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5vz-fe 03-08-2004 07:14 PM

Ralf To Renualt

Weber said the 28-year-old driver, who finished fourth at the Australian Grand Prix, had already agreed details with Renault supremo Flavio Briatore.

"Every point of the contract has already been discussed," Weber is quoted as saying in the German newspaper, Bild am Sonntag.

"The signing of the contract is now a mere formality."

Ralf, the younger brother of six-times world champion Michael, has been unhappy at Williams for some time.

"Even if me and my manager Willi Weber would find it hard to leave behind our friends at BMW, there's a chance it could happen," he admitted recently.

"It would be sad but I can't allow myself to be treated like that by Williams. But I find it hard to understand certain things that have happened these past few months."
What do you guys think?

aliendude012 03-08-2004 07:20 PM

Meh, why would they want him? He's not the greatest driver on the field, and hes an ass to boot. I wouldn't sign him. Let him rot at Williams a little longer. Or if Willliams drops him, let him go to hell.

5vz-fe 03-08-2004 07:57 PM

LOL!! I'll say good for Ralf bad for Renualt ....... they both got schumacher blood, but they are entirely different on the track

stradale 03-08-2004 08:40 PM

Ralf may not be the greatest driver in F1 but he's a good consistent driver. I'm not sure whether he could be faster than Alonso though, because that's a very gifted driver IMO. Trulli is always fast in qualifying, but a little disappointing come race day. Ralf could do a better job I think. It would be interesting to see what'll happen, Renault seems to be on its way up.

5vz-fe 03-08-2004 09:20 PM

no doubt.....all Renault needs now is a better engine (I am glad that they dump that stupid 90 degree V10 last season)

ae86_16v 03-08-2004 09:21 PM

He is definitely one of the better drivers around. But for some reason, through out the last couple of years his actions have made him seem like a bitch. The fighting w/ JPM and now the fighting w/ Frank Williams.

It is hard to predict what will happen a year from now. But BMW Williams will have their hands full trying to replace two drivers. (It would be nice if they could pick up Button or Webber.) And Renault will have a top team with Alonso and Ralf spearheading the campaign. The question for Renault will be the exact opposite of Williams (where drivers are concern), Could the Renault engine and chassis win?

spd 03-08-2004 10:09 PM

for some reason William does not like to pay high premium to retain a driver, they would rather like to find talented young driver like Button to driver for them, because they only cost a fraction of the price. :(

SFDMALEX 03-08-2004 10:11 PM

I always beleaved and keep doing so, that Ralf is a good driver. He just seems uncorftable to be part of Williams. They never treated him that well.

5vz-fe 03-08-2004 11:10 PM

If Button ever go to Williams, he won't be cheap either tho

espen 03-09-2004 07:39 AM

Williams consider drivers repalcable like a light bulb. You need one but one is as good as another... Ralf is fast and imho has gotten better through 02 and 03 to be a serious contender. All he needs is a good car and a team that considers drivers more than an organic nuisance in the car.

When Renault gets their new engine, I think they will do well - tho perhaps not against Ferrari, who after all invented the concept of the modern F1 team and wil remain out of sight 04 aswell. Sad to see BMWs peachy engines combined with the less than peachy Williams - I wish just a few would miracoulously appear in Renaults garage... :lol:

ae86_16v 03-09-2004 08:00 AM

Looks it isn't happening just yet. . .


The news that Ralf Schumacher had all but signed a contract to drive for Renault in 2005 shocked many, including Renault team principal Flavio Briatore.

Schumacher’s manager, Willi Weber, was the man that revealed the negotiations in an interview with German publication Bild yesterday.

Weber claimed that a verbal agreement had been reached between the two parties in a move that would see Schumacher depart the Williams squad in favour of a French drive next season.

But Renault claim to have had no discussions with either Schumacher or his manager regarding a transfer, rubbishing claims an agreement had been reached.

‘I saw Willi Weber in Melbourne,’ Briatore admitted, ‘and we certainly talked to each other - we are friends, so that is perfectly normal.

‘However, at no time did we discuss, or have we discussed, a possible future for Ralf Schumacher in a Renault car.’

Briatore’s denial comes as a further surprise in an ever complicating story.

Some now claim that Weber’s comments were little more than a negotiating tactic, an attempt to force Williams to meet Schumacher’s increased salary demands.

Whether or not the above proves to be true remains to be seen but Ralf’s move to Renault was certainly short lived.

Neither Ralf or his manager have commented on the latest development yet but are sure to in the near future.

You see what I mean about Ralf acting like a bitch.

kteo2003 03-09-2004 08:27 AM

what is going on ???
montoya has already signed for mclaren and now ralf....
how can these drivers be competitive....?

pengajim 03-09-2004 02:29 PM

I heard a rumor last night on Wind Tunnel (US viewer call-in motorsports tv show) that Williams is talking to Jeff Gordon.

yg60m 03-09-2004 03:09 PM


no doubt.....all Renault needs now is a better engine (I am glad that they dump that stupid 90 degree V10 last season)
They had a 111° engine, the other have a 90° engine and Renault came back to a 72° engine because they have a lot of experience with this architecture.
Ralf is certainly a good driver but i am not sure he had enough talent to become a world champion, he would be crushed by Alonso, and Briatore denied the Willi Weber matters ... but it's Briatore, not really a people to thrust :wink:

tekwar 03-09-2004 07:40 PM

Ralf is overated. Alonso probably has more talent than him.
Lets hope this opens the door for Webber to get a proper drive to see him compete with the big boys. Ironically Webber is linked with Renault, lets hope they and Jaguar release to him to go to Williams who have expressed interest in him.

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