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HeilSvenska 06-10-2008 10:10 PM

Is Edward Norton an actually good actor?
HULK... SMASH!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

I keep hearing that Edward Norton is a good actor, but he comes off as an extremely dull person. I saw him in the Italian Job remake, and I thought he was alright, although it's not really that hard to play a douchebag. (not necessarily a villain, just a douchebag) Then I watched a documentary that he narrated, not just a floating voice, but with him on the screen as well. He was really boring, more specifically, boring sounding. But everyone I talk to says that he's a good actor. Now, I can't be bothered to watch Fight Club or American History X, so has anyone seen those movies?

nthfinity 06-10-2008 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 835264)
Now, I can't be bothered to watch Fight Club or American History X, so has anyone seen those movies?

Watch both

Bizi Jones 06-11-2008 12:37 AM

tss...are you actually saying these words?

HeilSvenska 06-11-2008 12:59 AM

It's quite possible that I haven't watched all the great movies in the span of time between the date of my birth and today. ;-)

79TA 06-11-2008 03:12 AM

That movie just looks . . . not good. Something about his voice makes it so I'm unable to take the trailer seriously.

Erez 06-11-2008 04:37 AM

he's a great actor,
and like nthfinity said, watch both!:thumbup:

Sapetoku 06-11-2008 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Erez (Post 835306)
he's a great actor,
and like nthfinity said, watch both!:thumbup:

He's absolutely terrific in those two movies, but the other things he has done since ... Italian Job remake, Red Dragon, The Illusionis, ... every one of those movies could have been good but he somehow manged to make them boring and 'flat'. I'm not too impressed with this Hulk-thing either, in my opinion he was absolutely brilliant in American History X and Fight Club but almost everything else he has done is rubbish.

ikon2003 06-15-2008 11:55 PM

His best role imo is in American History X....a truly outstanding character transformation, both physically and dramatically. Fight Club was also good, as was 25th Hour. His role in Rounders was convincingly scummy, and was a great foil w/ Damon. Norton is also well known for re-writing the screenplay for any movie in which he acts, and a quick google search will show that 'the incredible hulk' producers and he had some disagreements with that.

washington96 07-05-2008 04:31 AM

Fight Club is one of the best movies ever and anybody who has any interest at all in movies should watch it.

Norton is a great actor with quite a wide range. Judging him by the Italian Job remake is not a good idea. No actor could kick any life into that script. That was like asking Picasso to do a painting with a yard brush.

Pokiou 07-10-2008 09:30 PM

HIs a good actor. BUT not suited to this movie!

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