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pimrusis 01-21-2004 12:09 AM

An 18 year old in one of Pennsylvania's finest high schools (the good part of PA, not the middle) said the things below :

The interesting lunchtime topic of discussion:
A girl with whom I eat lunch - by association, not friendship - today denied the existence of Central America. She had no knowledge of the countries of Guatemala and Costa Rica. She claimed that Mexico City was in the United States, and that Guatemala City was in Mexico. She then went on further and pondered how come Salt Lake City was in Utah, and not in the nation called "Salt Lake."
To these comments I replied: Central America is real, and it is bet ween North and South America - hence central. That Guatemala and Costa Rica are real countries, and that now, having established that Guatemala is, in fact, real, I informed her that Guatemala City was this new country's capitol. I then went on to point out that Mexico city, was indeed in Mexico and not in the United States as she originally thought. Finally I went on to regretfully inform her that there is no such country as "Salt Lake", and that Salt Lake City was actually named after a salty lake in Utah. Then I went to study hall, and after following me into the room she insinuated that I had AIDS. The end.

deth 01-21-2004 12:31 AM

gotta love ignorant ppl :mrgreen:

antonioledesma 01-21-2004 12:42 AM

and she believes in sewer alligators, the boogie man and that bush is the best president of usa, of all times

graywolf624 01-21-2004 12:42 AM

You can blame that on our poor education system. Between the teachers unions which never allow any teacher to be fired and the standardized tests that they prepare for(ignoring real education. Not sats but school analysis tests) we are lucky kids know how to count to ten.

graywolf624 01-21-2004 12:43 AM

Easy on the political commentary. Bush has nothing to do with inteligence. I may not agree with her(and I sure as hell don't) but that is more a opinion based statement.

blah 01-21-2004 12:54 AM

You saying bush is smart? wow, he says the word Nuculear instead of nuclear. He cant even say the people we are fighting, he says Al Qayeda, instead of Al Queda. On the education thing, schools are forced to take those test, its really one of the only ways they can get money. We need to stop spending money on making smart bombs, and start spending money for smart kids named tom! OOOO I rhymed that shit right there.

graywolf624 01-21-2004 12:58 AM

"You saying bush is smart? wow, he says the word Nuculear instead of nuclear. He cant even say the people we are fighting, he says Al Qayeda, instead of Al Queda. On the education thing, schools are forced to take those test, its really one of the only ways they can get money. "

I'm aware that they are forced to take those tests. That should not happen and a teacher shouldnt be protected due to tenure. Major problems with the teaching programs occur because teacher unions have made it impossible to fire a teacher with tenure unless they do something like abuse a student.

As for bush being smart I've been down this road before. Public speaking ability and inteligence are not synonimous. Keep the political commentary where it belongs. I don't like him for different reasons then you but jabba and tt have made it clear that they don't want us getting into political arguements. This type of stuff only leads to such situations.

FerrariKiller 01-21-2004 01:00 AM

yeah let's leave the political commentary on the talk shows, this is not why we come here

veilsidebr 01-21-2004 01:02 AM

Oh what the fucking ignorant Girl. If she thinks she is in the center of the world, she is wrong. Ignorance and stupid are the worst things in the world. I guess she is so stupod so she must read more about other countries and continents.

Well, if central america were in Asia or someplace far from USA, well, i still could accept, but it´s only bellow USA!!!

How these things can happen. Oh my god...


mhn3773 01-21-2004 02:56 AM

not being able to pronounce certain things properly is not a sign of stupidity

BUT thinking down of someone that has an accent that doesn't allow them to say some words to your liking is "stupid" =)

geekdiggy 01-21-2004 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by pimrusis
Americans are stupid, Finally some proof.

i don't care what kind of links you can pull up, you don't belong insulting an entire country like that and i request that this thread get locked or deleted. not only are you one of the three most annoying worthless fucktards to plague this board, but you're also turning your stupidity into continental insults

go fuck yourself with a splintered baseball bat

RC45 01-21-2004 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by geekdiggy
go fuck yourself with a splintered baseball bat

nice put down... but I am partial to the "buggered with a splintered fence post" variant...

This one is great for both direct put downs, such as "Go bugger yourself with a splintered fence post..."

...and as an expression of surprise - as in "WHOA!!!! No way!!! Bugger me with a splintered fence post - That is unbelievable..." ;)


geekdiggy 01-21-2004 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
"WHOA!!!! No way!!! Bugger me with a splintered fence post - That is unbelievable..."

that's gotta be a british thing eh :wink:

pimrusis 01-21-2004 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by graywolf624
Easy on the political commentary. Bush has nothing to do with inteligence. I may not agree with her(and I sure as hell don't) but that is more a opinion based statement.

So the existance of Central America and the location of Mexico City is a debatable point? I have nothing to say on this point.

zevolv 01-21-2004 10:51 AM

See this is why my parents payed $7,000 a year for private school my entire life (13 years)

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