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N.J. 04-18-2004 10:43 AM

The Greatest 911 ever...
EVO magazine (October 2001 - no.36) rated the 1973 911 2.7 RS the greatest Porsche 911 of all.

The '73 2.7 RS was up against:

-3.0 RS
-3.2 CS
-964 RS
-993 RS
-993 GT2
-996 GT3
-996 Turbo
-996 GT2

Note: EVO rated these as the top ten rated 911s of all time.

Here's EVO last paragraph in the article:

"So, there you have it. The consensus after two days' driving is that the greatest is the 2.7 RS, which is also the oldest of our group. I can't help feeling that there's a message here for Porsche, if it's interested.

The new 996 GT2 is a sensational car but the most impressive of the recent 911s is the GT3. 'By far the best 996 generation car,' says Meaden. 'Maybe one day I will find something I do not like about this car,' adds Hayman.

And it wouldn't have taken much to put the GT3 into close-quarters contention with the 2.7 RS, either - maybe a few less creature comforts, some thinner glass, a few lightweight panels...

In short, what we'd really like is a 996 RS.


Isn't it a funny thing now in the year 2004 - we now have a:

2004 Porsche 911 (996) GT3 RS!!!


Porsche does take notice :wink:

I wonder what EVO would say now? is the GT3 RS now in a position to better the classic 2.7 RS?????

I think they should update that article and tell us NOW what they think.

TT 04-18-2004 11:35 AM

Well, they already spent some words about the present RS and yes, they LOVE it :D

But I doubt they would do a "best 911" feature soon.. in every issue you can read about people pissed off about the fact they always rate the 911 so well and always bring to many of them in group tests and so on :(
In their "car of the decade test" (you can see the scans in the scans section), they had 3 911 with them (GT3 Mk I and Mk II and 993 Turbo).. and already in this next issue they got moaning mail :roll:

DMbaseball1604 04-18-2004 04:20 PM

I hate it when they start to apologize about having 911's in their tests because they know people are going to complain...but those people need to realize that there is a very good reason that 911's are always near the top of the EVO list....they are some of the best cars made

TT 04-18-2004 04:23 PM

I never saw them apologize :D they love 911 and always throw them in their group test (and often rate them VERY high) :D

DMbaseball1604 04-19-2004 12:17 AM

I was talking about the 2004 EVO COTY Test when they say stop moaning...when you see its another 911..I guess they arent really apologizing but thats what I was refering to

mit5005 04-23-2004 07:12 PM

I don't understand. I always thought that the 959 was the best 911. I always read that the 959 was so technologically advanced for its time. Well IMO I think it is the best but I don't know much about Porsche. Do you guys agree with their decision?

5.7 V10 04-23-2004 07:52 PM

Hmm, well it's a good choice, but i would have chosen the 993 Turbo as the greatest 911.

N.J. 04-25-2004 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by mit5005
I don't understand. I always thought that the 959 was the best 911. I always read that the 959 was so technologically advanced for its time. Well IMO I think it is the best but I don't know much about Porsche. Do you guys agree with their decision?

"We include it (the 959) not so much for its advancement of the 911 line back in '85 but as a presage of things to come. At the time, the roadgoing 911 Turbo was well established but it was a recalcitrant beast, a fast but blunt instrument. The 959 indicated how it might evolve, with two turbos instead of one and four wheel drive instead of rear drive...

...Green emerges with a wry smile; he's been waiting to drive a 959 since he had its poster on his bedroom wall as a kid. So was it worth the wait? 'I feel privilaged,' he says, but he's realistic. 'It's not the perfect driver's tool: the steering lacks the clarity and feel of the best here and it's as if you're expected to sit back and marvel at the brilliance of the Porsche engineers.'

The 959 isn't simply unlike any other 911; it's unlike any other car you'll ever drive. It will cover ground at remarkable speed - as fast as the current Turbo, we discovered - but it's a wild ride over these moorland roads. Pushed hard, body control is spongy, and grip and feedback only adequate. Time has not dulled the impact of its two-stage turbo delivery, though. 'Until the second turbo comes on song at 4500rpm there's nothing particulary special about the way it goes,' says Green, 'but at that point everything changes as it kicks in like a booster rocket.'

Meaden has driven it before, as have I, for a feature with the then-new 4wd 993 Turbo, and we both recall it seeming more impressive back then. Still, as he says, 'For a 15 year old car it is quite remarkable - it must have seemed like an alien spacecraft in the '80s and certainly hinted at that Porsche engineers had in mind for the 911. That they had to wait all those years to do it with the 996 Turbo shows how far ahead of its time the 959 was'....

So what's the greatest 911 ever?

Not the new (then 996) GT2, that's for sure. In fact, not any turbocharged 911, though John Hayman has been blown away by the earlier 993 GT2 and wants to elope with it when nobody's looking. Meaden has praise for the 993 GT2, too: 'The greatest turbocharged 911,' he declares, 'but not the greatest 911.'

Overall, it's the normally aspirated cars that have monopolised our enthusiasm, though perhaps that shouldn't come as a surprise. Enjoying the 911's tail-heavy layout, making it work for you and reaping its unique rewards - this is at the very heart of the 911 experience, and best achieved with a finely responsive engine."


Its VERY hard to pick a 911 over another 911 - especially when you haven't had a drive in each so you can figure out exactly what you're looking for.

I can understand Evo picking the 2.7 RS - but, without driving it myself, I think I'll stick with the 993 Turbo.

*you can drive it everyday
*it goes like stink (like the 959 & 996 Turbo)
*it has 4wd to back you up so you can push a little further than you would in a non-4wd 911.
*it mixes a bit of the old style with a bit of the new style
*I love its aggressive muscular looks, but without going over the top.

DJF1 04-30-2004 12:00 AM

The best 911 is mine!!! :lol: :D

Seriously all 911's are special. No matter which one you have or can afford they will offer the exact same pleasure as any rare or twin turbo 911. Driving a 911 is very special. If you have not driven one, once you do it gets in your blood. Its intoxicating beyond belief and nothing else compares. The way the chassis talks to you, the direct steering the music of the flat six, the way they drive all are so unique and so special on any 911. I usually put the top down on a breazy evening , bring the engine up to temp and then row up and down on the gears, often lifting just to hear the crackling and popping of the flat six :D Evrytime I twist the key and the flat six barks to life I get goozebumps! What a glorious sound!!!
On my last race my friend and co-driver finished the pads on his session. So he had to replace them and that meant I would loose my practice session. So while he tackled the job I went ove to the pittwall to watch the practice of my run group. I usually run with the "faster" group which means 993's, RSR's, GT911's and the latest cupcars and RS 911's. After the warm up lap the group started flying down the front straight, we would upshift 2 gears there, 3rd to 4th and 4th to 5th with terminal velicity at the end of the straight about 230-40KPH in my car and 260-70 the RSR's etc.
The sound and the view of the 911's flying by in a fury of image and sound was intoxicating. I realized that my hair in the back of my neck was standing in salute! I pinched my self! I thought, Oh my God I'm actually running with these guys and my car looks and sounds exactly like these guys! I could not believe it! A lifelong dream has been realized! I though all the hard work, pain and things I had to go through the years were all worth it in that single moment! I though, I'm a lucky SOB! I looked to my right and over the fence... some kids noses were glued through the wire fence no doubt in awe, much like I was.
Owning a 911 is very special. Any 911 will talk to you, will drive you crazy, will make you fall in love every time, time and again.
73RS's and TT 911's are nice. But talks about them and which one is best is insignificant once you actually own your very own 911. Suddenly they do not matter anymore. Your 911 is the best and the experience she gives you day in and day out is nothing less than a 959 or a 73RS.
Like I said.... Lucky SOB! :D

spicymustard 04-30-2004 12:36 AM

I would have to say:

What about the GT1! Maybe not the greatest Porsche of all time but should have made a showing in top 10. Personally I would have tosed the 964RS or the 3.2cs but they are great cars too.

TT 05-01-2004 03:09 AM

the GT1, GT2 are the best 911

crasherror 05-01-2004 10:26 AM

Ones that win, win , and win again on the race track. example LeMans.

N.J. 05-01-2004 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by spicymustard
I would have to say:

What about the GT1! Maybe not the greatest Porsche of all time but should have made a showing in top 10. Personally I would have tosed the 964RS or the 3.2cs but they are great cars too.


There are a number of 'ultimate' 911s that we might have included in this test, starting with the 911 GT1. Although we did track down one example in the UK, sadly the owner wasn't able to supply the car. Though the prospect of threading half a million quids worth of thinly disguised Le Mans racer across the north Yorks moors would have had our insurers taking up permanent residence in the executive toilets, it would have been an awe-inspiring, if ultimately terrifying experience. And since it is so far removed from roadgoing reality, not a very illuminating one."

szumszer 05-01-2004 09:56 PM

my favorite is 959, but 993 turbo is a close second

heath 05-11-2004 05:23 AM

c'mon guys!! The greatest 911 is the 930 turbo! It was the original and the best imo!

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