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corpse_grinder0 10-09-2005 02:30 PM

the crash that never ended.
can someone tell me whats going on here?!

gucom 10-09-2005 02:36 PM

:? thats pretty bad...lots of bikes got fucked up, hope the ppl riding htem are ok...some kind of explanation would indeed b nice :|

RC45 10-09-2005 03:07 PM

A large number of low skilled riders travelling to close together and too fast for conditions.

The fact that a number of pictures show people with locked up and smoking rear tyres indicates amatuer hour.

The fact that the first group came over the bridge spaced out and probably running at 100km or so... then they bunched up - maybe someone fell, then the rest crested the bridge and the concertina affect took hold.

Wheels locking up, too fast and then like a huge setup of skittles.

Riding in a large group is a rather complex exercise - and without ride rules of stagger and spacing to leave room for slowing - what you see is what happens.

Where are the ride captains and lieutenants?

The sub-group captians signalling to slow down - way up stream.

Universal bike-speak to slow down is a raised hand.. we see no raised hands.

Bunch of stupid fuckers.

All of them.

Minacious 10-09-2005 03:17 PM

Can't say it any better than RC did. Clearly a case of low rider skill and no orginization.

exhausted mules 10-09-2005 04:22 PM

apperently rider awareness was NOT a requisite for that ride.

Yablokov 10-09-2005 05:00 PM

lol dam russians.

the signs were in russian.

i dun tink russians got any of that sort of stratagy, they juz go n ride....till somefing like that happens -.-

gobs3z 10-09-2005 08:11 PM

I can not comprehend why or how people can run into something that is clearly not moving. If an object is coming closer at the same rate of speed as it was 2 seconds ago, with common sense you should be prepared to stop. Where's the depth perception. I have a feeling if you put a wall in front of these people, every last one of them would be in it. What would happen if there was traffic? This is so retarded i'm pissed off. haha. Dumbasses!!!!

ZfrkS62 10-09-2005 08:22 PM

all the rubbernecking in traffic going the other way is going to cause a fucking pile up too :roll: that didn't look like anyone came away too well from the wreck :?

BADMIHAI 10-23-2005 07:19 PM

They were just applying Red Army tactics. Good thing they weren't using T89s. :mrgreen:

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