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abbor 06-28-2005 08:03 PM

Letter from my internet provider.. :S
This isn't to talk about warez, it's just to talk about the MPAA or what it's called and all the bs their doing too people..

This showed up in my mail today, adressed to my dad, but he knew quickly that it was me it concerned the most..: .

Basically it says that my internet provider have gotten complaints on our line because I'm sharing copyrighted material, and that I should stop this because the Motion Picture Association has hired a norwegian lawyer company to work against users of p2p... My internet provider however is just going to be on the sideline..

I think this is kinda stupid, but I knew it would come to this some time, and now I'm wondering what to do.. I'm not excactly the worst pirate on the internet, mostly just dl simpsons and sopranos and mp3s..

Anybody else got a similar letter?

RC45 06-28-2005 08:19 PM

Anyone using P2P software has basically been sending out invites to the lawyers etc everyday every hour every minute.

Hate to say it - but stupid is as studpi does.

WTF would anyone share anything from their own computer to such a service knowing what's been happening and going on? :?:

This is what Newsgroups are for :P

MBDriver 06-28-2005 08:20 PM

I got something similiar but luckily I wasn't on my IP when it happened. :)

You should use a program to block your IP from being revealed to others. All I know...If I used my own internet connection I would of been caught a long ass time ago. hehe

Anyways, I wish the best of luck to you. I don't think it's anything bad as of right now. What P2P programs are you using?

MBDriver 06-28-2005 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
Anyone using P2P software has basically been sending out invites to the lawyers etc everyday every hour every minute.

Hate to say it - but stupid is as studpi does.

WTF would anyone share anything from their own computer to such a service knowing what's been happening and going on? :?:

This is what Newsgroups are for :P

word. That's why you should never share on P2P programs.

TransAm 06-28-2005 08:25 PM

This is a little worrying to say the least...

abbor 06-28-2005 08:27 PM

Ahh, come on.. It has nothing to do with being stupid... This is norway, and we're not usually sued for anything..

Well, you have to share to be able to dl, that's the problem.. It isn't illegal to dl, but the 'sharing copyrighted material' is the illegal thing..

Well, I know that most likely I will never be sued or anything, cause my internet provider can't give out info about the users without a police order, and the police don't care enough to order up information about at least 60% of the internet users in norway..

I just hate the fact that this has come to norway..

MBDriver 06-28-2005 08:27 PM

Torrents in my opinion are absolutely safer than P2P. I love's either torrents or forums for where I get all my stuff.

T-Bird 06-28-2005 08:29 PM

actually torrents are worse because you are constantly broadcasting your IP to numerous others and you have to upload to download soo... there are new programs that can help though. check the G4TV website they had a thing on yesterdays AOTS about it.

abbor 06-28-2005 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by TransAm2001
This is a little worrying to say the least...


Torrent isn't safe at all.. In fact, when you use azureus, you can see the IP from everyone you dl from.. But this is moving onto violating the rules of JW.. Let's not do that..

TransAm 06-28-2005 08:37 PM

Yes, I agree

MBDriver 06-28-2005 08:39 PM

lol. Good thing I'm NEVER on my IP. :D

RC45 06-28-2005 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by abbor
Ahh, come on.. It has nothing to do with being stupid... This is norway, and we're not usually sued for anything..

Apparently not - you did get a letter after all ;)


Originally Posted by abbor
Well, you have to share to be able to dl, that's the problem.. It isn't illegal to dl, but the 'sharing copyrighted material' is the illegal thing..

That's the problem - you are sharing - which is telling the world who and where youare and what you have... Rather a silly action in thses days. :P


Originally Posted by abbor
Well, I know that most likely I will never be sued or anything, cause my internet provider can't give out info about the users without a police order, and the police don't care enough to order up information about at least 60% of the internet users in norway..

If that's the case then why even post about it?


Originally Posted by abbor
I just hate the fact that this has come to norway..

What enforcement of copyright laws?

abbor 06-28-2005 09:09 PM

Yes, never heard about anyone getting letters like this in norway before.. And I haven't been sued yet, this is the just the provider informing that they've got a complaint... Still, I think I'm gonna take it calm, cause I'm a little worried..

I'm trying out this prog:


Originally Posted by
Your IP Is

Your Country Is Mexico


But I'm not sure how good it works, as an OP at dc could still get my real IP.. So, Dan: Can you see my real IP?

MBDriver 06-28-2005 09:20 PM

LOL. So is that program you're using working for you eh?

Tatiana 06-28-2005 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by abbor
Yes, never heard about anyone getting letters like this in norway before.. And I haven't been sued yet, this is the just the provider informing that they've got a complaint... Still, I think I'm gonna take it calm, cause I'm a little worried..

I'm trying out this prog:


Originally Posted by
Your IP Is

Your Country Is Mexico


But I'm not sure how good it works, as an OP at dc could still get my real IP.. So, Dan: Can you see my real IP?

anyone can hide behind a proxy, but its not always the perfect solution many believe it to be, depending on how the proxy you use is setup - only a few offer real anonymity.. for sure I wouldn't use any of these shitty programs to set it for me, if I was to use a proxy I'd test it myself to ensure its perfect before relying on it to cover my ass ;)

I should also say most proxy server are only for webpages.. and setting your browser to use one will not automatically route any p2p traffic you may have through it :!:

not to mention why proxy servers are set up in the first place.. any really good one is probably run by some less than legit person - do you really want them seeing what you do and then having the abiity to gain access to anything you access through their proxy server ?

now you make me think I should ban all proxies from accessing JW before some dickhead tries to use one to cause trouble

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