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10000rpmlover 09-28-2008 04:55 AM

Oh man, I have never been so mad in my life
About 2 months ago I took this job in New York city, we (the wife and me) moved into a nice condo right outside the city just entering New Jersey... so far so good, just wanted to give you a little background

Now I went for my run, I try to run at least 3 times per week, there is a park which is exactly 1.5 miles around which is perfect to do a lap and then head home, today, my inlaws dropped in to see our new place, the old man is living it up since retirement, he was a lawyer for many years and has bought an Aston Martin DB9 (yes it was used, but only by 2k miles) it turns out that as of last week there are way to many cars in our property, we had an old SUV which is our work horse, sits in the garage, last week the lady of the house traded her 1999 Maxima for a 2008 Pontiac G6 GXP, that is in the garage too, now that leaves my old RX-7 to sit out in the street which is no prob for me anyway, (I know it is getting long but bear with me)

I was a bit worried about the DB9 sitting outside, so I took out the truck and told him to bring the Aston in, he threw me the keys and asked me to do it since I was going for a run... I like where this is going, I get to drive an Db9! I had ran maybe .25 of a mile before I noticed the Aston and I saw this incredibly hideous woman, (belly sticks out farther than the chest and ass is flat like a board) somehow using the reflection of the car to adjust her incredibly nappy hair extensions... I approached slowly, thinking this must be a crazy woman, as I get closer she gives me a weird look and starts to yell at me, I stopped getting close, thinking I may have to fend her off somehow, she is yelling, "my money, my sweat!" "motherfu#@!" "my money my sweat my car"

I am like... WTF? :ohmy: so I get around the driver side and of course the car opened since I had the key in my sock, I jumped in very fast and immediately locked myself in, I hit the start and drove off, but the lady went after me, to my horror there is this stop sign real close so I had to stop and wait for a couple of kids to cross, by this time the crazy bitch is smacking the back glass and I see a mob of people coming from the park, I couldn't hear what the woman was yelling, but I was surrounded by people now, if I moved the car I would hit somebody... this is when I heard one of the men that had run up to the car say "get out the car" :?: WTF? one of them jumped on the hood and of course now I was upset, I knew the hood was ruined by this 200LB bastard, I caould see police lights faintly across the mob banging and rocking the car, suddenly the back glass shattered and I looked in the mirror and saw the old crazy bitch which obviously had done it... 2 armed policemen then approched the car, and I am told to turn off the vehicle and keep hands where they can see them, the mob had formed a circle around, I am told to get out and then I am thrown against the car and searched while the other cop points a taser at me, I am asked if this is my car at which point I say it's my inlaws and I am taking it to our house, people start to take off now, I had my cell so I call home and have them come out, the old man was clearly furious, this is when I noticed the crazy bitch running about half a block away, so I tell the cop there go get her she broke the glass, get her, he yells and goes after her while we explained to the cop whose car it was and looking at the damage, I see the fucker that jumped on the hood and I see he is trying to get thru the mob, obviously trying to escape, I tell the cop, you see him he damaged the hood, the whole mob of low life idiots is yelling obscenities and taunting me, I couldn't take it anymore when I saw him get thru and start running off, I left my father in law there and then went after him, quickly getting to him and grabbing at his jeans, he turned and took a swing which missed my nose by a few hairs, I take my swing and don't miss, before I can take a second I am grabbed by the cop and told to step away

The rest is me being placed in handcuffs, sat in the back of a cruiser, an ambulance came and picked up the delirious woman, next I am taken out of cruiser, handcuffs off, given info on police report, told that I most likely cannot press charges but that the fat bastard I socked can! :thumbdown: I am also told that the crazy woman is just that, crazy! and that our insurance should pick the tab for the damage to car, I drove the car back to our garage, my father in law has not spoken to anyone since, it has been 8 hours since it happened, about an hour ago I went to the garage and found the old man (he is 67) in front of the car with a very sad look on him, this upset me so much that I went back in and have been drinking whiskey non stop, I am so infuriated I could kill right now, and you know what, I think I know exactly how hew feels, he worked his whole life, always loved cars, never had a nice one, it wasn't until retirement he could get himself that gorgeous Aston Martin, now it is ruined, the police of course are not doing shyte, except for filling a report and telling him to call his insurance, and you know what? I do not want to sound racist, because I am not at all, but all these morons were black or hispanic, did they send all the retards to live in Jersey? I mean come on! how could anyone think that this crazy, dirty and smelly woman owned this car? (which is obviously why they mobbed the car) why did the cops treat me like a criminal? is it because I am half british? is it because I speak with a Leeds accent?

I thought of posting this here because as me, you all love cars, I have been given the go ahead to get me a new toy but haven't yet

styla21 09-28-2008 05:28 AM

Wow mate. I am feeling for you right now.
The damage was limited to a busted rear window, and perhaps some bodywork damage? Financially speaking that shouldn't cost too much. But that's not the point.

You are fortunate the cops were so close by it seems too? Could have got even more out of hand if they hadn't arrived.
Keep us posted on developments. Sorry for what happened - life deals us unfortunate events and this it seems, was one of them for you. :-(

RC45 09-28-2008 06:37 AM

You need to lawyer up fast.

That guy you hit will probably come after you thinking you having seen the high dollar car. The old man must have many contacts in his black book.

Had you been packing a firearm in Texas, you might have been able to legally get a few rounds off in self defense - takign those to low lifes out and saving society the trouble of feeding/clothing them.

So sorry you guys had to experience this event.

Mattk 09-28-2008 07:04 AM

Given your facts, I reckon the police are correct on the assault. You initiated the fight situation by chasing down the man. You got placed in handcuffs because you chased down and hit someone. They didn't arrest you, nor summonsed you, so nothing will likely happen. But that's not the point. No policeman would ever think charges could arise from this situation, especially as the mob had surrounded the car first. Quite likely I would've done something similar. I was enraged simply reading your story!

As for the damage to the car, I'm surprised the police have simply dismissed it. American police love arresting people on television. Maybe if COPS was filming they would've been more pro-active. Nevertheless, in either case, it would be the insurance picking up the tab.

This is a shitty situation for both yourself and your father and I hope it all works out fine.

enzoferrari 09-28-2008 10:24 AM

Damm that is very frustating,you should get a lawyer and make those MTF paid for what they did.

Bernardo 09-28-2008 11:18 AM

Man i would kick this bitch ass so bad..holy crap, i got to enraged while reading this..i wish i was at your place just to hit those morons.The damages won't be a problem at all on fixing them, but i would still be mad ass hell with that crazy woman, anyway, what happened to her? she was caught and then the police just let her go or what?and for the fat man?Your dad already contacted the ensurance?how much he'll have to pay to fix the car?

Keep us posted!!

mayer 09-28-2008 12:02 PM

I got mad just reading that!!! My sympathies 10000rpmlover. My car was keyed several weeks ago and I was already seeing red stars, I can only imagine what you're feeling. Good luck getting some justice. It's infuriating seeing these low lifes getting away with crap every day.

Mattk 09-28-2008 12:24 PM


Damm that is very frustating,you should get a lawyer and make those MTF paid for what they did.
I'd be surprised if they had any money to pay.

RC45 09-28-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 854702)
Given your facts, I reckon the police are correct on the assault. You initiated the fight situation by chasing down the man. You got placed in handcuffs because you chased down and hit someone. They didn't arrest you, nor summonsed you, so nothing will likely happen. But that's not the point. No policeman would ever think charges could arise from this situation, especially as the mob had surrounded the car first. Quite likely I would've done something similar. I was enraged simply reading your story!

So your judgement is just as poor as the attending police then. He did not initiate the assuast - the other person did when they attacked the car he was sitting in.


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 854702)
As for the damage to the car, I'm surprised the police have simply dismissed it.

Why be surprised? You already tipped your hand in the above statement.


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 854702)
American police love arresting people on television. Maybe if COPS was filming they would've been more pro-active. Nevertheless, in either case, it would be the insurance picking up the tab.

I see why you have the views you do - you base your opinions on reality TV shows.


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 854702)
This is a shitty situation for both yourself and your father and I hope it all works out fine.

It can't - the system already tipped its hand that it is setup to favour the criminal and not the victim.

Mattk 09-28-2008 08:12 PM


So your judgement is just as poor as the attending police then. He did not initiate the assuast - the other person did when they attacked the car he was sitting in.
Perhaps, but that was a different assault. There was no nexus between the bonnet incident and the fight incident.


Why be surprised? You already tipped your hand in the above statement.
Different incident yet again. There were three incidents here. Firstly, the rear window incident, secondly, the bonnet incident, and thirdly, the fight incident. None of those three can be conflated.


I see why you have the views you do - you base your opinions on reality TV shows.
Come on, I thought you had a sense of humour...

RC45 09-28-2008 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 854765)
Perhaps, but that was a different assault. There was no nexus between the bonnet incident and the fight incident.

Different incident yet again. There were three incidents here. Firstly, the rear window incident, secondly, the bonnet incident, and thirdly, the fight incident. None of those three can be conflated.

The back window and bonnet were attacks on the occupant of the car, the ensuing pursuit was simply self defense.

In post analysis you can sit and disect the open mob attack into your simplistic "3 incidents" - but by any reasonable standards the attacks were all one and the same at the time they took place, and the victim was reasonable and correct in there pursuit of their attacker.

This is why guns are good.

Mattk 09-28-2008 09:30 PM

You will find I have case law on my side, RC. Self-defence requires a nexus between the attack and the response. You can't simply chase down a former attacker and thump him. You can conflate the first two incidents into one mob attack incident and you'd still have two. Though, if he pulled a gun out and shot them immediately, you're right in saying that it would've been self-defence, although if they died, there may be problems.

Look, he's not going to be charged, let's leave it at that.

RC45 09-28-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mattk (Post 854771)
You will find I have case law on my side, RC. Self-defence requires a nexus between the attack and the response. You can't simply chase down a former attacker and thump him. You can conflate the first two incidents into one mob attack incident and you'd still have two. Though, if he pulled a gun out and shot them immediately, you're right in saying that it would've been self-defence, although if they died, there may be problems.

Look, he's not going to be charged, let's leave it at that.

Why should we leave it?

The man was attacked and is being denied protecion or justice or defense by the system that purports to be his defender - only problem he is the victim so while the laws of the land stood to protect him before the attcak, the moment the attackers appeared, the law then stood by the side of the criminal.

Those 2 folks should come try that same stunt in a state with castle doctrine inplace - they will be surprised that the sound of the breaking glass window will be followed up very quickly by a gun shot.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that ina castle doctrine state such an attck is unlikley to have taken palce to begin with.

nthfinity 09-28-2008 11:14 PM

Wow, what a horrid event!

I'm truly gutted for you. Lawyer in hand, and perhaps a strong argument to the prosecutor's office with your father-in-law's connections could perhaps help if they exist. Ultimately, it is not the police who prosecute, it is the prosecutor.

Best of luck, and keep us informed!

79TA 09-29-2008 12:01 AM

UGH!!! What a thoroughly awful situation. I just came back from a quick trip to the mountains and this story has only made urban life seem that much more disgusting. It's just so lose-lose. Even if you do get things fixed, there is stress involved in fixing things.

I don't know what was up with the guy jumping on the hood. If he really thought he was being a vigilante, he should have explained that to the police. His intent was good so he would have been pretty much off the hook, but given his hit and run antics, he deserved to be chased down. He would have dissappeared otherwise. There's nothing wrong with a citizen's arrest so I think it is clear you did not initiate the scuffle.

I just hope the car's damage is limited so it can be repaired quickly. A hood and window would be very easy and quick to replace, but the availability of parts could possibly slow the process some.

My Trans Am was hit back in September of '06 and the offending van ran . . . My city's cops were absolutely worthless . . . I ended up hunting the guy down after I had his address and settled out of court.

I don't think you can expect to get any reparations from the crazy lady, but just make sure you don't let the fat guy get anything out of you. Just get the car repaired and try to forget these morons.

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