 04:59 PM

Nice work RC,

Will youd any tests with BMWs ?

Nice pics and writteup, and the movie is cool too, you stand up good.

Thanks 8)

LotusGT1 06-25-2006 06:49 AM

Let's hear about the Exige :twisted:

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