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JN396 06-13-2003 05:09 AM

Hilarious shiznet
I dont know if i got this linky from here or another site; but this shit is fookin hilarious!!!! Here's an excerpt:

"Fathers day is coming up and I have no idea what to get for my old man. If your pops dont like golf, shopping for korean dads is tougher than that old female bouncer at U.B.

My relationship with my old man was rocky. Now its a little better. As some of you may know, asian dads dont really "share" with their sons. Well, at least mine didnt. The fucking Terminator had more emotions than my old man. My pops only worked in 2 moods: Pissed off, and More Pissed off. You'd never see him saying "hey son , lets go to Starbucks and have a frappachino so we can catch up" like white dads ask their kids. No it was more like "Hey ! What the fuck is this blow up doll doing under your bed??" (It wasnt mine, FYI).

As i've gotten older, i've noticed that white, black and asian dads answer questions in certain ways. For example when :

the Report Card Comes

A White dad will say: You got an A in gym! Way to go junior! Great job. Atta boy.!

a Black Dad will say: Why you going to school when i told yo ass to sell this weed mothafucka.

An Asian dad will say: What is this A in gym!??!? You plan on going to the olympics? Get A in math.

Explaining Sex:

A White Dad will say: Now junior, when the birds and the bees....

A Black Dad will say: You stick yo dick in the hole and remember to use a jimmy hat cause bitches be shiesty.

an Asian Dad will say:

On the future:

A White Dad will say: Son,remember, you can do whatever you want to, as long as you try. The sky is the limit champ.

a Black dad will say: Mothafucka, just dont get caught and go to jail , aight. And remember, fuck the police. Damn crackas.

an Asian Dad will say: you must go to harvard and become a doctor, otherwise I will kill you.

On interracial dating:

A white Dad will say: Son, its not the color of their skin, its who they are inside. Got that champ?

A black dad will say: Shiet, you can fuck whoever you want. Just dont marry the bitch otherwise she will take half yo money.

An asian dad will say: You will marry korean. "


Flawless 06-14-2003 12:02 AM

HAHAHA!!! so steriotypical but hilairous!!

novass 06-14-2003 07:08 PM

ROTFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:

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