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TT 07-13-2005 02:33 PM

TT is going to the Nürburgring!!
Yes, finally I think the time has come!

next week, the 21 and 22 there will be a big Ferrari event at the modern F1 track (several Formula 1 cars, 250 GTO, Enzos, F40, California Spider and hundreads other cars afaik!). It's thanks to riconijhof if I know about it BTW and a big thanks goes to him!
At first I thought it was too complicated, but I found a friend willing to co-drive our rental car up there (600 km to go and another 600 to come back in the evening). it will be a dani or dropo's style trip! We will eave at midnight or something, will drive some 6 hours, take pics for several hours, enjoy the cars on track.. then in the afternoon, hopefully thanks to dodo, we will move to the NS and we will lap 5 or 6 times the Northern Loop!! :love: and then we will drive back the 600 km again :shock:
Yes, it will be a rental car.. and an A4 1.8T Avant as always, but still worth the hassle.. if you are there you NEED to lap it, right?

Dodo already promised to help since he will go too, so I hope to meet up with him :hello: .. things would be easier for sure since he knows the place like the back of his hand :D

if somebody has suggestions, don't be shy :D

BTW, weird coincidence, on the evo issue I got today, there is a NS special ;)

Anyway, I am already so excited! I hope the weather will be cool and I hope to see many nice cars hitting the track!

And this is also a notice for other ppl living "close" to the track :!:

Minacious 07-13-2005 02:58 PM

That is awesome news. Can I come with you? :D :D :D :D :D

I just want to go out there and get a few laps on my bike. Maybe even catch Sabine out there in a Van and show her that not all bike she can pass with such ease. :D :D :D :D

Wutputt 07-13-2005 03:14 PM

I was already planning to go too :D I've not yet decided which day, Thursday or Friday. It prolly will be Friday, cause I sort of planned a Spa visit on Thursday. Which day are you planning to go, TT?

TT 07-13-2005 03:20 PM

Dude we will go Friday because the NS will be open all day and not only in the evening. That's for sure :D
Definitely if you decide to come, we should find a way to meet up :D

Wutputt 07-13-2005 03:33 PM

We definitely should!! Maybe dodo knows an easy place to meet up.

Btw, is there a good reason why you will be using a rental car to do the road trip, and not your own? Is it just because of the NS laps? :D

TT 07-13-2005 03:36 PM

I am already planning to meet with Dodo while leaving the Autobahn, so he can guide me to the track ;) but you will come from the north ;)
We just have to switch mobile phone numbers and we will then find a place where to meet once there!

I am using a rental for a couple of reasons:

- my car beeing "born" in 1995, it starts to feel its age, it just went past the 80k km mark and I don't want to put 1200 km on it in 24 hours (+ 6 laps of the NS)
- my friend who will co-drive, doesn't like manuals (the rental will auto obviously)
- the rental A4 has a GPS system, pretty usefull when you don't knwo the area

we will try not to push it too hard on track, having to drive it back home ;)

Do you plan to lap the NS too?

And you dodo?

SilviaEvo 07-13-2005 03:37 PM

i say take me along too! ill hide in a storage compartment and hop over the Atlantic :lol:

TT 07-13-2005 03:40 PM

Just a ring a bell when you will be in Switzerland ;)

komotar 07-13-2005 03:40 PM

That sound cool TT!

I can't wait to hear your impressions about "the Ring"......and you'll đ
probably go bananas with all the ferrari's there :wink:

Have a safe trip 8)

sameerrao 07-13-2005 03:46 PM


if somebody has suggestions, don't be shy
Since you asked ...

- Sleep well the night before buddy ... dont want you to do the graveyard shift drive up to NS half-asleep.
- Be careful on NS drive - it is a monster
- Practice on the Audi S4 on GT4 on the NS and tell us the difference compared to reality :)
- Get a BMW taxi drive if possible
- Take some pics this time .. you always seem to forget this aspect :P

TT 07-13-2005 03:49 PM

Hehe, we would like to rend the S4, but sadly it has limited km (250 I think..).. and an extra 1000 would cost around 1000 Swiss francs LOL!

I would have liked to reserve a Taxi ride, but there is a long waiting list :( and definitely too late now :(
I will be tired for sure, but I will let my friend drive the last part of the trip maybe, so I can sleep a bit.. anyway I will be too excited while lapping the NS to fall asleep :D

Pics? :prr:
I think I will buy a new mem card just in case :D

Wutputt 07-13-2005 03:50 PM

I'm idd coming from the North/West. It’s idd best we share our mobile phone numbers to meet somewhere.

Btw, some good reasons to use a rental car ;)

I'm still nog sure which car I'll use to drive to the ring. Maybe I'm driving along with a friend. It could be possible he will do a NS lap. But if I'm driving the chances on a NS lap are really low. Cause I only partly own my current car (this way I save money and I don't have to drive a diesel :mrgreen:). I don't think the other owner likes the fact I'm lapping a track even though theoretically it's a public road.

TT 07-13-2005 03:53 PM

HAHA ok ;) you've got a PM BTW ;)

5vz-fe 07-13-2005 04:00 PM

since everyone is too shy to ask, I'll do it...TT can I have some closeup pics of Sabine ...and maybe with her Taxi?? :mrgreen: Thanks Thanks!!!

TT 07-13-2005 04:03 PM

HAHA, you bet I would try to find her around, but apparently Friday is a kinda busy day and I won't stay long at the track.. just lap it 3 times myself, 3 times my friend and we will be on our way :)

But don't worry, if she will be around, I will take pics :D

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