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FordGTGuy 12-20-2004 08:37 AM

this sucks

but not having school doesn't :lol:

BADMIHAI 12-20-2004 08:46 AM

Hah! That's not even that cold. :mrgreen:

saadie 12-20-2004 09:17 AM

haha :lol:

ZfrkS62 12-20-2004 09:20 AM

and you don't even get any snow! hahaha sucks to be you :P :wink: j/k

TransAm 12-20-2004 10:19 AM

about 55-65F here and thats cold enough thank you very much

OVERLORD_CHRIS 12-20-2004 10:31 AM

You call that cold?......well it is not that cold here, so you got me beat lol

possessed_beaver 12-20-2004 12:19 PM

it was 41 here the otherday!

want to swap?

bmwmpower 12-20-2004 12:55 PM

yes, in our country is weather cold, today about -5 C,but this weekend will be - 15 C, BRRRRRR

FerrariKiller 12-20-2004 01:23 PM
That's -18 C, for those who don't use our inbred system of measurement. I can't wait to start my snowmobile, I love the cold.

Schwalbe 12-20-2004 03:07 PM

I like cold temperatures, but sometimes it's a little too cold. As today in Montréal: -25°C :?

We got a WINDCHILL WARNING of -38°C to -40°C like you can see here:

Vansquish 12-20-2004 07:11 PM

Pretty damn chilly here too...highs today were about 0°F and lows were about -12°F with windchill a further 10 degrees lower...

graywolf624 12-20-2004 07:26 PM

Today high was 22 F low was 10 F.. with wind chill hovering around -5 F..

Ironically.. there calling for 50 F mid week..

I know alot of you are saying that your extreme colds are worse.. and I know they are..
But honestly.. I think where I live has to have the worst all around weather in the world. The weather swings widely between extremes often in less then 24 hrs. It can be 50 here during the day.. and 10 at nite..
Drives my sinuses nuts.

(Meanwhile in the sumer we peak around 107... and 99 percent humidity. It's the humidity that kills you)

Vansquish 12-20-2004 08:12 PM

I think RC45 probably has you beat for the Summer weather dude hehe...Houston is downright terrible on that front. I know some 1st generation Vietnamese immigrants who think that the old country was more pleasant from a weather standpoint hehehe.

Toronto 12-20-2004 08:14 PM

it was -25 here -35 with wind chill on sunday, don't know what that is in F but i know 32 (f) = 0 (c)

graywolf624 12-20-2004 08:27 PM


I think RC45 probably has you beat for the Summer weather dude hehe...Houston is downright terrible on that front. I know some 1st generation Vietnamese immigrants who think that the old country was more pleasant from a weather standpoint hehehe.
I'm thinking more year round.. We have the worst as a total package. (He doesn't have to deal with this -5 shit... lucky bastard.. Man do I wish I was offered that job).

(It was June when I was in Houston.. That counts as summer right? Road in RCs vette at the time as well).

Oh and we rarely get snow, but we still have our weekly ice storms and our yearly blizzard ( 2 years ago that was 3 feet.. ). This summer we were unlucky to the tune of 7 inches of rain in a single day (and that wasnt the only day we had rain measured above 5 inches this summer. 2 years before.. we had a drought..
All I ask for is a little consistancy.. is that too much?

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