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HeilSvenska 12-11-2008 03:46 AM

Nintendo "DS Scrabble Beats Kid On 'Fuckers' Triple-Word Score"


Well, if it isn't the Daily Mail, with another highly entertaining story about the EVILS and HORRORS of video games. In this instance, the evils and horrors of...Scrabble. Yes, Scrabble. 36 year-old Tonya Carrington bought her son Ethan a pre-owned copy of Ubisoft's Scrabble for the DS, thinking it would keep him busy, maybe teach him a few new words.

Little did she suspect it'd proceed to kick his ass with a procession of slang words, from tits to toke to fuckers, which in a crushing blow to poor Ethan's self-esteem also gave his AI opponent a triple-word score for the win.

Cue Tonya protesting to filthy tabloid papers, cue Ubisoft proclaiming she should have used the game's junior settings, cue Nintendo washing their hands of the whole thing. Oh, and cue a sudden upswing in interest in the British version of Scrabble!
One possible explanation:
"Dopey kid probably just got the shits when the DS added an 's' to his 'Fucker' and pwned him with the triple word score..."


Mattk 12-11-2008 04:25 AM

I was playing Scrabble recently with some mates and put down 'boner' for a triple-word score. 'Fuckers' is better though. The wonders of artificial intelligence.

As it turns out, the original article makes no mention of the child ever playing the game. His mother played it for herself and discovered the foul-language capabilities of the game and proceeded to ban the son from playing it:

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