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artypossum 01-19-2005 01:12 PM

Ford GT
WHat are people's thoughts on the new Gord GT? How do you think it compares to the original? Does it still have the magic of the original, I mean it does have an engine from a truck. From what i've seen, I love it. But a car that I love even more is the GT40 :twisted:

mindgam3 01-19-2005 01:37 PM

Judged on its own without relation to its original it is a decent car, performance is outstanding however i wouldn't buy it over a F430, gallardo, DB9 etc - it just isn't special enough.

Compared to the original, it's nothing - apart from the shape it lacks any passion. Seeing them side by side at Autosport International and the GT40 looks much better. The GT40 was a race car, the road car was derived from that.... the new GT is basically a modern replica, nothing more - it has no heritage or history. And the lack of "special feeling" is worsened by the shoddy interior and lack of a loud, decent exhasut note.

Performance wise, it's a beauty but falls to many of its competitors in other aspects.

Compared to the GT40, its nothing

FordGTGuy 01-19-2005 03:34 PM

you can't say it sares an engine with a truck only its block.

FoxFour 01-19-2005 08:38 PM

I believe architecturally it loosely shares it's design with the truck block. Something like 85% of the reciprocating parts are unique to the GT. As far as the design of the car goes, personally I like it with the exception of those doors. Remember when on Top Gear they parked a car next to the GT on the drivers side and JC couldn't get in because of the shape of them. 'Hello Mr. Dealer I'm here to see about purchasing your GT here... What?... You want $175.000...No thanks, I'm going across the street and buy me a new Z06'

ikon2003 01-20-2005 01:04 AM

Personally, i'm not a fan of the retro styling. Sure it's symbolic and everything, but it looks dated in my opinion (there are better ways to include symbolism in your car). the looks alone deter me when compared to most other cars in its class (eg: gallardo and f430 - two of the sexiest pieces of art on four wheels). nonetheless, great car and sure to be a classic amongst the ford group.

nthfinity 01-21-2005 03:09 AM

i love it, but.... hmm.... i can think of no downsides... waite... oh yeah, its currently beyond my financial abilities :roll:
the design may be far from new... but it is quite striking... and quite possibly one of the few cars able to look good now, when basically penned 40 years ago. the looks, the speed, the accelleration of this car are simply amazing, yet almost a seemless compromise for compfort has been made IMO...

how many supercars with a stick shift are so easy to drive (why? because there is no linkage ;) ) i can see anybody who drives this as having a smile plastered on thier face.

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