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styla21 06-19-2008 08:15 PM

Lewis Hamilton... Arrogant?
This is not my personal opinion - yet.

However it is being discussed around the web ( and other commentary that Lewis Hamilton has developed a bit of attitude this year.

I'm finding now the more that I read his comments or in the press, I can understand why.
Perhaps it's a lack of people skills? Or just really focused on the race..
But you cannot answer people like this and expect it to be taken warmly.

Q: (Anne Giuntini - L’Equipe) Sorry to disturb you, Lewis, but is it what you call a small incident involving Kimi being a victim? Is it smaller than a mistake that would annoy only you?
That’s what I just said, didn’t I?

From ITV

Have you noticed a small change in Lewis Hamilton’s attitude recently? His reply when asked by Louise about his qualifying lap of "Good car, good team....(long pause and smile) great driver," is I think very telling.
James Allen:

It was interesting that in Monaco he not only encouraged comparisons after the race between himself and Senna, but actually spoke of himself in comparison with Senna. .....
...I agree with Ed Gorman of The Times, that what people don’t like about Lewis is the sense of ‘entitlement’ – the notion that he was somehow born to be F1 champion, entitled to breeze straight into the best car in F1 and be praised for it. They resent that.
Many members of the public in Britain resent it too and of course the foreign media and Lewis’s rivals really resent it.

HeilSvenska 06-19-2008 08:37 PM

The man spent $400,000 on a "LEW 1S" license plate. Yes. He is a twat.

Carbodiox 06-19-2008 08:40 PM

i really dont know what to think. Look for example at LH on top gear - very bright and charming guy. But than this and even more of ths. For ex when he was asked abut his pole in Montreal he said sth like 'great car, great driver' or this 'touched by Senna' bullshit etc.. He is great driver and he shows that he is self confident which is what a great driver have to be but than again compare his behaviour to Kubica's. How humble, level-headed but still very confident he is

torrentjunkie 06-19-2008 08:47 PM

Mr. Smiley face better clean up his act and smack those stars out the back of his head or else he's going to lose a hell of alot of supporters.

79TA 06-19-2008 09:19 PM

I just want to see the silver cars in front of those red cars . . . I think most F1 drivers have an attitude issue.

torrentjunkie 06-19-2008 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by 79TA (Post 836647)
I think most F1 drivers have an attitude issue.

But that's what i think is the main appeal of Lewis Hamilton...hes a nice chap, well, supposedly at the moment. If he turns out to be a Naomi-esque diva then he loses his appeal. A great driver yes, but that would put him in the same boat as Alonso.

Spiffu 06-19-2008 11:25 PM

All I know is that compared to all the other drivers when they are on camera, Lewis doesn't act like a fucking robot when he wins races or comes up in 2nd/3rd on the podium. Kimi, Kubica, Massa, it's like they've had their balls chopped off.

The way Lewis acted when he won the Monoco grand prix is how you're supposed to act when you win an F1 race.

Had Kimi or the other's won it, they would have just gotten out of the car, walked to the podium and done a slight wave to the crowd barely smiling.

I could care less if he's showing off some of attitude to resporters. As long as he keeps exuming personality during races and racing well, I'll be satisfied.

And +1 for seeing silver on front of red. I thought the 10 position penalty is BS.

nthfinity 06-19-2008 11:59 PM

Any team run by the likes of Ron Dennis, any governing body run by the likes of Max Mosely should be shunned by anybody with any scruples.

Erez 06-20-2008 01:02 AM

i think that doing what he does (racing in F1) its one of those things you have to be arrogant in order to do well,

5vz-fe 06-20-2008 01:39 AM

Most driver becomes cocky when they taste success. Lewis was very humble last year, then boom. After the instant success in the super fast Mclaren, out comes the cock.

Schumi was cocky during his early years, needless to say, Alonso, JV. The Finns seems to be the more humble bunch.

Mattk 06-20-2008 01:45 AM

I think Schumacher became less arrogant after people started beating him. By the time he switched to crush mode, he was very nice off the track. Like in all sports, you have to be mean and nasty on the field, but off it, if you're still a bad character, then you're bad.

fordgt84 06-20-2008 05:16 AM

i wouldn't say arrogant, but he can seem a bit over confident sometimes. as with the press, we all know how frustrating the press can be so it's only natural that a human being snaps once in a while, demonizing an upcoming star makes for a very good story.

he's also young and tasting great success really early, so i think it's natural that he develops a bit of an ego. but then again f1 drivers do tend to have big egos, it comes with the territory i guess.

F250 06-20-2008 07:26 AM

Here's an entry from LH's diary:

Note to self. This means STOP!

ae86_16v 06-21-2008 04:08 PM

"I have to apologise to the team because I didn't do a great job"

After qualifying.

* * *

I don't think so, with comments like that. He has always thank the Team and always "seem" to put team before himself.

In terms of the comment about the Great Driver, seems to be taken out of context in the sense that he could have said it half-kidding.

But yeah, personally I don't think he is arrogant yet, but I do agree with everyone that anyone like him in Formula 1, must have certain degree of ego to get there.

helteralan 06-21-2008 04:28 PM

I think he's getting caught up in his own hype... and unfortunately as soon as he goes on a downward trend the media will undoubtably turn on him... that to me will be his real "arrogance" test. But i think he is a little concieted which is understandable his impact in F1!

But if he ever compares himself blatantly to Senna, for me he will be over the line instantly.

Think about tt... would you get cocky if you were in his shoes?

And for the record, i don't like him (my personal opinion)... i prefer the old school and honesty of Coulthard (yes i'm Scottish too). :thumbup:

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