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Toronto 07-25-2005 02:16 PM

MS always trying to be like Apple

evoWalo 07-25-2005 02:23 PM

It is often said that Apple is Microsoft's unofficial R&D unit. Most of the features in Vista are already enjoyed by current Mac users for the past 4 years. It is yet to be seen if Vista can match OS X in terms of security & stability.

ZfrkS62 07-25-2005 02:24 PM

:roll: stupid trendy fucks

pharzo 07-25-2005 04:27 PM

My god...what a bunch of crock. Whenever articles like this come out and say podcasting is done "the internet savvy" i feel like killing people. All this is, is putting a compressed sound file online...SHIT, REVOLUTION

because no one EVER did that before some fuckwit decided to be cool and use the word podcast for it

Of course microsoft is developing their own audio format...probably have been for a while now. And they're certainly not copying apple, because AAC is nothing remarkable.

And MS is hardly trying to be like apple...they just implement features into their OS's that are good...if that means taking them from apple...fine. That means that the 95% of computer users who do use Windows get a better deal

Toronto 07-25-2005 04:41 PM

um.... well with your idea of a podcast isn't what it is all about, you just think of it as an audio file on the net, it is much more then that

it was one of the first to allow you to download them into ipodder, then into your itunes, then plug your ipod into your comp. in the morning, jump on the subway and listen to the news from the morning :wink: they did kinda start somthing :D,

and by better deal i don't know waht you mean?
unless you are stealing your XP software apple seems to be the better deal

pharzo 07-25-2005 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Toronto
it was one of the first to allow you to download them into ipodder, then into your itunes, then plug your ipod into your comp. in the morning, jump on the subway and listen to the news from the morning they did kinda start somthing

Well this was not done by apple...people just started doing this with their ipods, and then apple put the feature into itunes.


Originally Posted by Toronto
and by better deal i don't know waht you mean?
unless you are stealing your XP software apple seems to be the better deal

What about the hardware? You forget that in order to use OSX you HAVE to get apple hardware...there is a larger market for Windows based PC' you get more choice, there is more competition in that market, so you also get better prices.

And what about software availability? I know you can get VM but it's not quite the same thing...

By better deal i meant that Micro$haft takes all the good features from OSX, and then puts it into their OS's. So you get all the apple goodness, without any of the shortfalls i mentioned

Toronto 07-25-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by pharzo

Originally Posted by Toronto
it was one of the first to allow you to download them into ipodder, then into your itunes, then plug your ipod into your comp. in the morning, jump on the subway and listen to the news from the morning they did kinda start somthing

Well this was not done by apple...people just started doing this with their ipods, and then apple put the feature into itunes.

iPodder always would allow you to update your library in itunes, even b4 it was put into the itunes program... but as soon and apple put it in, no less then 2 months later MS is trying to do the same :wink:

and I have used many programs that are on both OS and the apple one is almost always better, their editing prog. are just years ahead of those from MS.

not only that, when was the last time you heard of a wide-spread apple bug/virus?

just cause you are a trying to be a monopoly doesn't mean you offer the best... hell what is better a GM or a Ferrari? take the GM because it has all that off the Ferrari... well they both have seats, engine, wheels, doors...
and it offers better availability and more recalls :twisted:

pharzo 07-25-2005 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Toronto
but as soon and apple put it in, no less then 2 months later MS is trying to do the same

Well from the article all i see is that microsoft employees are avoiding the term podcast and using blogcast instead...


Originally Posted by Toronto
and I have used many programs that are on both OS and the apple one is almost always better, their editing prog. are just years ahead of those from MS.

Well if editing is your thing...sure. But the thing is, is that a lot of programs available for Windows aren't available for OSX. Games too...


Originally Posted by Toronto
not only that, when was the last time you heard of a wide-spread apple bug/virus?

Perhaps if their OS's were more popular :wink:

Besides all you need is two simple pieces of software and you'll never get a virus


Originally Posted by Toronto
just cause you are a trying to be a monopoly doesn't mean you offer the best

Well i didn't really say that...but come on, you have to admit its both cheaper and easier to make a powerfull pc than it is to build the equivalent mac


Originally Posted by Toronto
hell what is better a GM or a Ferrari? take the GM because it has all that off the Ferrari... well they both have seats, engine, wheels, doors...

well not the best of comparisons...but if you can buy a GM and go just as fast/faster than a ferrari...why the hell not?!?

Maybe if you like to pose :P

graywolf624 07-25-2005 09:20 PM

First, when refering to copy cating one can never paint apple as a saint.

Actually, this would be yet another example(windows was one as well) of apple copying another company/persons design( another example, osx is actually freebsd based.)

I run both mac and pcs at home. Im going to tell you straight up, out of the box the mac is more secure and more efficient but the pc has more features(features/security/design length make up a 4 quadrant graph, you sacrifice each for the other).
That being said in modified form they both can be equally as secure/efficient/feature wise. There are examples of major security issues in macs, but they are less used for business and less widespread. Obscurity does have its advantages.

evoWalo 07-26-2005 01:22 PM

Before dishing podcasting movement look it up first.

Apple's contribution:

Apple itself was not actively involved until mid-2005, when it joined the market on three fronts: as a source of "podcatcher" software, as publisher of a podcast directory, and as provider of tutorials on how to create podcasts with Apple products GarageBand and Quicktime Pro.
Ergo they were the first mainstream software maker to give a hoot over podcasts.

Apple never took credit for creating the podcast. Other people called it podcasts. Apple just introduced it to the mainstream user.

AAC in itself isnt remarkable, other than being better than MP3s, but what it offers to content owners is. AACs bought from iTMS allows for the most consumer-friendly DRM around.

To a lot of people having to buy Apple hardware isnt such an issue anymore. Sure there are some who must be able to upgrade to the latest processor, motherboard, memory, hard disc drive, optical drive, video card, sound card, etc after each release but that isnt Apple's market. Apple sells products & solutions to those who do not mind paying a premium for a stable & secure platform that looks aesthetically good. It may not have many games but that's what video consoles are made for.

Microsoft duplicating what Apple did would be equivalent to ditching the whole Win9x & WiNT kernel and starting anew based on a UNIX-based or UNIX-like kernel or write Windows from scratch. This would simply mean almost all backward compatibility for both hardware & software would have to be sacrificed. This will never ever fly with Microsoft's shareholders because it would remove the dependency of most people to Windows, Office & other apps.

I really doubt Vista will ever be as secure or as stable as OS X. Then again most people are willing to compromise so long as they have the freedom to buy the cheapest & largest selection of hardware/software around. Sure you could use Linux/BSD but they aint as robust as OS X or even Windows in terms of GUI.

Microsoft has always been a follower.
Microsoft creates their own GUI-based OS after Apple proves the popularity of GUI-based OS.
Microsoft creates their own web browser after Netscape proves the popularity of web browsers.
Microsoft creates their own video console after Nintendo/Sony proves the profitability of video consoles.
Microsoft creates a PDA OS after Palm proves the popularity of PDAs.
Microsoft creates their own digital media player software after Apple proves the popularity of digital media player.
Microsoft creates digital music store infrastructures after Apple proves the profitability of their iTunes Music Store.
Microsoft creates a new OS that takes advantage of 3D accelerators found in most PCs after Apple creates a OS that takes advantage of the 3D accelerators found in all Macs.

Having a monopoly means innovation & prices remain stagnant. Thanks largely to Microsoft, Apple had to make a better product. In Apple's point of view it is them vs the World. At one end they have Microsoft to contend with in the other they have to deal with Dell/Lenovo/Toshiba/HP/white box clones. The cost of Microsoft's monopoly on all of us...

Microsoft has a lot of employees using iPods which management frowns upon. No outright bans yet but just wait.

If by "not having a lot of programs" you mean no more virii, worms, malware, adware, spyware, etc then by golly I am glad Macs have fewer apps. Windows can have all that crud. Yes I will pay more than $149 for a half-assed video card or processor just to play games while buying a PS2/Xbox/GCN would be a much better alternative.

Perhaps if the OS didn't have as much badly written ancient code to contend with it wouldn't be such an easy target. The most popular & secure web server at the moment is Apache and yet Microsoft Internet Information Services is more prone to security holes. Being popular isnt always a bad thing so long as your priority is security and stability insted of marketability.

OS X doesnt require those two simple pieces of software. That's why Symantec's publishing FUD to get sales up.

It may be cheaper to assemble your own PC if you value your time as zero. People who buy Macs are willing to pay the $100-200 markup over their Windows counterpart for a simple and elegant solution. It is true Intel chips are more powerful & energy efficient than those used by current Macs now but Apple's making the jump to Intel for the next 2 years. The problem with current PCs is that they're using Windows. The hardware isn't rubbish but the OS is.

Anyone can build a riced up Mitsu Evo to kill a Ferrari but at the end of the day you still own a riced up car and the other fellow is driving a Ferrari.

OS X is actually based on OPENSTEP OS. Which in turn is based on the Mach microkernel. Which in turn is based on BSD. OS X has some tools/parts of FreeBSD.

More and more companies are using Macs within their orgs. Granted Macs may be less prone to exploits because they arent popular but no software's perfect. Even Linux/BSD tend to have the occasional holes. The difference between Linux/BSD/OS X and Windows is that solutions/patches to these holes are offered within hours or even days after its discovery instead of weeks or months. Maybe because it helps they're open source (OS X's Darwin is open source) or maybe they have less apps to contend with and avoid breaking. But then again if being obscure makes computing less of a hassle then so be it. I'd rather be in the fringe, not enjoying computer games and not having the option to easily upgrade on the fly but at least I have a personal computer that actually works.

At the end of the day all our arguements are for not if the platform cannot do what makes you happy. If spending hundreds of dollars in upgrades to play games gets you off then Windows is your OS. Then again I find it funny that someone would bad mouth the company & OS that they're supporting.

RC45 07-26-2005 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by evoWALO
To a lot of people having to buy Apple hardware isnt such an issue anymore. Sure there are some who must be able to upgrade to the latest processor, motherboard, memory, hard disc drive, optical drive, video card, sound card, etc after each release but that isnt Apple's market. Apple sells products & solutions to those who do not mind paying a premium for a stable & secure platform that looks aesthetically good. It may not have many games but that's what video consoles are made for.

Wrong - it is over priced and marketed to the same demographic that "has to have the cool new phone".

Folks who live on a budget and have less disposable income (mainly more people than not) find Apple expensive to buy, maintain and live with.

THAT's why sales are low. Sale have been low since the beginning - prices have been high since the beginning. Apple not allowing cloned hardware killed it. No volume sales - no volume prices, no volume market.

This was the land scape in 1990 - that is the landscape in 2005.


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft duplicating what Apple did would be equivalent to ditching the whole Win9x & WiNT kernel and starting anew based on a UNIX-based or UNIX-like kernel or write Windows from scratch. This would simply mean almost all backward compatibility for both hardware & software would have to be sacrificed. This will never ever fly with Microsoft's shareholders because it would remove the dependency of most people to Windows, Office & other apps.

Well - Apple just did this - they weren't always a Unix clone.


Originally Posted by evoWALO
I really doubt Vista will ever be as secure or as stable as OS X. Then again most people are willing to compromise so long as they have the freedom to buy the cheapest & largest selection of hardware/software around. Sure you could use Linux/BSD but they aint as robust as OS X or even Windows in terms of GUI.

Damn straight - A PC is not a status symbol as some folks view their cell phones, Ipods and other stupid hip crap.

You do business, home entertainment or school work. We get back to budget again - if you come from a family that is able to afford Apples for their kids - more power to them - No doubt those parents buy their kids a $25,000 graduation car as well.

For them cost is no issue - this will never change. Pandering to these hip consumers will never Apple any real money either.


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft has always been a follower.
Microsoft creates their own GUI-based OS after Apple proves the popularity of GUI-based OS.

Considering the GUI wasn't Apples idea either - who cares.


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft creates their own web browser after Netscape proves the popularity of web browsers.

Well - they licensed a browser to compete with Mosaic/Netscrape - but who cares... again - just because you are first, does not guarantee commercial success :)


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft creates their own video console after Nintendo/Sony proves the profitability of video consoles.

Again - who cares? I mean Porsche made an SUV - after Ford did... that makes Porsche losers? ;)


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft creates a PDA OS after Palm proves the popularity of PDAs.

And competing products are now illegal?


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft creates their own digital media player software after Apple proves the popularity of digital media player.

Well - we can't let Apple be a monopoly now :)

Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft creates digital music store infrastructures after Apple proves the profitability of their iTunes Music Store.



Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft creates a new OS that takes advantage of 3D accelerators found in most PCs after Apple creates a OS that takes advantage of the 3D accelerators found in all Macs.

Thankfully M$ haven't sold baby puke green colour PC's and accessories to go with the internals :)

Let's not forget Gates bailed Apple out - when he could have just let them wither up and die :)


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Having a monopoly means innovation & prices remain stagnant. Thanks largely to Microsoft, Apple had to make a better product. In Apple's point of view it is them vs the World.

That is Steve Job 's personality showing through. Apple is no better than M$ - they simply took a closed proprietary approach.

In the real world commercially deployed Apple's sucked - they were slow, prone to crashing and really no better than a Windows system of the time.

The few "high end" Graphics or Video workstations are not the mainstream of what Apple sold to stay in business. For every video editing setup they sold, they sold 10,000's of crappy entry level pieces of junk. They were costly and mostly just bought because the school, municipality or government office was obligated to try the "other vendor" once in a while.


Originally Posted by evoWALO
At one end they have Microsoft to contend with in the other they have to deal with Dell/Lenovo/Toshiba/HP/white box clones.

That is APples fault - 30 years ago Gates figured out that once IBM let the clones out of the bag, SOFTWARE was where the money wa, not HARDWARE ;) -- Apple is a bad business model propped up by brainwashed fans :P


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Microsoft has a lot of employees using iPods which management frowns upon. No outright bans yet but just wait.

Ford line worker drives Chevy... :P


Originally Posted by evoWALO
If by "not having a lot of programs" you mean no more virii, worms, malware, adware, spyware, etc then by golly I am glad Macs have fewer apps. Windows can have all that crud. Yes I will pay more than $149 for a half-assed video card or processor just to play games while buying a PS2/Xbox/GCN would be a much better alternative.

Perhaps if the OS didn't have as much badly written ancient code to contend with it wouldn't be such an easy target. The most popular & secure web server at the moment is Apache and yet Microsoft Internet Information Services is more prone to security holes. Being popular isnt always a bad thing so long as your priority is security and stability insted of marketability.

OS X doesnt require those two simple pieces of software. That's why Symantec's publishing FUD to get sales up.

It may be cheaper to assemble your own PC if you value your time as zero. People who buy Macs are willing to pay the $100-200 markup over their Windows counterpart for a simple and elegant solution. It is true Intel chips are more powerful & energy efficient than those used by current Macs now but Apple's making the jump to Intel for the next 2 years. The problem with current PCs is that they're using Windows. The hardware isn't rubbish but the OS is.

Anyone can build a riced up Mitsu Evo to kill a Ferrari but at the end of the day you still own a riced up car and the other fellow is driving a Ferrari.

OS X is actually based on OPENSTEP OS. Which in turn is based on the Mach microkernel. Which in turn is based on BSD. OS X has some tools/parts of FreeBSD.

More and more companies are using Macs within their orgs. Granted Macs may be less prone to exploits because they arent popular but no software's perfect. Even Linux/BSD tend to have the occasional holes. The difference between Linux/BSD/OS X and Windows is that solutions/patches to these holes are offered within hours or even days after its discovery instead of weeks or months. Maybe because it helps they're open source (OS X's Darwin is open source) or maybe they have less apps to contend with and avoid breaking. But then again if being obscure makes computing less of a hassle then so be it. I'd rather be in the fringe, not enjoying computer games and not having the option to easily upgrade on the fly but at least I have a personal computer that actually works.

At the end of the day all our arguements are for not if the platform cannot do what makes you happy. If spending hundreds of dollars in upgrades to play games gets you off then Windows is your OS. Then again I find it funny that someone would bad mouth the company & OS that they're supporting.

Whew - too much there ;)

Apples cost way more than $200 more than PC equals. Having fewer applications is a big deal - especially when you want to have a large choice.

Malware, virii and spyware are a byproduct of user habit - not a weakness of the OS.

7 computers at home, seldom any issues - we make a habit of not surfing porn sites, warez sites and such.

A Mac is not a "ferrari" of Personal Computers - unless you imply that ferraris are just hip fashion accessories?

You make money supporting M$ because that is where the money is to be made - commercial success is all that counts - these are computers not religions. :P

Remember all those car brands that failed over the years? Neither does anyone else.. :P

That being said, I hate Apple almost as much as the E60 M5... ;)

pharzo 07-26-2005 03:00 PM

Exactly what he said^^^


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Apple itself was not actively involved until mid-2005, when it joined the market on three fronts: as a source of "podcatcher" software, as publisher of a podcast directory, and as provider of tutorials on how to create podcasts with Apple products GarageBand and Quicktime Pro.

Ergo they were the first mainstream software maker to give a hoot over podcasts.

Yeah, or the first to quickly associate themselves with the movement and continue to market themselves as "cool" and "hip" and "trendy"


Originally Posted by evoWALO
At the end of the day all our arguements are for not if the platform cannot do what makes you happy. If spending hundreds of dollars in upgrades to play games gets you off then Windows is your OS.

Yeah and if buying a computer purely for the purpose of a fashion accessory gets you off get a Mac

And the plural of virus, is viruses, not virii :P

evoWalo 07-26-2005 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
Wrong - it is over priced and marketed to the same demographic that "has to have the cool new phone".

Partly I have to agree with you but not everyone's like that. You could say the same thing about ACER's Ferrari laptop or Sony's VAIOs which also caters to the "has to have the cool new phone"

Folks who live on a budget and have less disposable income (mainly more people than not) find Apple expensive to buy, maintain and live with.

THAT's why sales are low. Sale have been low since the beginning - prices have been high since the beginning. Apple not allowing cloned hardware killed it. No volume sales - no volume prices, no volume market.

This was the land scape in 1990 - that is the landscape in 2005.

Well - Apple just did this - they weren't always a Unix clone.
So why cant Microsoft do that? Apple made the transition from OS9 to OS X because it'll be the long-term OS for the next two decades.

Originally Posted by evoWALO
Damn straight - A PC is not a status symbol as some folks view their cell phones, Ipods and other stupid hip crap.

Glad we agree Windows will never be as good as OS X though I have a feeling in a few years time we will see OS X run on white boxes.


You do business, home entertainment or school work. We get back to budget again - if you come from a family that is able to afford Apples for their kids - more power to them - No doubt those parents buy their kids a $25,000 graduation car as well.

For them cost is no issue - this will never change. Pandering to these hip consumers will never Apple any real money either.
It's just a $100-200 premium. And that premium could be attributed to bundled software. I went canvassing for the cheapest DOS/Linux laptop this week and found that the cheapest ones off the shelf (Dell ditched us for some odd reason) equates to $700. Factor in the Windows XP Pro license and it is already touching the cheapest Apple laptop. OK I also found a $900 HP laptop (cheapest one with a license). It is a huge leap to say only rich people can afford Apple computers when the difference is just $100.


Considering the GUI wasn't Apples idea either - who cares.
It does matter. Would Microsoft make Windows if GUI-based OS werent popular? They'd probably sit tight and wait for some other company to blaze the trail for them. It does make sense though as it is cheaper.

Well - they licensed a browser to compete with Mosaic/Netscrape - but who cares... again - just because you are first, does not guarantee commercial success :)
My point is Microsoft never went on a limb and created something originally successful. They always had to wait for someone to get the ball rolling before making chase. I remember Bill Gates dishing the Internet as just a "fad" but after Netscape started to appear to be a threat to Microsoft's OS monopoly they did a 180 and went after em. It really hurt Netscape that Microsoft bundled/integrated IE into Windows but then again the world is better for it in a weird way. It allowed more people access to the Net as they need not pay for a web browser. Though it did have a bad side effect of allowing exploits left and right. Netscape's death spawned Mozilla and the browser I use, Firefox.


Again - who cares? I mean Porsche made an SUV - after Ford did... that makes Porsche losers? ;)
It made Porsche copycats. Nothing bad about it but... no originality but seeming it is Porsche how can you expect much originality? They've essentially sold 1 type of car for the past few decades. Only recently did they make variations.

Originally Posted by evoWALO
And competing products are now illegal?

Whoever said competing products are illegal?


Well - we can't let Apple be a monopoly now :)
Indeed Microsoft should create more value for their shareholders.


Originally Posted by evoWALO
Thankfully M$ haven't sold baby puke green colour PC's and accessories to go with the internals :)

Let's not forget Gates bailed Apple out - when he could have just let them wither up and die :)

They did sell a slime green gaming console to video gaming masses. ;) Then again they did create Microsoft Bob and Clippy and that mutt that moves about whenever I try to search for something.

Do you mean this? Microsoft always pay there way out of problems.

The company was struggling financially under then-CEO Gil Amelio when on August 6, 1997 Microsoft bought a $150 million non-voting share of the company as a result of a court settlement with Apple (Microsoft has since sold all Apple stock holdings).


Originally Posted by evoWALO
That is Steve Job 's personality showing through. Apple is no better than M$ - they simply took a closed proprietary approach.

In the real world commercially deployed Apple's sucked - they were slow, prone to crashing and really no better than a Windows system of the time.

The few "high end" Graphics or Video workstations are not the mainstream of what Apple sold to stay in business. For every video editing setup they sold, they sold 10,000's of crappy entry level pieces of junk. They were costly and mostly just bought because the school, municipality or government office was obligated to try the "other vendor" once in a while.

Apple is the lesser of the two evils. Thing thing was at the time (before Steve leaving) they had the most advanced OS out there. They had the most advance apps out there. Even if they were crappy Windows/DOS/Amiga/etc was far worse. Also what a very odd govt for trying other vendors once in awhile.

That is APples fault - 30 years ago Gates figured out that once IBM let the clones out of the bag, SOFTWARE was where the money wa, not HARDWARE ;) -- Apple is a bad business model propped up by brainwashed fans :P
And what an ever growing cult they are today. ;)


Ford line worker drives Chevy... :P
Werent non-Ford vehicles being towed away from the Ford parking lot? Or was that Chevy having Ford vehicles being towed off the parking lot?


Whew - too much there ;)

Apples cost way more than $200 more than PC equals. Having fewer applications is a big deal - especially when you want to have a large choice.

Malware, virii and spyware are a byproduct of user habit - not a weakness of the OS.

7 computers at home, seldom any issues - we make a habit of not surfing porn sites, warez sites and such.

A Mac is not a "ferrari" of Personal Computers - unless you imply that ferraris are just hip fashion accessories?

You make money supporting M$ because that is where the money is to be made - commercial success is all that counts - these are computers not religions. :P

Remember all those car brands that failed over the years? Neither does anyone else.. :P

That being said, I hate Apple almost as much as the E60 M5... ;)
Pls create a brand name PC (no white boxes pls) with identical specs in both hardware & software bundle so we can do a sort off apple to apple-shapped orange comparison. Cheapest PC I could configure (white box clone) equates to $300 sans any software license.

Having a lot of crappy apps is far worse than having far fewer quality apps. Quality over quantity. After Microsoft weakened all competition who else could challenge Windows, Office, IE or Outlook? I'm surprised Microsoft hasnt created a software suite to challenge Adobe's monopoly.

An OS that allows malware/etc easy entry/installation onto the OS is a weakness of the OS.

Browsing alone doesnt cause malware to appear. Popular P2P apps install malware. Using an unpatched browser brings malware.

I have a habit on visiting JW's compilation of porn sites and checking out warez sites and never had a problem. OK I do admit to having some problems playing certain WMA files. Microsoft's WMP doesnt work properly for some odd reason.

You're right Macs arent the Ferrari of Personal Computers. Acers are the Ferrari of Personal Computers. ;) Macs are just stable & secure computers that have a 100-200$ premium for aesthetics. Some people are happy to pay for their cars at employee prices while others are willing to pay full price for a reliable Honda.

Every MSCE and PC shop can make money because they can offer products and services to correct Windows' shortcomings. Most of the vocational school and college tech grads depend on a faulty software supplied by Microsoft. If a computer works too well what is a sysadmin to do? Also no one has ever been fired for suggesting Microsoft. :)

Apple has been 'beleaguered', 'slowly fading into nothingness', 'declining', 'sinking', 'miniscule' for the past 3 or so decades but they're still here and still chugging along creating technologies Microsoft could easily integrate into Vista.

Anyway Dubya loves his iPod. Does that make him part of the "has to have the cool new phone" crowd? :D

evoWalo 07-26-2005 04:17 PM

No offense but RC45 better ideas than you previously posted.


Originally Posted by pharzo
Exactly what he said^^^


Yeah, or the first to quickly associate themselves with the movement and continue to market themselves as "cool" and "hip" and "trendy"
And naming Windows "VISTA" isn't? Naming Xbox 360 isn't? Having the 360 designed by 3 design house isn't? Having the 360 designed as if it was "inhailing" isn't? Having the 360 ape Apple's iPod design philosophy isn't? 360's head person is named "J". Now that's a trendy name. Who doesnt want to be with the cool/hip/trendy girl? I sure dont want an ugly girlfriend or wife. Apple is just capitalizing on the podcast craze. They're trying to make money the same way MS is insisting people call it blogcast and in turn trying to make money as well. If Apple smells profit Microsoft follows. Heck these are the guys who were able to sell grains of sand that controls 1s and 0s to Jeremy Clarkson.


Yeah and if buying a computer purely for the purpose of a fashion accessory gets you off get a Mac
Yes millions of people are carrying their iMacs/eMacs/Mac Minis/PowerMacs/XServes and showing them off like some expensive watch. :) People buy Corvettes because they dont look good. They buy it purely for the performance.


And the plural of virus, is viruses, not virii :P
Wrong again

pharzo 07-26-2005 04:34 PM

ok first off


Some people think that the viri and virii forms are incorrect, since these forms violate the rules of constructing plurals in Latin and are not given as correct plurals by English dictionaries, including specialized dictionaries. This represents a prescriptive view of linguistics. Others, who have a descriptive point of view, think that these forms are acceptable alternatives because they are used with some frequency.
That's what it says on wikipedia. Some people think it's acceptable because it's used with frequency...sorry that doesn't make it correct.

Just because some people use it means nothing. Pick up a dictionary and look it up


No offense but RC45 better ideas than you previously posted.
He responded to your long post before i read it, so i didn't want to just re-iterate his points and respond again


And naming Windows "VISTA" isn't? Naming Xbox 360 isn't? Having the 360 designed by 3 design house isn't? Having the 360 designed as if it was "inhailing" isn't? Having the 360 ape Apple's iPod design philosophy isn't? 360's head person is named "J". Now that's a trendy name. Who doesnt want to be with the cool/hip/trendy girl? I sure dont want an ugly girlfriend or wife. Apple is just capitalizing on the podcast craze. They're trying to make money the same way MS is insisting people call it blogcast and in turn trying to make money as well. If Apple smells profit Microsoft follows. Heck these are the guys who were able to sell grains of sand that controls 1s and 0s to Jeremy Clarkson.
Dude you can't just change your argument like that

you said

Ergo they were the first mainstream software maker to give a hoot over podcasts.
and i explained to you why they did. What microsoft does has no bearing on the matter...personally i don't mind that gaming consoles have a once over by some designer, as they need to fit into a living room...computers don't

And MS is not "insisting" anyone call it blogcasting except for their own employees. And they're not trying to make money off of it either.


Yes millions of people are carrying their iMacs/eMacs/Mac Minis/PowerMacs/XServes and showing them off like some expensive watch. People buy Corvettes because they dont look good. They buy it purely for the performance.
Yeah ipods have become fashion accessories...which is why so many people fail to switch earphones to superior ones and wear the white ones...because its a fashion thing

So has all the other stuff you mentioned...people don't buy it to carry it around, but they it so it fits in with their other "hip, cool, and trendy" furniture and sparcely furnished studio apartment.


People buy Corvettes because they dont look good.

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